The preferred minimum width for primary accessible routes is 1830 mm (72 in.). 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces 4.1.3 Protruding and Overhead Objects 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.1.5 Entrances 4.1.6 Doors 4.1.9 Ramps 4.1.11 Stairs 4.1.12 Handrails, 4.3.3 Elevated Platforms 4.3.11 Roof-top Patios, Balconies, Porches, Terraces And Patios 4.3.15 Benches 4.3.16 Public Use Eating Areas, 4.4.7 Signage 4.4.8 Detectable Warning Surfaces 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, 4.5.3 Swimming Pools, Therapeutic Pools/Public Spas and Spray Pads. Code of Ordinances Property Information Building Code Unified Development Ordinance Aurora Municipal Code The city of Aurora completed a project to overhaul the zoning code. The centre line of hall call buttons shall be 920 25 mm (36 1 in.) At least one toilet stall within each non-accessible washroom shall be designated as an ambulatory toilet stall and shall comply with the ambulatory stall requirements of this section. Where provided, a drop-down grab bar shall: be mounted on the wall behind the water closet, with the horizontal component 750 mm (29-1/2 in.) 1b. The sweep period of door closers shall be adjusted so that, from an open position of 90 degrees, the door will take not less than 3 seconds to move to a semi-closed position of approximately 12 degrees. comply with the requirements of the Ontario Building Code; have a minimum height of 1070 mm (42-1/8 in.) 200 lux. from the floor on an adjustable mounting surface; be mounted adjacent to the door and free of the door swing; and, are mounted on a clearly differentiated coloured background; and. ); incorporate faucets and other controls in compliance with, have water supply and drain pipes under the sink insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact; and. Operable portion: A part of a piece of equipment or appliance used to insert or withdraw objects, or to activate, deactivate, or adjust the equipment or appliance (for example, coin slot, push button, handle). at least 810 mm (32 in.) Exception: Where the call buttons are mechanical, the raised markings may be on the buttons. audio or digital applications. for each device; be located on the same level and as close as practicable to the designated seating spaces. and a maximum of 400 mm (15-3/4 in.) Fixtures, fittings, furniture and equipment specified for laboratories, shall be flexible for use by persons with disabilities. This standard recognizes the concept of equivalent facilitation as a means to encourage new and innovative design ideas and solutions. it should not be installed where water level exceeds 1220 mm (48 in.) When are my taxes due? 22 N (4.6 lb.) wide, located adjoining. 3b. Primary considerations for accommodating persons who have mobility impairments include, Therapeutic pools are generally smaller, shallower pools that include a, Increased ability and length of time for exercise; and. Designated areas for snow piling shall be provided at pedestrian routes. June 23 2023 Last day of school year for students. and should be flush. Black lettering on white is also acceptable, although less readable than the reverse. of the length extending under the counter or work surface where a forward approach is used. Use different modes (pictorial, verbal, tactile) for redundant presentation of essential information. Secondary circulation routes no less than 920 mm (36 in.) Mayor and Council; Permits, Licenses & Forms; Staff Directory; Ordinances and Resolutions; Reports In the same respect, there may be individuals who have difficulty bending who would require a higher fountain. At least two collapsible coat hooks shall be mounted no higher than 1200 mm (47 in.) Visual elements shall be a minimum of 60 mm (2-3/8 in.) ); be free of any sharp or abrasive elements; have continuous gripping surfaces, without interruption by newel posts, other construction elements, or obstructions that can break a handhold; at least 60 mm (2-3/8 in.) For existing structures and surface parking lots undergoing renovations/alterations, standards should be employed to the greatest extent possible. In a retrofit situation where it is. runners used in bad weather) should be level with the floor surface and/or have a gently bevelled edge, so as not to create a tripping hazard. above the finished floor or ground surface; have a level, firm ground surface extending min. have a height of 405 - 485 mm (16 - 19 in.) from the floor shall be provided where the headroom of an area adjoining an accessible route is reduced to less than 2100 mm (82-3/4 in.). Garbage containers shall be emptied regularly to avoid the accumulation of extraneous garbage around the containers and the likelihood of bees/insects accumulating during warmer weather. Markings shall be a minimum of 16 mm (5/8 in.) 2000 mm (78-3/4 in.) Handrail: A component which is normally grasped by hand for support at stairways and other places where needed for the safety of pedestrians. Learn about the Aurora Cultural Precinct. Non-compliance issues will be documented in the project file. On an accessible route; Cane detectable at or below 680 mm (26-3/4 in. Area of rescue assistance: An area which has direct access to an exit, where people who are unable to use stairs may remain temporarily in safety to await further instructions or assistance during emergency evacuation. Characters and symbols shall have high tonal contrast with their background; either light characters on a dark background or dark characters on a light background. Where the listening system provided serves individual fixed seats, such seats shall be located within a 15 m (50-ft.) viewing distance of the stage or playing area and shall have a complete view of the stage or playing area. between the outside face of the accessible stall and any wall-mounted fixture or obstruction, with a preferred clearance of 1525 mm (60 in.). and 920 mm (36 in.) In this small and friendly community, you will find the 14 acre City Park with pavilions for hosting family gatherings, play ground equipment, walking trail, tractor & truck pulling track and historical sites. long mounted between 400 - 500 mm (15-3/4 - 19-5/8 in.) Figure Accessible Telephone for Persons who use Wheelchairs or Scooters and Accessible Telephone for Persons who are Deaf, Deafened, Hard of Hearing, or Speech-Impaired. Code of Ordinances Signage: Displayed verbal, symbolic, tactile and pictorial information. in height and counters are for use by customers seated on stools or standing at the counter, a minimum of 1525 mm (60 in.) An object protruding from a wall above the detection range of a cane is dangerous for persons with vision loss/no vision or a pedestrian distracted by a conversation. 13 (1/2) Interior: Any carpeting low-level loop; Hard surfaces non-slip, non-glare and accessible; Joins max. whose largest cross-sectional dimension is not more than 45 mm (1-3/4 in. 1a. Z 7$ 8$ H$ ^Z `gdF gdF 7$ 8$ H$ gdF 87$ 8$ H$ ^8`gdF $a$gdM $ ^ a$gdM % gd$a $a$gdykq $a$gdykq S \ * 7 8 yhhVyyIy hk hF OJ QJ ^J #hk hF CJ OJ QJ ]^J aJ hk h^ CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ &hk hF 6CJ OJ QJ ]^J aJ hk hF CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ #hk hF CJ OJ QJ \^J aJ &hk hF >*CJ OJ QJ \^J aJ &hk hF 5CJ OJ QJ \^J aJ hk hM 5OJ QJ ^J hk hM OJ QJ ^J hk hHF OJ QJ ^J , ; l w x | _ ` q r @ V $ 2 xhx[[JJ[x hk h 2 CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ hk hF OJ QJ ^J hk hF 5OJ QJ \^J &hk hF 6CJ OJ QJ ]^J aJ hk hNrV CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ hk CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ hk h CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ &hk hF 5CJ OJ QJ \^J aJ hk hF CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ hfN CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ hk h%? Where manually-activated power door operators are provided they shall. In addition to the design requirements specified in 4.1 to 4.4, daycare centres and daycare, The entry vestibules shall be large enough to accommodate a triple stroller and a person, in addition to the free, Kitchens/kitchenettes or Food preparation areas shall comply with, Cubbies and Coat storage areas shall comply with, If a lockable mail box is provided it shall comply with, If a separate dedicated child or infant sleeping room is provided it shall comply with, Adjacencies for rooms shall have the entry and community lobby with access to a universal washroom, the main circulation corridor, an elevator (if on more than one level), a stroller storage area and access to the outdoor play space door. 299 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING FINES FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF AURORA, SOUTH DAKOTA. Controls placed high on a wall are also difficult for children or persons of short stature. Town of Aurora Accessibility Design Standards, June is Recreation & Parks Month - Town of Aurora, Garbage Recycling and Composting - Town of Aurora, Recreation, Arts and Culture - Town of Aurora. Where surface-mounted fluorescent ceiling fixtures are mounted below 2440 mm (96 in. be provided with a D-type contrasting-coloured door pull at least 140 mm (5-1/2 in.) from the centre line of the toilet; and. 1200 (47); Hardware touch latch or U-shaped pulls. Operating hardware to be accessible. Information systems, such as display kiosks, video display terminals, parks and recreational trails mapping, and interpretive/informational panels shall comply with this section. Aurora is a vibrant, family-friendly community with awesome events for residents and visitors to enjoy. 345 (13-1/2) deep; Forward approach clear floor space 810 x 1370 (32 x 54) in front; Privacy screens; Grab bars; Flush controls; Number of accessible urinals. I have utilized this Checklist as a design aid in conjunction with the Town of Aurora Accessibility Design Standards throughout the design phase of this project, or during a Facility Assessment of an existing building. at least 2440 mm (96 in.) In places of assembly occupancy with fixed seating, Spaces for the storage of wheelchairs and other, minimum 1525 mm (60 in.) How do I schedule an item on the commission agenda? Appropriate size and space are provided for approach, reach, manipulation, and use, regardless of users body size, posture, or mobility. ORDINANCES Complete Zoning Ordinance Complete Subdivision Ordinance (rev.2007) Article 1 - Short Title and Application Article 2 - Definitions Article 3 - Establishment of Districts Article 4 - Non-conforming uses and Lots of Record Chapter 5.17 - Medical Cannabis Dispensaries Chapter 6.01 - GENERAL Chapter 6.02 - ZONING OFFICIAL 300 lux; Emergency lighting min. If fixed or built-in storage facilities, such as cabinets, closets, shelves and drawers, are provided in, Shelves or display units allowing self-service by customers in mercantile occupancies shall be located on an, Where coat hooks are provided, they shall all be collapsible coat hooks, mounted no higher than 1200 mm (47 in.) 2On an accessible route; Provided within 30m of accessible entrance; Provide accessible garbage can and identification signage. wide by 480 mm (19 in.) We are grateful to them for sharing their lands with us. Seats with removable armrests (. Adequate manoeuvring, The use of colour contrast between kitchen. and not less than 125 mm (4-7/8 in.) State Law Door hardware on all doors throughout a facility (not only those deemed accessible), shall comply with the door hardware requirements of this section. have the top surface of a section of shelf or counter serving at least 1 telephone shall be 775 mm (31 in.) All elevator hoist way entrances shall have raised Arabic numerals and Braille floor designations provided on both jambs. from the adjacent clear floor area, with the lower end between 600 - 650 mm (23-5/8 and 25-1/2 in.) 1100 (43-1/4) access aisles to and around accessible tables; Dining areas to be accessible; access aisles. Aurora is a vibrant, family-friendly community with awesome events for residents and visitors to enjoy. Where signs are required to be tactile, letters and numerals shall be. Ramp: A walking surface which has a running slope greater than 1:20 (5%). meeting rooms), hallways, lobbies and other common use areas; Spacing max. above the finished floor and 390 - 410 mm (15-3/8 - 16-1/8 in.) When designing the interior the following building characteristic elements (where provided) must be reviewed for compliance with the standard (in addition to the general characteristics listed on the above). Benches should be placed adjacent to pedestrian, All benches, except those located in unpaved areas of parks, wilderness, beach or unpaved picnic areas, shall be. is at least 810 mm (32 in.) (See Running slope), Crosswalk: a) That part of a highway at an intersection that is included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalk on opposite sides of the highway measured from the curbs or, in the absence of curbs, from the edges of the roadway; or b) Any portion of a roadway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by signs or by lines or other markings on the surface. The operating mechanisms should also be at an appropriate height and operable by individuals with restrictions in hand dexterity (ie. ), flush from the open edge of the platform. Aurora Metro Districts Map. The provision of additional electrical outlets throughout training and teaching, Fixtures, fittings, furniture and equipment specified for training/teaching. of a public spa. This standard more accurately reflects the vast array of equipment that is used by individuals to access and use. Facility or Facilities: All or any portion of buildings, structures, site improvements, complexes, equipment, roads, walkways, passageways, parks, parking lots or other real or personal property located on a site. Where turnstiles or other ticketing control devices are utilized which are not accessible, a gate or opening which is accessible shall be provided in the same location and shall incorporate the International Symbol of Access for Persons with Disabilities. All relevant parts of Sections 4.1. Note that a multi-use trail is one type of recreational trail and must adhere to all recreational trail requirements in addition to those specific to multi-use trails. include raised numerals or letters in a constant array. Grab bars shall comply with this section. (Refer also to definition of Multi-Use Trail), Running slope: The slope that is parallel to the direction of travel. for sliding or folding doors. Toilet stall partitions and doors shall be colour-contrasted with the surrounding environment. Hall or in-car lanterns shall be provided. Where an interior public pay telephone is provided, then at least one interior public, Where an interior public pay telephone is provided in the secured area of a detention or correctional, Telephones, enclosures and related equipment shall comply with. be equipped with a vertical grab bar on each end wall that. The Facilities and Code Review & Inspection division of the Town of Aurora shall review and/or update this standard as necessary, to reflect technological advancement and new construction practices, as well as changes to the barrier-free design requirements of various codes and standards such as the Ontario Building Code (OBC), Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), and the CSA Standard B651 - Accessible Design for the Built Environment. ), or be automatically operable; be mounted with the spout between 760 mm (30 in.) and not more than 1000 mm (39-3/8 in.) Where hard, monolithic materials are selected, they shall be non-slip and non-glare, complying with. Upcoming Events. ), 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces 4.1.6 Doors 4.1.12 Handrails 4.1.14 Platform Lifts 4.4.2 Controls and Operating Mechanisms 4.4.7 Signage 4.4.9 Public Address Systems 4.4.11 Card Access, Safety and Security Systems 4.4.12 Glare and Light Sources 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, Figure Inclined Platform Stair-Lift, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces 4.1.6 Doors 4.1.12 Handrails 4.1.13 Elevators 4.4.2 Controls and Operating Mechanisms 4.4.7 Signage 4.4.9 Public Address Systems 4.4.11 Card Access, Safety and Security Systems 4.4.12 Glare and Light Sources 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces 4.1.3 Protruding and Overhead Objects 4.1.6 Doors 4.2.2 Toilet Stalls 4.2.3 Toilets 4.2.4 Lavatories 4.2.5 Urinals 4.2.6 Washroom Accessories 4.2.7 Universal Washrooms 4.2.8 Showers 4.2.9 Grab Bars 4.4.2 Controls and Operating Mechanisms 4.4.7 Signage 4.4.12 Glare and Light Sources 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, Figure Accessible Toilet Stall with In-Swinging Door, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.3 Protruding and Overhead Objects 4.1.6 Doors 4.2.3 Toilets 4.2.6 Washroom Accessories 4.2.9 Grab Bars 4.4.2 Controls and Operating Mechanisms 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.2.2 Toilet Stalls 4.2.9 Grab Bars 4.4.2 Controls and Operating Mechanisms 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.4.2 Controls and Operating Mechanisms 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.3 Protruding and Overhead Objects 4.4.2 Controls and Operating Mechanisms 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces 4.1.3 Protruding and Overhead Objects 4.1.6 Doors 4.2.3 Toilets 4.2.4 Lavatories 4.2.5 Urinals 4.2.6 Washroom Accessories 4.2.9 Grab Bars 4.4.2 Controls and Operating Mechanisms 4.4.7 Signage 4.4.11 Card Access, Safety and Security Systems 4.4.12 Glare and Light Sources 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, Figure Plan View of Accessible Shower, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.2.6 Washroom Accessories 4.2.9 Grab Bars 4.4.2 Controls and Operating Mechanisms 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.2.3 Toilets 4.2.5 Urinals 4.2.7 Universal Washrooms 4.2.8 Showers 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces 4.1.3 Protruding and Overhead Objects 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, Figure Sight Lines at Wheelchair Locations, Figure Distribution of Wheelchair Locations, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces 4.1.3 Protruding and Overhead Objects 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.4.6 Assistive Listening Systems 4.4.7 Signage 4.4.9 Public Address System 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes 4.4.15 Texture and Colour 4.4.16 Acoustics, Figure Detectable Warning Surfaces at Elevated Platform, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces 4.1.3 Protruding and Overhead Objects 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.1.9 Ramps 4.4.8 Detectable Warning Surfaces 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, Figure Private Accessible Dressing Room, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.1.8 Windows, Glazed Screens and Sidelights 4.3.7 Tables, Counters and Work Surfaces 4.3.9 Storage, Shelving and Display Units 4.4.2 Controls and Operating Mechanisms 4.4.4 Visual Alarms 4.4.6 Assistive Listening Systems 4.4.12 Glare and Light Sources 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes 4.4.15 Texture and Colour 4.4.16 Acoustics, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.4.5 Public Telephones 4.4.6 Assistive Listening Systems 4.4.7 Signage 4.4.9 Public Address Systems 4.4.10 Information Systems 4.4.12 Glare and Light Sources 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes 4.4.15 Texture and Colour 4.4.16 Acoustics, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.3 Protruding and Overhead Objects 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.4.6 Assistive Listening Systems 4.4.7 Signage 4.4.10 Information Systems 4.4.12 Glare and Light Sources 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes 4.4.15 Texture and Colour 4.4.16 Acoustics, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.4.2 Controls and Operating Mechanisms, Figure Locker Room Clear Floor Space Requirements, Figure Locker Room Sample Layout, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.4.2 Controls and Operating Mechanisms 4.4.7 Signage 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.1.6 Doors 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, Figure Side-by-side Parking Space, Figure Regulatory Parking Signage, Figure Second accessible Parking Signage, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces 4.1.3 Protruding and Overhead Objects 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.1.10 Curb Ramps 4.4.7 Signage 4.4.8 Detectable Warning Surfaces 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, Figure Clearances at Passenger Loading Zone, Figure Alternate Passenger Loading Zone Configuration, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces 4.1.3 Protruding and Overhead Objects 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.4.8 Detectable Warning Surfaces 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, Figure Height and Knee Space at Accessible Tables, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces 4.1.3 Protruding and Overhead Objects 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.4.8 Detectable Warning Surfaces 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, Figure Typical Streetscape Configurations, Figure Pathway Across Open Plaza, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces 4.1.3 Protruding and Overhead Objects 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.1.6 Doors 4.1.10 Curb Ramps 4.3.1 Drinking Fountains 4.3.11 Roof-top Patios, Balconies, Porches, Terraces and Patios 4.3.12 Parking 4.3.13 Passenger Loading Zones 4.3.15 Benches 4.3.16 Public Use Eating Areas 4.3.19 Service Animal Relief Areas 4.4.3 Vending and Ticketing Machines 4.4.5 Public Telephones 4.4.7 Signage 4.4.8 Detectable Warning Surfaces 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, Figure L-Shaped Kitchen with Island, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces 4.1.3 Protruding and Overhead Objects 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.4.12 Glare and Light Sources 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.3.17 Streetscapes 4.4.7 Signage, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces 4.1.3 Protruding and Overhead Objects 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.1.6 Doors 4.4.2 Controls and Operating Mechanisms 4.4.4 Visual Alarms 4.4.7 Signage 4.4.8 Detectable Warning Surfaces 4.4.9 Public Address Systems 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, Figure Reach Range for Accessible Controls, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.3 Protruding Objects and Overhead 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.1.6 Doors 4.1.7 Gates, Turnstiles and Openings 4.1.8 Windows, Glazed Screens and Sidelights 4.1.13 Elevators 4.1.14 Platform Lifts 4.2.2 Toilet Stalls 4.2.3 Toilets 4.2.4 Lavatories 4.2.5 Urinals 4.2.6 Washroom Accessories 4.2.7 Universal Washrooms 4.2.8 Showers 4.3.1 Drinking Fountains 4.3.4 Change/Dressing Rooms 4.3.5 Offices, Work Areas and Meeting Rooms 4.3.9 Storage, Shelving and Display Units 4.3.10 Lockers and Baggage Storage 4.3.17 Streetscapes 4.4.3 Vending and Ticketing Machines 4.4.5 Public Telephones 4.4.10 Information Systems 4.4.11 Card Access, Safety and Security Systems 4.4.13 Lighting 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors 4.4.2 Controls and Operating Mechanisms 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, 4.4.1 Emergency Exits, Fire Evacuation and Areas of Rescue Assistance.
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