After she defeated him, tears appeared in his eyes. Soon you go to middle school like me and there are a lot of bullies. - Lana said - Lola is very similar to Zuko's sister. They eventually find her at a clubhouse, where they also find out that Bobby is Carol's boyfriend, and Lincoln is her younger brother instead of Lori's. Thinking this, Lincoln starts to become depressed. - You should have thought how would she feel before you did it. She even kicked him between legs but only she suffered pain and expressed it in scream. - Luna yelled - You could have poisoned yourselves! Unaware that La Llorona is coming for her lost children and is heading to the reincarnation of one of them. It seems you all still have much to learn. You can't allow yourselves for revange before reason! Ronnie Anne asked. Lincoln and Lana went outside and walked towards the city centre. Hey guys, I know you've been waiting patiently for this update and thanks SO MUCH for that! The Loud House Fanfiction: Crushed Add to Favourites By tslewis123 Published: Sep 3, 2018 16 Favourites 6.9K Views The Loud kids are all outside. - I will not reconcile with that room destroyer! Can I join you? It felt like a plague. Just very queit. Lana went up the stairs leaving Lincoln alone to deal with Lynn. - said Lincoln with sad tone - Please don't hate me for my reckless revange. Clyde said."What? I fear myself because I know I am able to cause this. She immadiatelly run there only violently stopped. - I have an idea but I'll tell you this outside. "Yeah, here," Ronnie Anne took the necklace from her pocket.Clyde stared at her hand."What?" Lincoln: Jeepers. Unaware that La Llorona is coming for her lost children and is heading to the reincarnation of one of them. - Lana approached - Doesn't matter what you watch. "I remember Lincoln when Lincoln and I were picking that out,""Why would you guys need a necklace? Lincoln and Lynn went up to Lola and Lena's room. Later, Lori is woken up by Lisa, thanks to her defibrillators. Lincoln Loud. She tries to explain what happened last night, but now her parents don't even know who Bobby is either, which only makes Lori become increasingly frustrated. - Lincoln replied, showing Lynn a tube of salve he used - You've bullied me for years and in last week you started to do it every day. When he goes in the living room to find out what did it, he finds Lola and his class pet Cheesecake , near what she broke: an expensive container of perfume Ronnie Ane bought Lincoln from Great Lakes city. That caused Lincoln fell on ground. I think he might,""Well, we have to find him! Lynn dashed towards Lincoln but he stopped her by his left foot and pushed her to make her fall on floor. 2) Lynn have Narcissistic personality disorder. - Lincoln explained. Lana, please, don't make same mistakes I did, don't suffer for my recklessness. After he passed front door of his house Lynn jumped towards him to kick him in torso, screaming "Banzai!". - Dumb question. It made Lynn more annoyed as she heard Lincoln's laugh. How much do you hurt me? After Ronnie Anne was mistaken for dating someone right before Lincoln was about to confess his feelings. It made her fall from stairs and got hit multiple times in all limbs. Lynn was confused but waited until the smoke is gone. - Lincoln and Lana said in unison proudly - We will have our revange! Did I become a flu zombie or something like that? Lola: You ruined my strategy by such simple trick! When he stood up she stroke him again. Ronnie Anne questioned.Clyde paused. Lucy eventually discovers that the demon needs to be purged at midnight. Warning: It contains some coarse language and mature themes. Lori opened the door. - Lynn said to Lincoln - Besides now I know you know how to deal with bullies even if you should without gadgets and traps. - Lincoln answered - She attacks me for no reason. - Lincoln asked, - I do. - Lynn desperatelly begged crying -I've already got what I deserved! That trick was a clear cheating! She made him tell where they were. "I don't think he was kidnapped..? - Luna appeared, - Luna? - Lola complained. - Then why didn't you just tell me this? And for what? - Rough? I'm more than disapointed! The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. - Lincoln replied - I see you also have a bad day. - Lincoln, Lynn, Lana and Lola said in unison. "I feel as though someone stepped on my chest." Lynn Sr. walks in with a cup of coffee. You all are reconciled! - Lana commented after the episode ended. - Of course I would involve but good I didn't have to as all the problems were solved by yourselves. I'm just not feeling the spark anymore. She quickly stood up and dashed again but Lincoln took a small sack from his bag and throwed it on floor. I'm honestly not as into writing as I used to be, so updates for all of my books may be gruelingly slow. Lori plunges the knife into Lucy, but the cops fire at Lori, which eventually causes her to pass out. - You speak wisely. - said Lana walking angry - I can't stand her anymore. He tried to stop her. I also wanted to use Lana somehow. #ronnieanne, Ronnie Anne didn't completely know that Lincoln dropped the box. One day, Lincoln explodes due to a bad ending of double date incident and . Are you crazy?! Lynn: Come on, Lincoln. He ereased the salve from the steps. Lucy says there is a way to lift the curse, but the first thing they have to do is find Lincoln, which will be tomorrow. "Oh, okay. - Sure I will, give it now. Lincoln's Therapy Chapter 1: Part 1 - Anger and Secrets, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction. That caused Lincoln fell on ground. Loud House Fanfiction - Lincoln's Birth. Lori asked. I am the one who shall ask you for not hating me. - Lynn commented. This is the last straw Lincoln, who starts to shout at Lola, saying some very harsh things to her (even going as far as to curse at her) about the fact that she let cheesecake out again, how he ruins his peace, and that he just broke Dads expensive mirror. She kept punching and kicking him like a trainingmannequin. Don't become what you fight against. - Oh, the salve is so cold. - asked Luna shocked - How did you get this? Equally bad, but less terrifyingish," Clyde agreed. Clyde asked immediately. ""It was for you,"Ronnie Anne just blinked. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Lynn comes in. It is a terrible Saturday in the boisterous house, Lincoln is pissed at his sisters for excluding him in their sisters fight protocol system which made the solo loud boy start angrily starting ranting at his sisters and exposed their secrets. - Lincoln said - Luna, please rub us with this. - Sigh, you have such a nice touch. Work in Progress. 1 - 20 of 26 Works in 2 Explicit Graphic Depictions Of Violence F/M, Multi Work in Progress 25 May 2023 After the events of NSL, Lincoln leaves home and starts to cry in the middle of the forest. Lincoln remembers having heard Lori swear before, but never at someone. Lincoln: Hmm, seems too quiet for a morning in the house. After some time they returned home in grey tracksuits with hoods and bags on stomaches. - If you knew, you wouldn't get used to surprise attacks. - Why do you this after all? Lincoln feels really sad and wonders if his sisters still care about him. You reconciled by yourselves in the hard but instructive way. - If I did, you wouldn't have learned anything by yourselves. Lincoln using his brain, gadgets and traps against Lynn's strength was inspired by fight between Batman and Superman. - Lincoln protested. Lori gives Lincoln a very tight hug, apologizing for what she said earlier. - Lincoln, do you have your revange? Contents 1 Plot 2 Characters 3 Script 4 Trivia Plot Lincoln returns home from a Long Saturday night, in time for his hour of peace. - I also became a bully. Lynn commented "So weak and easy to beat. Add this story to your Library to get notified about new parts! - That was just a stupid joke! Lincoln removed a white glove from his right hand and puffed, scattering a white powder. Since most of the rage has passed by, Lori goes towards Lincoln's room to apologize, despite still being upset about the broken perfume. Don't do this to me! Petty fun? -No, no! - Because I was wrong from the start, I learned the violence only breeds more violence. "What're you doing here?" - Lincoln explained with tears of desperation - I wounded Lynn severely and I feel sorry for this. - And you did nothing? Rita: No Lincoln. Now that they've found them, the next thing they have to do is cleanse the demon out of Carol. - I never intended to cut off your ponytail, I just wanted to make you fear. She continued her search for Lincoln.At first, she looked around the school.He wasn't there.She went to the park.He wasn't there.She searched Gus' Games and Grub.He wasn't there.She finally checked the Loud residence. When Lori is about to go back to bed, she takes one more look through Lincoln's room, pleading for him to be there. - That's a scent of fear. - Hey, Lana. Clyde gasped. The family then proceeds to eat dinner, where Lori tells Luan to tell Lincoln that they fooled her, and that she's apologized to him. Premise: Lincoln's sisters become jealous when he uses Lisa's cloning machine to copy them his his interests. Lincoln: [gulp] - I shall be first! Loud House Fanfic: Hurt (LincolnXRonnieAnne). Stop blubbering, boys don't cry!". He was sitting on stairs near the next floor with shoes in his hands. inquires Rita. Lincoln: Wait a minute. - Lynn, you should have told me. - Your face is the least damaged, so don't complain. Lori was startled. - That Lola. - said Lincoln sarcastically - It's no courage to attack weaker than you. #love If you didn't treat me like trash I wouldn't plan whole this gambit to defeat you. I beg you! - Lynn screamed in fear - What did I do to you? At the Loud house, Lincoln is coming in though the back door exhausted. Then, they go out and Lori gives Lucy money in exchange for the Ouija board, which she burns. You just went too far in self-defense. Lola: [angry] Objection! "Hey, Clyde. "Well, I found this necklace laying on the floor before I went to go look for him if that means anything?""Necklace?" Lincoln has enough of Lynn bullying him so he makes a plan to defeat her. ""Yeah, I went over to his house and Lynn said that he was with you. This causes Lori to snap, and tackle the demon, reminding the demon that she doesn't care about the cops, and wants her old life back. Loud House Fanfic: Hurt (LincolnXRonnieAnne) Fanfiction After Ronnie Anne was mistaken for dating someone right before Lincoln was about to confess his feelings. - Please forgive me. - Lana said, felling on knees like Lincoln -So there are disadvantages of not feeling pain. Lincoln's sisters go to school. . - Does Lola also make your life miserable? - Lana was confused - Why do you change your mind now? At afternoon Lincoln returned home from his school, complaining about how bad day he had there. Lynn figured out Lincoln is wearing the protector she gave to him. - Luna observed -You're lucky to have less bruises than Lynn. Lynn left laughing, when Lincoln was trying to stand up angry for being beaten and woundedby Lynn. After several seconds of waiting, Lori gets impatient and angry with Lincoln, so she opens the door to his room, but is shocked to find only a dark closet with none of Lincoln's things in it. - I have a salve for bruises in my bag. - Lincoln put scissors back on its place - If you told me, this whole situation would never happen. Ronnie Anne asked. ""Lincoln's been kidnapped!" He opened the door and watched Lola wounded and terrified and Lena with sinister grin, whole their room was a mess. I put in the story show Avatar The Last Airbender because I detected similarities in relationships bewteen the siblings. Afterwards, she comforts each of her sisters, and thanks Lisa for helping her survive. Lana went into her and Lola's room. That was bullying! With that, Ronnie Anne dashed to the McBride's home.She rang the doorbell. - Enjoy your healing. Synopsis Lincoln has enough of Lynn bullying him so he makes a plan to defeat her. "He's over at Clyde's house," Lori answered. I am sporty and strong enough to defend myself when you merely train your hands on game pad. However, since Leni was the last one to leave her room, she leaves the door unlocked. Quick! - We won't be victims anymore. 5% of strength, 10% of strategy, 85% of effort. The brother asked himself if he's like Zuko, destined to live in shadow of his sister and be abused by her. Lincoln took a scissors from a table and grabbed Lynn's ponytail much to her fear. - Lana commented enjoying being rubbed by Luna. - Lynn asked in anger - And why aren't you crying? - Lincoln explained - I am noheartlessmonster. ""Well, it's still a possibility,""Who would want to kidnap a white-haired lame-o on school grounds during school hours in mid-day?" - Luna explained - Besides I know Lincoln well enough to be sure he wouldn't go that far and feel no remorse for what could have been. She closed door loudly, what took Lola's attention and angry glare. - Lincoln asked. It looks new," Ronnie Anne thought to herself as she opened the box.She noticed it had "LxR". When Lincoln is taken in by her, she swears to punish the Louds for what they've done. in: Blog posts Fanfiction - Laugh Out Louds Part 2 CircularBoat742 20 February 2017 User blog:CircularBoat742 The next day, Lincoln wakes up and immediately finds something odd. 01 Jun 2023. "Yeah, you're right. Rita: We've always planned to have a big family. - I don't have your strength, so I depend on my brain. - One more question. After he passed front door of his house Lynn jumped towards him to kick him in torso, screaming "Banzai!". Though, I do appreciate you guys for being patient with me! She was lying very much wounded on the floor while Lincoln was walking down. - Lana complained - But if revange tastes like this then this is not worth of it. When Lori wakes up in front of her parents on the couch, she keeps trying to tell them about Lincoln, but they tell her that nobody named Lincoln lives with them. Unfortunately, this makes Luan confused, along with Lynn, and her parents. However, Leni tries to tell Lori that dinner is downstairs, and when Lori explains to her that she's talking to Lincoln, Leni only acts confused, and even Luna comes upstairs, noticing what's going on. I don't want you to suffer this. Rita: I think you may need a cup of hot chicken noodle soup. Clyde asked. You made yourself look like my worst enemy by attacking me unprovoked. The part with the spider is a reference to the episode "Along Came a Sister". - Lana answered - We fabricated a Rx, we're more skilled than we look. #loudhouse - That's all? - Lynnhugged Lincoln back - Please be better than me anddon't become a bully because of me. #lincoln - Lynn asked angry - Did you intend to do anything? - We were disguised as an adult and bought it in a pharmacy. Lynn attacked Lincoln again but this time he dodged her and she hit wall instead. - Wait, I must stop Lana! - Too far? - Your turn, bro. - It will be better. - Lana asked. - said Lincoln with tears in eyes - I am very sorry for what I did but you brought this on yourself. - You aren't as mature as I thought after all! - Lincoln remembered - If she beats Lola like I beat you they both can have a trauma. Lincoln didn't really want to cut off Lynn's ponytail he just wanted to scare her. I have enough of this. What would you do? - Luna answered happily - I am proud of you all. Before he can enjoy his relaxation on the couch, he hears the sound of glass breaking from the living room. Lori gets frustrated with everyone, saying that the joke they're playing with her isn't funny anymore. Lana took a rubber ball from her bag and throwed it on floor. That stair was rubbed with a colourless and odorless salve. It's good to have nice company. Where was the last time you saw him,""I was telling off a bunch of jerks when I last saw him,""Anything else?" - Lincoln asked. "This must've been some sort of love necklace," shrugged to herself and shoved it in her pocket, thinking, "too nice not to sell.". They eventually head home so Lucy can do more research. Lynn hit and kicked Lincoln multiple times but he was just standing immobile like he wasn't feeling pain. I wrote the story because Lynn bullying Lincoln in the show is painful for me to watch. - Lynn explained standing in pain - The bullies in middle school attack without warning and they are beasts compare to the ones in elementary school. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. - Lynn tried to stand up still crying - I do this so you could learn how to defend yourself from bullies. Luna: Whoops. He then ends up stating that he wished he only had five sisters , so the stuff wouldn't be broken by ' older sisters'. Script can be found here. She finds Lincoln on his bed, sobbing into his hands. - Lynn stopped crying - Maybe I don't deserve your kindness. - Consider it as a punishment for too rough play. - answered Lincoln with a tired tone. - Luna commented rubbing Lynn - You shall know your strength. - Not bad but this is just the beginning. But the moment she looked at the black and blue on his skin, she didnt get mad. - Lincoln explained. After getting all of the supplies Lucy acquired, they head off to find Carol and Lincoln. However, he hurts his shin, due to his bike, which makes him mad by the fact that he just left his bike outside in the rain before he could have his peaceful hour. - You said boys don't cry. They suggest her to just simply watch TV and get her mind off things. I wasn't sure about Lana, but you did came before me to stop her. I just wanted you to be prepared as I will not be able to protect you forever like I did in the elementary school. I added Lana because I didn't want Lincoln to be alone with his problem. Eventually, Lucy comes in, and tells Lori to keep the 'Lincoln' business to herself. - Lincoln stopped looking at Lynn with anger and released her ponytail - Have you ever wondered how I feel because of this? "On the floor. - I did reconcile with Lincoln. - I won't attack you again, bro. That only happened once. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. #raptor8600 When Lori questions this, Lucy reveals it was probably her Ouija board that caused this situation, saying that it summoned a demon who feeds on negative emotions, and when Lori yelled at Lincoln, it took him away. "Who would leave something like this? Lisa: There is nothing in the rules about such trick and all what's not banned is allowed. She goes into the living room to find her family album so she can find photos of Lincoln, but to her surprise, he's nowhere to be found in the album. It is at this point that Lori realized that Lucy was the demon this whole time, to which Lucy reveals that the demon had to take at least someone. The bruises weren't that bad, at least Lincoln tried to say they weren't bad. The parents are sitting on bed in their room and they were expecting their sixth child. She was confused and bit scaried what Lincoln used to push her, making her fall. - Do you remember what we trained? Clyde asked with an extremely worried expression on his face. This ends up sending Lincoln to his room, sobbing, but due to Lori's rage, she's unable to see that she really hurt his feelings and only believes she got her point across. I thought it would be touching to see Lynn crying because her ponytail is about to get cut. Lynn figured out the foot prints were a decoy to lead her right into his trap. This causes Lucy to smile, reminding her that all of this was her own fault, and it was all because she never cared for Lincoln, and that she only wanted him back because it was her fault he was gone. - Lola, Lana and Lincoln commented simultanously, - Finally! He set it quickly when she didn't see anything because of the smokescreen. - Lynn cried more - I am so sorry. At first, she laughs about this, thinking he's playing a prank on her, and tells Leni and Luna that he got her, and to remind him to come down and eat dinner. What You Wish For is a fan-made special of The Loud House. She has sworn (though censored) in "Potty Mouth", where she says the D word after her sweater rips. - His name is Zuko. It happened so fast Luna couldn't stop her. - No, Lincoln, I shall apologize. Wow, so many bruises. - I took Oh! - Then you and I have similar problems. This causes her to pass out. Clyde exclaimed. A few hours pass by, and it's time for dinner. - Luna commented annoyed, - Thank you, Luna! -I feel no grudge to you and you're no bully. It was a homemade smokescreen bomb. - Luna said - Now Lana. He wanted to relieve by watching Avatar: The Last Airbender episode "Zuko Alone". Eventually, the police show up and warn Lori to drop the knife. "I thought he was with you?" T-Rated (bloodless violence, heavy wounds, mild threats). He makes his way to the living room, grabs a game controller and flops onto the couch. They made brofist for good luck and entered their house. - You too, Lana. - Lana asked and looked at Lynn - I see you do, now it's my turn. Otherwise this cycle of revenge will never get broken. - No, it's Lynn. Their secrets are: 1) Leni's skin can't tan at all. Come, sit next to me. - Wow, Lincoln, you could have talked me to death. Despite my good intentionsI became what I tried to protect you from, a bully. I bet its something with Luan, so i'll have to be very cautious. But the look in her eyes, so dark and yet he could see the tinge of red in them. She sits down and hugs her little brother. - said Lynn ashamed - You're right, I should have told you instead of attacking you and saying this trash. Lincoln admits it was his fault for nearly causing Lori to almost die, but she tells him that it wasn't. - Sigh, almost like mud bath. - Lincoln yelled - Are you so blind that you don't see you hurt me? It made Lynn caugh and cry. - I did and I regret it now. - You're correct. - You're so kind, little bro. Clyde answered the door. Thanks!". - Please, let me explain. Rita and Lynn Loud Sr have 5 daughters. - Lynn said - How were you immune for pain when I was hitting you? While they were watching this anime, Lincoln started comparing Lynnto Azula, Lana on other hand compared Lola to Azula. The next day, after having some nightmares, Lori suggests to Lucy that the demon might be her school rival; Carol Pingrey (because in the nightmare she had, Lincoln and Carol were siblings). Lynn run up on the stairs but she slipped half way to Lincoln and screamed out of surprise. - Lincoln fell on knees in pain - The morphine stopped working! Unfortunately, this only makes Leni and Luna wonder what Lori is talking about. When Lori realizes she is back in her old life and the new life never existed, she finds Lincoln behind her sisters. The idea was featured and brought up by a user from Fanfiction called themaninthecou. - Lana yelled - You tricked me and humiliated me at school! #loud When Lori asks what happened, Lisa reveals that the perfume in her room, mixed with the nail polish remover Leni put into the trash can, nearly killed Lori. But his back up plan always contained his anger and depression. After the events of NSL, Lincoln leaves home and starts to cry in the middle of the forest. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! - asked Lincoln cynically. And Lynn Sr goes to work. It was caused by a transparent plastic rope sticked to door frame. Will things ever be the same between the two ever again? Please! A few hours later, Lily and Lisa arrive home with Lynn Sr. - Lana responded with determination. Thinking this, Lincoln starts to become depressed. "Well, I looked everywhere for him and I can't find him,""Lincoln's missing?!" Afterwards, Lori goes into Lincoln's room, and finds what she was expecting in the first place. Lincoln is the middle child of the family and is always doing so much for his sisters, but the more he does nice things for them and makes up for his own mistakes, the sisters especially still treat him like a plague. Afterwards, she puts her towel in the trash, and takes a nap due to the perfume making her head hurt. He could have just ran away. - said Lincoln with sinister smile - I assure you. Whatever would you do, you're still my sister. It was around the area Lincoln was, but I figured it was just a coincidence,""Ronnie Anne are you thinking what I'm thinking?""What? It was bouncing from everything it touched and quickly moving in whole room much to Lola's fear and Lana's satifsaction. Back to Lincoln and Lynn's fight on groundfloor. Please! "Is Lincoln home?" Story At afternoon Lincoln returned home from his school, complaining about how bad day he had there. Can I talk to Lincoln?" - Lynn commented -You still can reconcile with Lola. "Where exactly did you find that necklace?" They manage to attack Carol and knock her unconscious, while also tying up Lincoln and bringing them both to an abandoned amusement park. The sixth child will come in few months. You shouldn't have done that ever. - Why not? When Lola tries to apologize to him, he ignores her, and says that all of his sisters would understand what 'Be Quiet ' means, unlike him. When she sees the same room as before, she finally begins to cry, realizing that her brother is gone. - Lynn was shocked - Couldn't you just tell me I go too far? Lincoln's Therapy By: ImaginiJM. - Lincoln, Lynn, Lola and Lana were surprised, - Did you see all of this? Only ones who accomplish anything will be accidental witnesses, they'll accomplish your mutual lose as an amusement. - Poor burned boy. Luna took tube of the salve and rubbed bruised bodies of all her 4 siblings with it. #lh - Morphine?! Ronnie Anne asked.Clyde looked at her quizzically. - Lola explained. I thought you guys would prefer to be alone so I let it go," Clyde shrugged. She saw Lincoln is gone but she detected his footprints leading towards kitchen. I am terribly sorry. "Son, you really gave us a scare back there." Lincoln looks at him in curiosity. Lincoln always was blamed, ignored, punished unfairly or hurt by his own family. Year 2005. Lola was outraged and charged on Lincoln, she slipped and hit Lincoln, making him fall. - Mine as well. Lana didn't compare herself to any character of the anime but she felt pity for Zuko. However, he hurts his shin, due to his bike, which makes him mad by the fact that he just left his bike outside in the rain before he could have his peaceful hour. I wanted him to take level in badass and take his revenge. I haven't even STARTED having fun yet! - Lynn complained - So many bruises on my body. - Lincoln said with anger - This will make you remember. You've reached the end of published parts. However, Lucy shows up, and reveals to Lori that she actually remembers who Lincoln is. However, when Lincoln came into her room to apologize for what he did, he saw Lori unconscious, so he rushed to Lisa to help him out. Lincoln uses painkiller to protect himself from pain because if he used armor fight would be uncomfortable for him. - Lincoln corrected Lana - He reminds me of myself. I won't be like this to you again. Just colder. Lincoln returns home from a Long Saturday night, in time for his hour of peace. Will things ever be the same between the two ever again? - Don't come any closer, monster! - Onion powder?! - Lincoln said enjoying being rubbed by Luna. - Lynn commented - I perfectly know what I'm talking about. She locks the door and tries to clean up the mess. "What did I do?" His father explains that when Lynn was nearing the end of the game, he suffered a major heart attack, causing him to hit his head on the railing. My fifth fanfiction, Feedback is appreciated. How else could I see this? After getting all of the equipment set up, Lori is about to plunge her knife into Carol, but she then gets Lucy to do it with her, causing Lucy to burn her hand. - I did it because you made me! Oh, hey, Lincoln. - But you trained me to this very well. - Lola complained - This is so awful! If I went further, I would have hated myself for hurting someone I love. - Lincoln revealed to wear a pair of googles - Do tomboys cry? - Lola asked - How did you do this? You both must fix what's broken and forgive each other. - What if I did go further? The scene of their fight is partially based on titular fight in film Batman Vs Superman. - I hope you've got your lesson that you shouldn't abuse me and others weaker than you. Don't cut off my ponytail! # lh # lincoln # loud # loudhouse # love # raptor8600 # ronnieanne "Ronnie Anne?"
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