2. Some feudin seems to never However, baptism also means figuratively to wash (Mark 7:4; Luke 11:38; Acts 22:16), to pass through the sea (1 Corinthians 10:1-4), and to suffer ().We are baptized by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:11), but He is also poured out (), and water is figuratively sprinkled to cleanse from idolatry (Ezekiel 36:25). What men think of what God says. Their world was like our world: the same thirst for intellectualism, the same permissiveness toward moral standards, the same fascination for the spectacular. Lord's Supper, Observe. 1-7, Beware of Spiritual Kidnapers Colossians 2. 5. The Lord's supper - 2. 12-16, The Authority of Gods Holy Word II Peter 1. . Note five things. 6. 10. 11-13, The Church in The World, Gods Temple II Cor. 3. I CORINTHIANS 10:1-13 6. A look at love and justice and seeing how they are not opposed but work together, what this means for God and us. This is a supernatural gift, a special gift given by God to empower us for service in the body of Christ. 20-26, Things That Hold A Church Together Phil. read more, Scripture: 1. Jesus said the world will know we are His disciples by love not lawsuits! 14-19, The Second Beast, The False Prophet Rev. . 6-15, Six Proofs of Pauls Spirituality II Cor. 22-26, Fulfilling The Law of Christ Galatians 6. Individual Work In A Unified Church Eph. The Christ who died and rose again will come again. 5. Concerning the church and worship what should we know and do? TOP OF THE CHARTS 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 The Woman is the Glory of Man, 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 Correcting Abuses Regarding the Lords Supper, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 Understanding Spiritual Gifts, 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 One Body of Christ . Church, Civilization. 13-21, The Time For Testing Has Finally Come II Cor. 11. 2, The Scattered Strangers; Who, What, How and When I Peter 1. Preach on topics including unity among believers, immorality, spiritual gifts, the meaning of love, and the certainty of the resurrection. Beatitude and Magnificat Luke 1: 39-56, The Birth of John The Baptist Luke 1: 57-80, The Circumcision and Presentation of Jesus Luke 2: 21-40, The Work of John The Baptist Luke 3: 1-9, Some Products of True Repentance Luke 3: 7-20, The Authority of Jesus Christ Luke 4: 30-44, Four Lessons From The Life And Ministry of Jesus Luke 5: 1-26, The Problem With Religion Luke 5: 27-39, Holy Things and Holy Places Luke 6: 1-11, What We Should Do In The Face of Opposition Luke 6: 12-19 vs.11, For The Son of Mans Sake Luke 6: 20-26, Children of The Highest I and II Luke 6: 27-38, Children of The Highest III Luke 6: 39-45, Children of The Highest IV Luke 6: 46-49, Sickness and Death And Jesus Luke 7. . As we prepare for that moment we can get pretty anxious. 16, An Appeal To Righteousness I John 2. 8. Remember His Death 1-10, Pauls Plea For Big Hearts II Cor. I CORINTHIANS 4:2 No Exceptions When It Comes to Qualifying for Gods Kingdom, 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 Glorify God in Your Body, 1 Corinthians 7:1-7 Celibacy or Sexual Union in Marriage, 1 Corinthians 7:8-16 Singleness . . INTRODUCTION: Some people in Corinth had misconstrued Pauls message about Christian liberty. UP! Godliness is taking God seriously. I CORINTHIANS 12:1-11 Note: One of the most helpful resources for preparing these outlines was The Smart Guide to the Bible: 1 and 2 Corinthians, by Dewey Bertolini and Larry Richards. Keep in mind that when Paul wrote these words he had the return of Christ in mind. 11, The Christian And Civil Power Titus 3. Even as we can waste a lot of time indulging ourselves in our sorrows, so can we waste a lot of time looking for a good time. read more, Scripture: 3. 1 Corinthians 14:3 Three Components of a Well-Balanced Sermon, 1 Corinthians 1:1-3 Salutation Apostolic Instruction for the Saints, 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 Thanksgiving We Can Count on Gods Grace Because He is Faithful, 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 Problem of Divisions: Loyalty to Christ Cements a Church Together, 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 The Word of the Cross True Power and Wisdom, 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 Divine Election Leaves No Room for Mans Pride, 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Powerfully Preaching Christ, 1 Corinthians 2:6-8 The Mystery Aspect of the Wisdom of God, 1 Corinthians 2:9-16 Spirit Taught Truth: Spirit Reveals . It requires diligence and effort! The resurrection of the Lord. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 - 4 Love is patient, love is kind. What? The major headings of the outline were taken from the IMB. I CORINTHIANS 1:10-18 WITH THE APOSTLE PAUL? 7-10, The Face, Purpose, And Guarantee of Redemption Eph. FACING TEMPTATION Some people in Corinth had misconstrued Pauls message about Christian liberty. 1-3, The Saving Grace of God (By Grace Ye Are Saved) Eph. Dont think that way! 5-9, Eccles. Here are some more thoughts on the subject of stewardship. 28-31, Ye Have Need of Patience Hebrews 10. 16. (7:1 14:40) Answering Questions Regarding Proper Personal and Church Conduct The Glory of God Reinforces Self Denial and Love for the Brethren in All Areas of Conduct, A. What Is The Power Behind Every Great Preacher's Effort? Disgrace, Litigation, Division. 1. If that left him he would have nothing . 9-27, An Inside View of The New Jerusalem Rev. I CORINTHIANS 12:1 14-16, A Good Minister In The Last Days I Timothy 4. 1. The faithful steward is: 20-28, The Resurrection Of The Body I Cor. 1. The Mode of Baptism. 12-13, 20; (10-20), Things Which Must Be Hereafter Rev. SPIRITUAL? Sermon Outlines. 4. 2. Bible Outlines is dedicated to helping others understand scriptures through the Big Idea concept. 13. The resurrection of Jesus Christ. 13-21, The Message of The Seven Thunders Rev. Five Ingredients Of A Successful Christian Race, 21. 9. 1-6, Pauls Last Words of Written Advice To The Corinthians II Cor. 17-21, Husband And Wives, Christ And The Church Eph. 2. She was concerned with glamour, glitz and glory and thats the reason she was 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. It is a service in which we remember the most important act Jesus did for us. See 9:27. 17-25, The Elders Who Use Their Office For Gain I Timothy 6. Ethics = conforming to the standards of conduct of a given profession or group. Read More It used to be pretty easy to keep up with what songs were at the top of the charts, but now with so many different genres of music the Sermon outlines based on the First Epistle to the Corinthians The Problem Of Religious Division (1:10-13) Christ Did Not Send Me To Baptize (1:14-17) The Folly Of Trusting In Human Wisdom (1:18-31) The Hidden Wisdom Of God (2:6-16) Are You Still Carnal? 1-4, Christian Profession And Christian Character II Peter 1. This time it was to settle a dispute over a cemetery plot and property rights. 1-4, Ministers of The New Tesatment II Cor. 1 Corinthians > NT Sermon Outlines 1 Corinthians Fellowship With Our Lord: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 People God Uses: 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 Learning To Relay On The Holy Spirit: 1 Corinthians:2:1-5 The Glory Of His Presence (A Temple For His Presence) [part 15]: 1 Corinthians 6:9-20 Our Riches at His Expense: 1 Corinthians 8:9 13-18, The Church and Its Officers Phil. I CORINTHIANS 2:14-3:1 12. Everybody is. A SERMON FOR SINGLES The Work of The Pastor-Teacher, or Why Did God Create The Office of Pastor Eph. 1 Corinthians 12, Tags: 10-12, A New Heaven And A New Earth II Peter 3. Witness, Power, Example. 8. 4. But the blessing had become a blight. 1 Corinthians 1:1-2, Tags: Spiritual gifts are good. 4. The Gospel Message of Christs Crucifixion and Resurrection Brings Gods Wisdom to Bear on the Practical Problems That Are Rooted in Mans Pride and Selfishness, 1 Corinthians 1:31 Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord, 1 Corinthians 3:21, 23 So then, let no one boast in men. We have got to learn to get past our emotions to the meaning of the word. Why should the church talk about it? read more, Tags: New Here? 6. 1-6, The Supper of The Great God Rev. INTRODUCTION: The church at Corinth was gifted, guided and graced. 5. Introduction: You remember the Hatfields and McCoys dont you? read more, Scripture: 1-6. 5. 12-16, Coming Short of Gods Rest Hebrews 4. 8-11, Keep On Remembering These Things II Peter 1. 1-8, The Church And The Elders I Timothy 5. 15-16, The Church of The Thessalonians I Thess. Purity, Immorality. Some Lessons Learned Luke 14: 1-14, Gods Gracious Invitation To All Mankind Luke 14: 15-24, Undeserved Criticism Answered Luke 15: 1-32, You Cannot Serve God And Mammon Luke 16: 1-13, A Difference of Opinion Luke 16: 14-18 vs. 15b, The Place of Everlasting Habitations Luke 16: 19-31, Little Love, Little Faith, Then What Luke 17: 1-10, The Kingdom And The King Luke 17: 20-37, The Time of Gods Vengeance Luke 18: 1-8, A Question, A Parable, And A Rebuke Luke 18: 8-17, What Shall I Do To Inherit Eternal Life Luke 18: 18-30, Four Looks At The Gospel of Jesus Christ Luke 18: 31-34, The Power of Faith To Save Luke 18: 35-43 vs.42, Providence, Repentance And Salvation Luke 19: 1-10, The Kingdom of God And Personals Responsibility Luke 19: 11-28, Jesus, Jerusalem, And The Jews Luke 19: 28-48, The Terrible Tragedy of Spiritual Failure Luke 20: 9-19, Evading Traps And Teaching The Truth Luke 20: 27-47, The Bible Truth About Giving Luke 21: 1-4, When Shall These Things Be I Luke 21: 20-24, When Shall These Things Be II Luke 21: 20-24, When Shall These Things Be III Luke 21: 25-28, When Shall These Things Be IV Luke 21: 29-38, The Hands Upon The Table Luke 22: 21-34, Then Was Then, Now is Now Luke 22: 35-53, Following Jesus Afar Off Luke 22: 54-62, If God Came To The Earth, What Would Men Do To Him Luke 22: 63-71, & 23: 1-25, The Death And Burial of Jesus Luke 23: 44-56, The Resurrection of Jesus Luke 24: 1-11, Think It Through and Trust The Truths of God Luke 24: 13-27 vs. 25-26, And They Rose Up The Same Hour Returned To Jerusalem Luke 24: 33-45, What Should These Disciples Have Learned Luke 24: 44-53, 46-48, The Church Before Pentecost Acts 1: 12-26, Jerusalems Reaction To Pentecost Acts 2: 5-13, Peterss Explanation On the Day of Pentecost Acts 2: 14-21, The Gospel of Jesus Christ Acts 2: 22-24, The Psalms and the Resurrection of Jesus Acts 2: 25-36, A Proper Response To A Proper Sermon Acts 2: 37-41, The Church After Pentecost Acts 2: 42-47, The Blessings and Power of Commitment Acts 3: 1-10, The Restoration of Israel As A Nation Acts 3: 19-26, What Shall We Do To These Men Acts 4: 13-22, The Sins of Annias and Sapphira Acts 5: 1-11, Not To Send Peace, But A Sword Acts 5: 17-28, Matthew 16:34-36, Bad Advice From a Good Man Acts 5: 34-42, The Churchs first Internal Crisis Acts 6: 1-7, Stephen, The First Christian Marty, His Accusation Acts 6: 8-15, Stephenss Defense, A History of Men and Methods By Which God Brought To Israel The Messiah Acts 7: 2-35, Stephens Accusation of Israel and His Violent Death Acts 7: 51-60, The Man That Ought To Do Something Acts 10: 1-48, The Gentiles Graffed In Acts 11: 1-30 Romans 11: 1-36, But The Word of God Grew And Multiplied Acts 12: 1-25, The New Testament Church At Work Acts 13: 1-12, The Preaching of the Apostle Paul Acts 13: 13-41, The Power of the Published Word Acts 13: 42-52 vs. 49, Preaching The Gospel There Acts 14: 1-7, The Other Side of Evangelism Acts 14: 19-28, The Man Who Wouldnt Go To Work Acts 15: 36-41, To The Jew, I Became A Jew Acts 16: 1-5, The Leadership of the Holy Spirit Acts 16: 6-15, How God Tests Those who Are Led By The Holy Spirit Acts 16: 16-24, A Story With a Happy Ending Acts 16: 23-34, The Christian As A CitizenActs 16: 35-40, The Manner Of Paul The Apostle Acts 17: 1-9, The Noble Brethren Of Berea Acts 17: 10-14, Paul Preaches In Athens #1 Acts 17: 15-21, Pauls Sermon To the Athenians Acts 17: 22-, Paul Preaches To The Corinthians Acts 18: 1-11, A Question of Words and Names Acts 18: 12-18, A Certain Jew Named Apollos Acts 18: 24-28, The Three Elements of Scriptural Baptism Acts 19: 1-7, Casting Out Evil Spirits Acts 19: 13-20, Pauls Farewell to the Ephesian Elders Acts 20: 13-38, Pauls Journey To Jerusalem Acts 20: 22-24 & 21: 1-16, Paul Before The Elders of the Jerusalem Church Acts 21: 17-26, How False Religion Protects Itself Acts 21: 27-32, Pauls Defense Before the Mob Acts 21: 40 & 22: 1-22, Paul And His Citizenship Acts 22: 24-30, Paul Before The Jewish Council Acts 23: 1-11, Paul And The Providence Of God Acts 23: 12-35, Paul Before Governor Felix Acts 24: 1-21, Paul Before Agrippa Acts 25: 23-27 & 26: 1-32, Paul on the Island of Malta Acts 28: 1-10, Paul And The Church At Rome Romans 1: 8-15, The Gospel Of Christ According To Paul Romans 1: 16-19, The Creator and the Created Romans 1: 20-24, The Creator and the Created II Romans 1. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. While the world places great weight on spectacular gifts and personalities and intellect, the church must boast in Jesus Christ alone. 12. 1-7, The Second, Third, And Fourth Trumpets Rev. 1 Corinthians 7:25-40 Who Should Stay Married? All Significant and Essential, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 The Supremacy of Love Its Permanence and Value, 1 Corinthians 14:1-26 Considerations Regarding Prophesying and Speaking in Tongues in the Church, 1 Corinthians 14:26-40 Orderly Church Services, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 The Core of the Gospel Message The Historical Fact of the Resurrection Established, 1 Corinthians 15:12-19 If No Bodily Resurrection of the Dead . Get 30 FREE sermons. 13. 1-3, The Lord Knoweth How II Peter 2. I. 13-17, The Power of Conversion Galatians 1. 1-5, The Bounty of Heart Purpose Giving II Cor. 16. I CORINTHIANS 1:10-17 40. THE BODY OF CHRIST In four chapters David Malick: Out of a heart of love, Paul exhorts the Corinthians to cease exalting themselves in accordance with natural wisdom, and to limit themselves in accordance with the wisdom of God the Crucifixion. I CORINTHIANS 2:11-3:6 Baptize literally means immerse. 4. Here it is function as a family. 14-18, Pauls Plain Speech To the Church II Cor. 4-8a, When Will Spiritual Gifts Cease I Cor. 11-16, Walking As Children of Light Eph. 22. 5. 5-11, If the Dead Rise Not I Cor. 1 Corinthians 10:13, Tags: 12-21, The Mystery Woman of Babylon Rev. 18. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, Tags: INTRODUCTION: Through the first seven chapters of this book Paul has advised the church to: 1) Fix their focus; 2) Forgo their feuding; 3) Face up to their foolishness and; 4) Forsake their filthiness. Do you know who you are? In this text Paul identifies himself (an apostle of Christ). 20. 3-5, The Scattered Ones And Life As It Really Is I Peter 1. Response, Crisis. Yet Jesus often times spoke in symbols (door, light, bread). 2. 7-12, When Trouble Surrounds Us II Cor. Before Jesus Ascended He left us with a picture of His atoning work on the cross. 1-4, Witnesses To The Resurrection Of Jesus I Cor. Keep in mind that when Paul wrote these words he had the return of Christ in mind. read more, Tags: 16-22, The Qualifications of A Pastor Titus 1. 18-28, The Danger of Spiritual Seduction I John 2. 16. 5-9, The Salvation of Your Souls I Peter 1. read more, Scripture: They serve as an example (warning) (v.6, 11). 1-12, The Seven Vials of Gods Wrath #2 Rev. 10-12, How To Stand In The Evil Day Eph. INTRODUCTION: There are different figures of speech used to describe the nature and function of the church. The The Epistle of 1 Corinthians sermon series will help you prepare impactful sermons to preach at your church. 5-7, A Warning To Gods People I Peter 5. INTRODUCTION: Here are some more thoughts on the subject of stewardship. 4. Mark 9: 38-50, What Jesus Said About Divorce Mark 10: 1-12, Suffer The Little Children Mark 10: 13-16, Rich, Young, Powerful, Moral, Religious, And Lost Mark 10: 17-27, Fearfully Following Jesus Mark 10: 32-34, The Request Jesus Refused To Answer Mark 10: 35-45, Jesus And The Kingdom of God Mark 11: 1-11, The Cleansing of The Temple Mark 11: 12-19, The Parable of The Vineyard Mark 12: 1-12, The Temptation of Christ Mark 12: 13-17, Wandering Because of Ignorance Mark 12: 18-27, The First Commandment of All Mark 12: 28-34, The Last Three Doctrines of the Temple Mark 12: 35-44, When and What (part III) Mark 13: 24-31, The Blood of The Covenant Mark 14: 12-25, Offended Because of Jesus Mark 14: 26-31, A Place Named Gethsemane Mark 14: 32-52, The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ Mark 15: 16-37, The Death And Burial of Jesus Christ Mark 15: 38-47, The Resurrection of Jesus Christ Mark 16: 1-14, The command of Jesus To The Apostles Mark 16: 14-20, Lukes Dependable Information Luke 1: 1-4, Preparing The World For The Coming of God Luke 1: 5-25, Mary, The Mother of Messiah Luke 1: 26-38, Mary and Elisabeth. 1, Peter, The Man Who Didnt Know Himself I Peter 1. I. John F. DeVries. The Meeting of the Christians We can get so caught up in the pursuit of pleasure, that we forget all about God and the fact that we have only a short time to do His work. Lord, give us the courage to live it each and every day. The Book of 1 Corinthians is brutally honest in exposing the same church problems and sin patterns that still require wise insight and counsel from pastoral hearts today. 10. 6-13, Final Encouragement And Warnings II Thess. 1. . Theyre all talking about it. 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, Tags: Sermon series: When Relationships Collide (Theme-based) A Fractured Family - 1 Corinthians 1 . 1-8, Worshiping The God of Our Salvation Rev. Behavior, Ethics, Conduct. It is a place where we learn about forgiveness and grace. 15-19, How To Be A Vessel of Honour II Tim. That prompts me to ask, whos at the top of your chart? 3. 1-4, Jesus A Man, Yet Is Superior To Angels Hebrews 2. Immorality, Unethical. 1. If You Mix The Matters, Your Preaching Won't Matter, Still Preaching, But Running From The Ministry, 1 Corinthians - Shared by Donald McCulley. 9. 19-21, The Fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5. Working . 13-18, Paul, A Pattern Convert I Timothy 1. 13. God is love and we should respond in love. I CORINTHIANS 1:18-31 17-21, How Do We Know That Jesus Is The Christ II John 5. 1-11, The Third Woe And The Seventh Trumpet Rev. 16-18, The Works of The Flesh Galatians 5. INTRODUCTION: This passage brings us to the problems of those who are not married. 13-17, On Being Robbed of Your Reward Colossians 2. 1-10, The Grace of God That Brings Salvation Titus 2. Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. INTRODUCTION: If I asked you to line up with one of these particular groups, with which group would you stand? What you have. The church needs love most because in the end love counts (13:1-3) II. 21. 3. He calls us to proper behavior, 2. How can you follow Jesus and not be on an adventure? In this lesson 1 Corinthians - Chapter 3, Paul begins to talk about CARNAL people. 12-16, The Pastor And His People I Timothy 5. Its too much. 2. ? Look at some words in this Musics top 40! 5-24, Suffering and The God of All Comfort II Cor. 12-19, 29-34, Christ Is Risen From The Dead I Cor. AN EDUCATION IN ETHICS 12-18, Ministers of The New Testament II Cor. 1 Corinthians Sermons Bibleoutlines.com | Sermons | Commentaries | Bible Study Resources 1 Corinthians 14:3 - Three Components of a Well-Balanced Sermon "But one who prophesies speaks to men for edification and exhortation and consolation." Obviously our sermons must be Christ-centered, Bible-based and must glorify. Spirit Inspires . One is the body of Christ. 6-12, Believing On The Name of Jesus I John 5. 7-8, Doing Good, The Christians Imperative Galatians 6. 20- 7. Denomination: Thirdly, he wrote to give some doctrinal teaching, particularly on the resurrection. The First Church Of The Hatfields And Mccoys, 13. 4. 24-28, Going Back Into Bondage Galatians 4. 1-3, Jesus, The Chief Corner Stone I Peter 2. Look at the 1-9, Understanding To Edification I Cor. Paul writes to them 10. . . We call it the Lords Supper. Unity, Division. 13-18, Baptism, A Saving Figure I Peter 3. Baptist, In order to understand Pauls correspondence we need to comprehend the setting, An Introduction to the Study Charles Hodge: The epistles to the Corinthians, therefore, reveal to us more of the personal character of the apostle than any of his other letters. AND AWAY 24-29, Pauls Agony for The Colossians Colossians 2. The Test of Love. Worship, Church Family. Sermon Series contributed by Donald McCulley, To save items to a SermonFolder, please sign in to your account. Heres yet another problem Paul encounters. read more, Scripture: The law or management of household affairs. Stewardship, Household. 15-23, The Way It Is, Then and Now Colossians 1. Test series-1 Corinthians 13:1-13. Paul had a word of rebuke for them. You say, I dont even know what they all mean. Well then, let me explain. Old gods never die, they just come back in new clothing. The old gods Paul dealt with in his day are back! .Divorce . . . Use these ideas from top Christian communicators. INTRODUCTION: Unction = anointing. The church at Corinth was gifted, guided and graced. Im not talking about skill or talent, but a spiritual gift. Discord, Division. 14. On I & II Corinthians As a result she should have been sailing, soaring and sharing. Self denial and love for the brethren should characterize the mindset and practice of each believer and contribute to a mutual ministry of edification and encouragement. read more, Scripture: When the saints go marching in. 12-17, Public Praying and Preaching I Timothy 2. read more, Scripture: 1-7, Paul Among The Thessalonians, As A Father I Thess. 12-14 Paul has to deal with another issue in the church (bless the poor PEE WEE PAULS BIG ADVENTURE! 1. TALKING SEX! A key verse is v.28. 12-14, The Three Attributes of Harmony Colossians 3. 12. 12-16, Beware of Preachers That Complement You Galatians 4. One of the finest tributes paid to the church in Jerusalem was that they were read more, Scripture: read more, Scripture: Secondly, he wrote to answer some questions put to him. Fervency in speaking or behaving. 2-3, Mission Work, Christs Command, The Churchs Privilege Phil. One of the many problems in the church was the abuse of this event. 5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Corinthians 5:1-13, Tags: 8-12, Paul And The Gospel of Christ Galatians 1. . 15. New Testament Sermons Get The Sermon Notebook on DVD Sermons From Matthew Expository Sermons Five Blossoms On The Lord's Family Tree - Matthew 1:1-17 ( Christmas) Joseph: A Humble Man For A Heavenly Mission - Matthew 1:18-25 ( Christmas) The Man God Chose To Raise His Son - Matthew 1:18-25 ( Christmas) Paul gives us five ingredients to achieve a successful life and win the gold (crown). No Christian Motivation, 1 Corinthians 15:35-49 Characteristics of the Resurrection Body, 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 Final Victory Over Mortality, 1 Corinthians 16:1-24 Loose Ends and Final Thoughts. 6-18, The Fall of Mystery Babylon #2 Rev. CHRISTIAN LIBERTY 21-20, The Gospel Of Christ, A Saving Message I cor. I CORINTHIANS 1:1-9 Chaotic. I CORINTHIANS 2:6-4:21 INTRODUCTION: Spiritual gifts are good. 3. At times I have done a series of sermons. Paul has already dealt with (7:25-40) Concerning Advantages of Remaining Single, C. (8:1 11:34) Concerning Questionable Practices, the Voluntary Restricting of Our Liberties and the Unselfish Nature of the Ministry, D. (12:1 14:40) Concerning the Proper Exercise of Spiritual Gifts in the Church, III. I CORINTHIANS 6:1-11 15. 9-12, The Dead And The Coming of Jesus I Thess. I CORINTHIANS 11: 17-28 Setting The Stage Contributed on Mar 18, 2019 | 2,754 views In order to understand Paul's correspondence we need to comprehend the setting An Introduction to the Study On I & II Corinthians The letters of I & II Corinthians provide great insight for the modern day church. 15-18, Jesus Christ And Reconciliation Colossians 1. Dealing With Immorality In The Church, 19. I CORINTHIANS 10:13 James Boyer: If Paul were to write a letter to the evangelical, Bible-believing churches of late twentieth century America, I believe it would be much like I Corinthians. 21, 4. I CORINTHIANS 9:22 22. 4. 1. 1. 14. 12-15, Jesus Is Better Than The Angels Hebrews 1. Dont you think its time the Christian/church started talking it? 12-16, Liberality, A Work of Grace II Cor. 2-7, The Motive and The Results II Cor. . 3-8, How To Grow Up Spiritually I Peter 2. If you are a child of God you are a steward! QUEEN CORINTH AND HER COURT Service, Lord's Supper. read more, Scripture: Some agenda. Divine wisdom is spiritually discerned and unites all believers at the foot of the cross. Other times I Sex! Some have used it for personal devotions, and others in small study groups. 4-9; Text v9, The Kind of People God Will Punish #1 II Peter 2. 14-17, The Ministry of Reconciliation II Cor. The Lord's supper - 1. 9-11, Paul And The Providence of God Phil. 1-6, The Redemptive Work of Christ Eph. The Source of All Spiritual Blessings Eph. Davies, In Search of Myself, said, I found myself in finding God. Keeping our eyes on Jesus and Him crucified. 1 CORINTHIANS 11-14 INTRODUCTION: Old gods never die, they just come back in new clothing. The old gods Paul dealt with in his day are back! 7. Loud. 1-6, The Greater Glory of Spirit Service II Cor. He used many symbols to speak of the INTRODUCTION: Dr. Drew. read more, Scripture: Then whats it all about? 3-5, The Lord Will Stand With You II TIm. The crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ remain the key to living out the gospel in the challenging environment of a world awash in idolatry and pride and selfishness. Journey, Classification. THE CROSS VERSUS THE NEW AGE Sermon Let the One Who Boasts Boast in the Lord Reflections on a People and Their Preacher Feb 12, 2006 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:10-31 John Piper Sermon God Called Us into Life and Hope Apr 5, 1992 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 John Piper Sermon Consider Your Calling Apr 25, 2010 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 John Piper Sermon Everywhere you turn, someone wants something from you. 7. 3-5, Pauls Prayer For The Philippians Phil. Expository Sermons on 1 Corinthians | Preaching 1 Corinthians for Today Expository Sermons on 1 Corinthians Expository Sermons on 1 Corinthians by Dr. Justin Imel The image above depicts the ancient temple of Apollo in Corinth. 4. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. See 2:14. 10. He calls us to proper behavior, right living and Godly conduct. 8-11, Where Should Judgement Begin I Peter 4. What about preaching. Home; I'm New Welcome to the Summit Church. 1 Corinthians 1:1-9. One of Satans aims is to trip up Gods child so that we lose our power (unction), witness, etc To illustrate this point Paul presents an O.T. It is (1:10 6:20) Addressing Problems Undermining the Unit and Holiness of the Church The Crucifixion of Christ Reinforces the Wisdom of God Which Protects the Church from Prideful Divisions and Disorder, A. Temptation, Trials. INTRODUCTION: If you want a little overview of Pauls letter up to now consider this. Note what Paul has to say. Marriage . New Sermons will be added regularly. THE UNFINISHED TASK LOVING THE LOST 4. NOW ABOUT SPIRITUAL GIFTS 17-25, The Redemption, Negative and Positive I Peter 1. 6-12, The Blood of The New Testament Hebrews 9. 5-11, Let Us Arouse Ourselves To Service Hebrews 12. 1. 13, Using Scripture To Destroy Ones Self II Peter 3. 4-11, Relations Within The Church I Thess. 14. Instead she was stifled, stymied and snared. It is the starting point in our understanding of the journey of faith. 1-2, The Truth About The Second Coming II Thess. Specific questionable practices are reviewed and clarified in an effort to keep believers on track in their pursuit of holiness. 5. : Through the first seven chapters of this book Paul has advised the church to: 1) Fix their focus; 2) Forgo their feuding; 3) Face up to their foolishness and; 4) Forsake their filthiness. 25-33, 11.1, The Corinthian Church and the Lords Supper I Cor. 6-7, Christ and The Antichrist II Thess. THE SAVIOUR SUPPER SYMBOL What it costs to be a Christian. 13-17, Paul Did Not Preach To Please The People II Cor. 12-17, Pauls Letter of Introduction and Recommendation II Cor. 10-14, The Kind of People God Will Punish #2 II Peter 2. 1 Corinthians 1:10-17, Tags: It is not just an organization. 13. In a day when being single is 1-2, Three Great Characteristics of The Philippians Saints Phil. (15:1 15:19) The Resurrection: Fact vs Futility, B. 1. 1-8, Good News In The Midst of Tribulation Rev. 8-12, Give Thanks, Stand Fast, Comfort Hearts II Thess. Dr. Phil. 29- 3. LOSING OUR UNCTION 18-23, Individual Acts And Congregational Harmony Colossians 3. Witness, Work. 1-12, And The Sixth Angel Sounded Rev. 18-24, Do Not Beg-Off When God Speaks Hebrews 12. 5-7, The Proof of Gods Power in The Ministry II Cor. 11-12, The Christian As A Citizen I Peter 2. 1-11, The Law And Justification Galatians 2. 10-16, Right Living, The Proper Dress of A Christian Titus 2. 5-9, Jesus, The Captain of Our Deliverance Hebrews 2. What was Paul fearful of? . 1 Corinthians 9:18-27, Tags: Wisdom, Immaturity, Attitude. read more, Scripture: 18-21, The Evidence of Grace in Use II Cor. BUT MARRIAGE IS STILL A GOOD OPTION, THE CONTROLLING FACTOR IN OUR DECISION MAKING REGARDING DEBATABLE AREAS OF CHRISTIAN CONDUCT MUST BE LOVE, SPIRITUAL MINISTERS DESERVE TO BE ADEQUATELY SUPPORTED BUT ALSO HAVE THE FREEDOM TO REFRAIN FROM DEMANDING SUCH RIGHTS, SOMETIMES GOSPEL MINISTRY INVOLVES YIELDING ONES RIGHT TO FINANCIAL SUPPORT, FOUR CONSIDERATIONS OF THE APOSTLE PAUL REGARDING PREACHING THE GOSPEL WITHOUT DEMANDING HIS RIGHT TO FINANCIAL SUPPORT, THE GOAL OF WINNING SOULS DRIVES US TO RESTRICT OUR FREEDOM IN WAYS THAT WOULD SERVE OTHERS IN LOVE RATHER THAN OFFEND THEM, THE VALUE OF THE ETERNAL PRIZE AND THE DANGER OF DISQUALIFICATION MOTIVATE DISCIPLINED CHRISTIAN LIVING IN THE WARFARE AGAINST SIN, INCLUSION IN SPIRITUAL PRIVILEGE NO GUARANTEE OF PARTICIPATION IN SPIRITUAL SALVATION, MEMBERS OF THE ONE BODY OF CHRIST CAN HAVE NO ASSOCIATION WITH IDOLATRY (FALSE RELIGION), THE EXERCISE OF CHRISTIAN LIBERTY MUST BE GOVERNED BY LOVING SENSITIVITY AND APPROPRIATE RESPONSE TO THE SPECIFIC SITUATION, WOMEN MUST APPROPRIATELY ACKNOWLEDGE THE AUTHORITY (HEADSHIP) OF MEN (BY WEARING THE SYMBOLIC CLOTH HEAD COVERING) AND AVOID DENIALS OF THEIR GOD-APPOINTED FEMININE ROLE. 11. Dr. Ruth. Oikonomos = oiko = house. Romans 12: 19-21, The Higher Power, Gods Servant Romans 13: 1-7, Understanding The Times Romans 13: 11-14, Special Diets And Special Days Romans 14: 1-6, The Christian And His Weaker Brother Romans 14: 13-18, Goals Worthy of Our Pursuit Romans 14: 19-23, Living After The Example of Christ Romans 15: 1-7, Jesus Christ, The Servant Of The World Romans 15: 8-13, Paul, The Minister To The GentilesRomans 15: 14-19, Pauls Ambition To Preach The Gospel Romans 15: 20-29, Striving Together In Prayer Romans 15: 30-33, A Portrait Of Christians At Rome Romans 16: 1-6, How To Deal With Trouble Makers Romans 16: 17-20, Salutations And Benedictions Romans 16: 21-27, Unto The Church of God I Corinthians 1; 1-3, The Church Before God I Corinthians 1: 4-9, Preaching The Gospel I Corinthians 1: 17-25, Glory In The Lord I Corinthians 1: 26-31, Paul Among The Corinthians I Corinthians 2: 1-5, The Wisdom of God I Corinthians 2: 6-11, Understanding Spiritual Things I Corinthians 2: 12-16, The Truth About Serving God I Corinthians 3: 18-25 (v8), The Temple of God Is Holy I Corinthians 3: 16-23, Judge Nothing Before The Time I Corinthians 4: 1-6, Be Ye Followers Of Me I Corinthians 4: 6-21, Sin In The Church And How To Deal With It I Corinthians 5: 1-8, The Church And The World It Lives In I Corinthians 5: 9-13, Judging The Smallest Matters I Corinthians 6; 1-12, Your Body Is The Temple Of The Holy Ghost I Corinthians 6: 13-20, Practical Answers To Practical Questions, The Most Important Thing In A Christians Life , What About Eating Meat That Has Been Sacrificed To An Idol I Corinthians 8: 1-13, They Which Preach The Gospel Should Live Of The Gospel I Corinthians 9: 1-15, The Preacher And Preaching The Gospel I Corinthians 9: 16-23 (v16,17), So Run, That Ye May Obtain I Corinthians 9: 24-27, The Sins of the Children Of Israel I Cor. Second in a series in 1 Cor focusing on the first of three cures for disunity in the church. This passage concerns the observance of the Lords Supper. INTRODUCTION: None of us know what stuff we are made of until we are tested and tried. I CORINTHIANS 7:1-9 (7:1-24) Concerning Sexual Practice in Marriage and the Appropriateness of Different Situations, B. What if there was a way out of all this noise and distraction? Many Diverse Members . 15-16, The Law After Justification Galatians 2. Classification is important. Now he has to deal with the issue of immorality. 2. 14-16, Jesus Christ Our High Priest Hebrews 5. Paul endorses the single life as a viable option. 6-10, How To Have A Good Reputation I Peter 2. John MacArthur: The most serious problem of the Corinthian church was worldliness, an unwillingness to divorce the culture around them. 12-17, The Christian And The Antichrist I John 1. But one who prophesies speaks to men for edification and exhortation and consolation. Obviously our sermons must be Christ-centered, Bible-based and must glorify GODS CALLED SAINTS NEED TO HEED THE MESSAGE FROM GODS CALLED APOSTLE, THANKSGIVING IS ROOTED IN GODS FAITHFULNESS AND FOCUSES ON THE GIFTS OF GODS GRACE IN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, CHURCHES NEED TO BE UNIFIED AROUND THE SIMPLICITY AND POWER OF THE GOSPEL MESSAGE (THE CROSS OF CHRIST) RATHER THAN LOYALTY TO ONE PARTICULAR PREACHER, ONLY THE MESSAGE OF CHRIST CRUCIFIED IMPACTS MAN WITH THE POWER AND WISDOM OF GOD, THE DIVINE INITIATIVE IN ELECTION NULLIFIES MANS PRIDE SO THAT GOD GETS ALL THE CREDIT, THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PREACHING DERIVES FROM ITS FOCUS ON THE CRUCIFIED CHRIST AND ITS DYNAMIC OF THE POWER OF GOD RATHER THAN FROM THE ELOQUENCE OR PERSONALITY OF THE PREACHER, THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS IS ONLY FOOLISHNESS TO THOSE WHO DONT UNDERSTAND THE COMING GLORY, THE HOLY SPIRIT DIRECTS THE COMMUNICATION AND UNDERSTANDING OF DIVINE WISDOM THROUGH THREE FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES, FLESHLY SECTARIANISM IS AN UNNATURAL STATE FOR THE BELIEVER AND STUNTS SPIRITUAL GROWTH, ALL OF THE ACCOLADES FOR SPIRITUAL MINISTRY SHOULD GO TO GOD WHO CAUSES THE GROWTH NOT TO THE PARTICULAR SERVANTS LABORING TOGETHER ON GODS BEHALF, THE HARD WORK OF SPIRITUAL MINISTRY CAN REAP ETERNAL REWARDS WHEN WE BUILD WISELY ON THE PROPER FOUNDATION, (DONT TAMPER WITH THE TEMPLE Deffinbaugh), BECAUSE THE LOCAL CHURCH IS GODS HOLY SANCTUARY, ANYONE WHO DAMAGES (DESTROYS/CORRUPTS) IT WILL BE PUNISHED ACCORDINGLY, TWO FOOLISH MISTAKES THAT UNDERMINE GODS WISDOM AND CAUSE DIVISION WITHIN THE LOCAL CHURCH, THE JUDGMENT OF THE LORD IS ALL THAT MATTERS WHEN IT COMES TO ULTIMATE ACCOUNTABILITY FOR CHRISTIAN MINISTRY, BOASTING IN PARTICULAR PROMINENT PREACHERS DEMONSTRATES ARROGANT PRIDE AND SELF SUFFICIENCY, EFFECTIVE SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP AGGRESSIVELY CONFRONTS SIN AND PROVIDES JUST THE RIGHT BALANCE OF NURTURE AND DISCIPLINE FOR THE NEED OF THE MOMENT TO ACHIEVE THE DESIRED CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR, CHURCH DISCIPLINE MUST BE ENFORCED AGAINST SEXUAL IMMORALITY, BELIEVERS SHOULD NEVER SUE FELLOW BELIEVERS, UNCONVERTED SINNERS HAVE NO PART IN GODS KINGDOM , A TRANSFORMED LIFE SHOULD PRODUCE TRANSFORMED LIVING, EIGHT GUIDELINES TO ENCOURAGE BELIEVERS TO GLORIFY GOD IN OUR PHYSICAL BODY, APART FROM THE GIFT OF CELIBACY, THE CONSISTENT PATTERN OF SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS IN THE MARRIAGE UNION PROTECTS FROM TEMPTATION TO IMMORALITY, DIFFERENT SITUATIONS CALL FOR DIFFERENT DIVINE INSTRUCTION REGARDING SINGLENESS, MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE (AND REMARRIAGE), EMBRACE WITH CONTENTMENT GODS SOVEREIGN PROVIDENTIAL DISPENSATION OF YOUR OUTWARD CIRCUMSTANCES AS YOU FOCUS ON SERVING CHRIST TO THE MAX, STAYING SINGLE HAS MUCH TO COMMEND ITSELF . 17-21, The Galatians And The Truth Galatians 3. 1 Corinthians 11:17-28, Tags: 14. 8-13, Pauls Evaluation Of Speaking In Tongues I Cor. INTRODUCTION: The Christ who died and rose again will come again. theres a posted sign that reads CHRISTIAN WORSHIP 1-8, Pauls prayer For The Colossians Colossians 1. I CORINTHIANS 7:25-40 10-20, How Things Should Be Done In The Church I Cor. They were not only saints they were also brothers (members of the same family). Perhaps you have seen some of the billboards that have appeared around major cities lately. 1 Corinthians 10:23 11:1 Situational Ethics When Can I Eat Meat Offered to Idols? Its the story of Gods own nation. INTRODUCTION: Some people see only the facts but they never see the meaning behind the facts. March 26, 2022. 12-16, The Power of Perfect Love I John 4. 6-11, When God Harvests The Earth Rev. This study guide was designed for adult Bible classes, though it might be suitable for junior and senior high classes as well. 12. 5-7, A Triumphant Entrance Into The Kingdom of God II Peter 1. It concerns division in the church with regards to litigation. Preaching through 1 Corinthians will help our people to avoid both extremes. It is the starting point in our understanding of the journey of faith. 15-17, The Home And Congregational Harmony Colossians 3. 2. Its not about me, but us! 5-9, Why Did The Cretians Need A Pastor Titus 1. The letters of I & II Corinthians provide great insight for the modern day church. Until He comes there is: 6. We need 1-3, Self Criticism And Gods Work Galatians 6. I CORINTHIANS 9:24-27 I CORINTHIANS 6:12-20 Consider some words. Most of the believers could not consistently separate themselves from their old, selfish, immoral, and pagan ways. If you are a child of God you are a steward! (15:1-58) Arguing for the Necessity of the Resurrection of the Dead the Resurrection of Christ Reinforces the Final Triumph of the Saints Which Motivates Perseverance in Faithful Service, A. . 1, The gospel And The Thessalonians I Thess. 8-15, The Lords Solemn Invitation And Warnings Rev. Discipleship is a Process by Brian Bill Caleb Greggsen pastors an English-speaking church in Central Asia. 6. They only see the literal, never the symbolic. 3. 17-34, Concerning Spiritual Gifts I Cor. . Now he tells them to: 5) Figure out their 26-27, Willful Non Assembly, A Triune Sin Hebrews 10. 21-33, Paul And His Critics Compared Spiritually II Cor. 1-3, The Gift Of Charity, Its Attributes I Cor. INTRODUCTION: Exam time can be pretty intense. When it comes to church ethics God sets the standards. 14. 8. 1. 1-16, The Gospel of Salvation Matthew 20: 17-19, Jesus Asks Two Questions Matthew 20: 20-34, Thy Kingdom Cometh Unto Thee Matthew 21: 1-17, The Lessons of the Fig Tree Matthew 21: 18-22, The Result of Rejecting Divine Authority Matthew 21: 33-46, The Parable of the Marriage Supper Talking Ones Self Into Trouble Matthew 22: 1-14 15-22, The Astonishing Teachings of Jesus Matthew 22: 23-33, The Pharisees Try Again Matthew 22: 34-46, The Problems of the Pharisees and Scribes Matthew 23: 1-12, The Trouble With The Pharisees Matthew 23: 13-39, Jesus And Jerusalem #1 Matthew 23: 37-39 Through 24: 1-3, Jesus And Jerusalem #2 Matthew 24: 4-14, Jesus And Jerusalem #3 Matthew 24: 15-28, Jesus And Jerusalem #4 Matthew 24: 29-31, Lessons From Nature And History Matthew 24: 32-42, Who Is A Faithful And Wise Servant Matthew 24: 42-51, The Kingdom of Heaven Compared To Ten Virgins Matthew 25: 1-13, The Parable of the Talents Matthew 25: 14-30, The Judgment of Nations Matthew 25: 31-46, Jesus In Gethsemane, The Prayer and the Betrayal Matthew 26: 36-56, Jesus Before Pontius Pilate Matthew 27: 1-26, The Crucifixion of Jesus Matthew 27: 29-56, The Resurrection of Jesus Christ Matthew 27: 57-66, through 28: 1-8, Jesus And His Disciples After the Resurrection Matthew 28: 9-20, The Beginning of The Gospel Mark 1: 1-8, The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus Mark 1: 9-15, Jesus Called Men To Follow Him Mark 1: 16-22, Miracles, Signs, And Wonders, Why And When Mark 1: 23-45, Acts 2: 22, John 20: 30-31, Jesus and Religious Non- Conformity Mark 2: 18-28, Bad Advice From Friends And Family Mark 3: 7-21 (21), Never Forgiven, The Eternal Sin Mark 3: 22-30, Vs. 29, First Love, First Loyalty Mark 3: 31-35, Why They Dont Come To Church Anymore Mark 4: 1-20, The Dynamics of Spiritual Truth Mark 4: 21-34, The Man Jesus Sent Home Mark 5: 1-20 (18-20), Jesus and Lifes Most Difficult Problems Mark 5: 1-43 (23), (25-26), (35), Jesus And The Twelve Apostles Mark 6: 7-13, The Execution of John The Baptist Mark 6: 14-29, Twenty-Four Hours In The Life of Jesus Mark 6: 30-56, The Heart And The Belly Mark 7: 24-37, (37) 8: 1-9, A Sign, A Warning And A Blessing Mark 8: 10-26, Are You Ashamed of Jesus And His Word Mark 8: 27-38, (38), The Kingdom of God And Jesus Christ Mark 9: 1-13, (1), Please Dont Be Offended! 12-17, Where Has God Brought Us Hebrews 12. 5, The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth, So Help Me God II cor. 5. 18-21, Contending For The Faith; Why contend For the Faith Jude 1-4, Modern Leaven And The Modern Lump Jude 1-5, I Cor. Sermons in Series: 43 Denomination: Baptist 1 2 Next 1. Start Here. . 1-11, Who Is Worthy To Open The Book Rev. Spiritual, Carnal, Natural. 1-6, Hebrews, The Conclusion Hebrews 13. 1 Corinthians 7:25-40, Tags: 8-10, Jesus, The Man Who Annulled Death II Tim. 1-6, The Exercise That Benefits Forever I Timothy 4. What do you say to the first church of the Hatfields and McCoys? Spirit Illumines, 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 The Danger of Sectarianism, 1 Corinthians 3:5-9 Sectarianism Defeated by Giving All Glory to God, 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 Divine Blueprint for Spiritual Construction, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 The Sanctity of the Local Church as the Temple of God, 1 Corinthians 3:18-23 Gods Wisdom Always Trumps Mans Wisdom, 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 Performance Review for Christian Ministers, 1 Corinthians 4:6-13 Exposing Arrogant Pride and Self Sufficiency, 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 No Tolerance for Sexual Sin, 1 Corinthians 6:1-8 Competent to Judge Civil Disputes, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Whos In? Paul gives us five ingredients to 14-21, The Church That Glorifies God Eph. I. In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul reminded the troubled church at Corinth that what the church needs most is love. Bible Outlines is dedicated to helping others understand scriptures through the Big Idea concept. The church is an organism. The church is an organism. 22-25 Isa. 1 Corinthians 4:2, Tags: 1-7, How Can We All Get Along In The Church I Peter 4. INTRODUCTION: This was the 1999 theme for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for Foreign Missions. 17-19, What Is The Pastor Supposed To Do I Peter 5. 11. It concerns division in the church with regards to litigation. 13-17, The Opening of The Seventh Seal Rev. 9-12, The Colossians Reasons For Thanksgiving Colossians 1. This includes various Gospel Presentations and helpful booklets. . OR CARNAL? INTRODUCTION: This passage really has nothing to do with a beauty pageant. Whose fool are you. read more, Scripture: 20-26, The Characteristics of Our Age II Tim. If it did you would be wondering how such ugly got to the throne! GODS GIFTED CHILDREN read more, Scripture: 1. 2. 1-3, Spiritual Gifts Without Love I Cor. 15. 11. . 1-2, What We Were And What We Are And How We Got Here Titus 3. When it comes to church ethics God sets the standards. The heartbeat of the godly person is the desire to respect and reverence the things of God. 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, Tags: 14-19, The Scoffers of The Last Day II Peter 3. Look at this text and note the following. 8-12, Separation, Tribulation, Joy I Thess. It requires diligence and effort! 17. 1. Im not talking about skill or talent, but a spiritual gift. 15-16, Grow In Grace And Knowledge II Peter 3. As far back as April 15, 1993 USA Today reported that the average American man under age 40 has had seven sexual partners in his life. 4. 1 Corinthians 7:1-9, Tags: 1 Corinthians 11-14:1, Tags: Remarriage, 1 Corinthians 7:17-24 Bloom Where You are Planted Salvation Doesnt Mean You Should Change Your Physical Circumstances. He also identifies the saints. THE MAGNIFICATION OF CLASSIFICATION INTRODUCTION: Needless to say we live in a sexually saturated society. 18-21, See That Ye Love One Another I Peter 1. Listen to and watch all the sermons from the series, plus access transcripts and small group resources. . 1-9, Hearing The Holy Scriptures II Tim. To understand God's plan for marriage we must learn that: 1. 17-20, Being Hindered From Running Well Galatians 5. Figure out your freedom. 1-17, John, More Than A Prophet Luke 7: 18-35, Thy Sins Are Forgiven Luke 7: 36-50 vs. 48, People With Honest And Good Hearts Luke 8: 1-18 vs. 15, The Parable of The Sower and The Modern Church Luke 8: 4-21 vs. 15, Kinfolk And The Kingdom of God Luke 8: 19-21, Traveling Thru Life With Jesus Luke 8: 22-56, Lessons We May Learn From The Ministry of Jesus Luke 9: 1-17, The Persons Mission and Challenge of Jesus Luke 9: 18-27, The Time of Judgement, A Preview Luke 9: 258-36, Is Your Name Written In Heaven Luke 10: 17-20, The Blessings of Eyes That See Luke 10: 21-24, Making A Bad Decision About Good Things Luke 10: 38-42, You Dont Have To Beg God Luke 11: 1-13, Hear The Word of God And Keep It Luke 11: 14-28, Seeing A Sign or Looking for A Light Luke 11: 29-36, Religions Dirty Little Secret Luke 11: 37-54, Hypocrisy Never Solves A Problem Luke 12: 1-12, I Have Heard All of That Before Luke 12: 22-34, The Kingdom, The King, And Disciples Luke 12: 31-40, Who Is A Faithful and Wise Steward Luke 12. 9. 8. 12-15, Principles For Holy And Happy Living I Thess. Life can feel overwhelming. 35-49, Now Concerning The Collection I Cor. 1-3, The Man of Sin Restrained II Thess. 1-13, Paulss Second Prayer for the Ephesians Eph. 1-13, Love The Brethren And Mind Your Own Business I Thess. 2. It is a place where we learn about commitment. 19-23, Paul, A Suffering Servant Colossians 1. 13. 36-37, Through Faith Also Sara Hebrews 11. 10-18, Godly Love, Johns Caution I John 4. With so many people listening to something different there is no one at the top of the charts because there are so many charts. 13-17, Dont Be Afraid And Do Whats Right I Peter 3. read more, Scripture: Oftentimes we easily yield to temptation. 15. 1 Corinthians 6:1-11, Tags: 21. read more, Scripture: A Magical View of Religion. read more, Scripture: The objectives are usually things I plan to emphasize . 1. . His family looks down into the open grave and his son says, He never knew who he was. Do you know who you are? Dr. Sue. Steward, Faithful, Required. Marriage, Relationship. . I CORINTHIANS 12 Introductory material, along with summaries, detailed outlines, and review questions. 18. 1-12, Paul Plans Another Visit To Corinth II Cor. In Pauls day the early church met in homes and had a meal (agape It is done from the military to the school system to denominations. 4-10 (v5), The Gentiles, The Jews, And Jesus Christ Eph. Why is the rapture so important. Freedom, Governed. 15-18, The Law As A Pedagogue Galatians 3. 3. 1. I. This does not mean they are serious minded at all times. 1-7, Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth II Tim. 1 Corinthians 2:11-3:6, Tags: Down through my years of ministry I have preached from these two books on several occasions. Face up to your foolishness. 11-18, Pauls View of Himself and His Ministry Eph. 4. 8-11, Pauls Labor Among The Galatians Glatians 4. You are a gifted child! 26-29, The Christian And Sin And Righteousness I John 2. 3. 1-7, Going To Judgement Together II Cor. 2. study. 9-10, The New Age Wave Pagan Surge In America, By . In Chs. A. 1 Corinthians 1:1-3. 14-18, How To Deal With Trouble In The Church Phil. In four chapters (11-14) there are three issues greatly affecting the family. 1 Corinthians 1:10-18, Tags: INTRODUCTION: We live in a day of classifications. But like anything else they can be abused and misused. 8-15, The Church And The Truth I Timothy 3. Who Should Stay Single? 5-8, Among The Thessalonian Church I Thess. 10, Truths That Can Change People II Cor. 22. Sin may be dead but it aint buried yet. The church is not a building, place or street address. 5. 1-7, Men And Women In Worship I Timothy 2. 8-12, Made Free By Jesus Christ Colossians 2. Love is the chief motivation for service. I CORINTHIANS 11:23-26 All of them centered around their worship practices. 1-7, The Four Horsemen of Revelation Rev. 1-7, The Blessedness of Doing Gods Commandments Rev. See 1:4-7 they were gifted. What am I driving at? Paul has already dealt with divisions in the church. 7-11, Why Does God Dwell In Man I John 4. 16-18, 14. . Sermon Outlines The Book of Matthew Book of Matthew Title Page According To Matthew Matthew 1: 1-18 Joseph, Just a Man Matthew 1: 19-25 The Infancy of Jesus Matthew 2:1-23 & Luke 2: 49 John the Baptist Matthew 3: 1-4 John the Baptist Baptizes Matthew 3: 5-10 7-10, The Christians Inner Conflict Galatians 5. 1-3, Christ In The Midst of His churches Rev 1. (3:1-4) Fellow Workers With God (3:5-15) Destroying The Temple Of God (3:16-17) We live in a day of classifications. 2. 11-14, A Portrait of Those Who Are Not, In Christ eph. 11-20, Jesus, A High Priest After The Order of Melchisedec Hebrews 6. 4. 1 Corinthians 9:22, Tags: Church, Requirements, Relationship. 1-6, The True Measure of A Man II Cor. I CORINTHIANS 9:18-27 Epistle of 1 Corinthians from Various Versions of the Holy Scriptures Origins for Corinth (1 Corinthians 1:1-3) 19-22, Dont Walk Like You Started I Peter 4. 15. 8-11, How To Escape The Rottenness of This World II Peter 1. 1-4, Submission, Humility, Casting I Peter 5. 4-6, Foundation For Deception Galatians 6. 5. 9-19, The Destruction of Babylon, The Time When God Avenges His True People Rev. They were not only saints they were also brothers (members of the same family). Introduction Love, it is the key principal in a Christian's life. 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Tags: 11-12, These All Died In Faith Hebrews 11. See More Details. Some advice. 1. 4:13-18. Latest Sermons Added Study 7 from 1 Corinthians, "Lessons from a Great Soul Winner" (1 Corinthians 2:1-6) Added 3/8/23. Love is not a feeling that we can lose or throw away. They show him to us as a man, as a pastor, as a counselor, as in conflict not only with heretics, but with personal enemies. 1-4, How To Do What God Wants Us To Do Eph. 1-19, Gods Oath And The Priesthood of Jesus Hebrews 7. Now he tells them to: 5) Figure out their freedom. Persuasion. INTRODUCTION: The word ethical is foreign to some church people and some preachers!
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