Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Tragedy - Chapters: 7 - Words: 5,621 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 49 - Follows: 29 - Published: 5/13/2017 - Status: Complete - id . All rights belong to Nickelodeon. I'm done with trying to be better than any of you as I always fail and cause troubles I regret for long. "Ew! Lincoln was in his room making next manga drawings when suddenly Luna came into his room. Ronnie: The fail is doing nothing when you can do something. Without Mr. This makes the siblings proclaim that they succeeded in their mission. That's it! Non-Loud Rita AU. I have 10 sisters and I've always been the worst sibling! You destroyed my 13th birthday! Lincoln: I'm Lincoln and I'm Local H. Wait, your voice sounds familiar. Humor. "Crashed Course" is the twenty-third episode of the sixth season, and the two-hundred-sixty-ninth episode of The Loud House. They believed their career died before it even started. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lincoln: At least they don't make fun from me. So stop your sarcasm, Maggie! As a result, Lori tells her roommate, Marisa, that she might as well study some more since she has nothing else to do. Why the only person who can't be happy about it is you?! Lincoln: [shocked] Aaah! Luna: Because I used to be like you, not so extreme but similar. You atoned for this by reinviting us to your pool. After the meeting Lincoln left the club in company of Maggie. Lincoln: Emo express themselves through fashion, music and poetry. There he put headphones on his ears and began listening to sad songs. She was shocked on sight of him. *The knocks happened to be from Luna and Lincoln. I simply express my inner pain by simple colours. Can I go now? Feeling overshadowed by his older sisters Lincoln begins to question if his life makes any sense. Luan: This joke will make you smile. Lincoln: She herself doesn't know me. Earlier you found how she discovered our secrets. You changed style to date with this Tom Servo, you cheater! Maggie: Wow! Lola: Stop babbling, you're insufferable. Lincoln: I'm just student fascinated with video games and comics and now an emo subculture. Ronnie: You never wanted to be an emo. Disapointed Lincoln came to his room. Because these all were lies! Regardless of their condition they do what they love. Leni: Hey, Lincoln! Lincoln sees events that have yet to unfold, including ugly truths. He came into her room and asissted her in experiments. 8.3K Views (It was one day after the "No Such Luck" episode, Lincoln forgave his sisters for what they did to him, and everything was back to normal. I wanted to express it in a creative way. I tried to be special like them but I always fail. Hello. Be yourself again. Lincoln: Remind me because I don't remember. Lori: She's your sister. I can't believe a tough girl like you would even notice me. Lincoln: Are trying to tell me that I also shall not give up despite my epic failures? Funny Business works well, I don't need your ideas, only asisstance. After looking at the phone photos, Lynn snuck into Lincoln's bedroom without him waking up to grab his sketchbook. Lori: [making guilty face realising Lincoln is a person with feelings] What have I done? Lynn: Oh, don't start it again! Lynn: You shall be happy from my success! [he turned around and got shocked] Woah! Lori: Before I was a teen I met new students better than me at studying who enjoyed making fun of me. Lincoln: [to the audience] Living in shadow of one sister is bad enough but overshadowed by 10 is a nightmare. A boy who doesn't give up no matter in how bad situation he is. Luan: Dang it! Clyde: I hope your sisters will get this nonsense out of your head because I am done talking to you! Luan: Oh gee, maybe nobody can understand you because YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING REASON TO BE SAD RIGHT NOW!!! You are a brother of Luna and other wonderful sisters. Luna: The old self who loved reading comics and play video games and clogging the toilet and wears pajamas with feet in them and plays with dolls and carries his blanky around and-. What did you do to yourself? They went in their own separate ways. I am not the same Lincoln you thought you know. I left my phone in house. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Compare to my pointlessness of 7th grade your situation is much worse. Lincoln: I am never happy! Every time I tried to guess which one I received answer "wrong". Lana: You are the only one who can play with all of us. You're so short-sighted if you think gender defines you. Later, the two call a sibling meeting where they explain their findings, where Leni adds in that Lori's recent social media posts are showing her partying and slacking off instead of studying. I must compete for love and attention of my parents. Leni: Oh, no. They gave each other a hug but later blushed realising they just hugged. 1 12.6K 75 by alex9076 Lincoln walks the halls of his high school, wondering why he is still here. Lori: Don't forget it was you alone who found dirt against Lola, when she blackmailed us all. With no pleasure he began taking all plates, forks and knives. Lisa: Impossible is all until you make it possible by lot of efforts. It was kinda cold from her. Lincoln: Refresh my memory because I don't remember anything like that. It'll be quite a while before he gets over this and feels better." Why? Lincoln: You were wonderful. Suddenly Ronnie Anne was walking by and recognised Lincoln's voice. Well, in my previous fanfiction on the "No Such Luck" episode, Lynn felt extremely sad for how rude she was to Lincoln, and very sorry too! Do you think I like living like that? My life. Before Lincoln could reach his room Lynn approached him with her new trophy. However, to Lisa's surprise, she discovers that the test she and the other students are taking is actually a game of golf. Lincoln: But I don't like the old me. Your best friend is an emo now. Lincoln: You just reminded me how much far I am to you. Siblings sans Leni and Lincoln: [facepalm]. Because of this, the siblings proclaim that they need to do everything in their power to get rid of any and all distractions from Lori so that her grades will improve. He felt sad because he knew that wasn't the real trophy and it reminded him the pain and sorrow he experienced because of his envy. I've been looking for you in literally whole city! Maggie: Now I see you are not another naive young fool believing to you can do anything, you desperatelly seek your life purpose. Lincoln: Whole my life is a nonsense! Their wheelchairs are adjusted to play basketball. Lincoln returned to his house for dinner. Lincoln returned home and was greeted by his sisters without enthusiasm. Cover by Raganoxer. ), *We cut to Luna and Luan's room at The Loud House. [she gave Lincoln a card and left]. I just wanted to be special but since it's impossible all I have left self-pity. Maggie: Now if you excuse me, I'm leaving you two to solve it yourself. Chapter 4. Luna: You will be when the party starts. Maybe there I'll find purpose. Lincoln: I can speak for myself! Lincoln: This is amazing! I do it because I am ashamed of being a useless troublemaker who is worse than all of you in everything. I got tired of cumming this pain of inferiority so now I express it. All sisters danced but Lincoln was just sitting on couch and thinking about how their joy was making him sad. If you want your life to make sense then don't give up seeking on it. Lincoln: In designing or choosing fabric or maybe for inspiration? - Lynn yells (Lincoln gets up and his hand hurts) Do you think it's a good reason to be emo? I hope reading comic will help me forget about it. Good you decided to make a step further because your pessimism was getting annoying. Lincoln: Did you consider adding origiami? Lori: Well, you can't be perfect at everything, nobody can. Maggie: He deserves someone more caring than you. I just have to accept I am fated to live in 10 shadows. - Lynn tells Leni (Both of them run inside and Lincoln then wakes up, while Lynn and Leni are standing nearby) LINCOLN: Oh, my head. I am emo. Margaret isn't my girlfriend, I know her only for 2 days. Unbekownst to him he was observed by another emo, Maggie but she didn't recognise him. Lincoln came to Ash Ketchum, where he noticed Clyde playing with his two cats, so he approached him. For that I'm sorry. Lucy: Black clothes don't make you a goth yet. Lincoln: No, I'm telling the truth. Lincoln: The one who saved your birthday from catastrophe I caused was my sister. You wish to be a professional skateboarder because you have your talents. Ronnie: It's you, silly! You've changed for the worse! Is this what you really want to do? Feedback is Appreciated. However, seeing the truth can change people. Lori: Because I was worried about you. Rita: Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lucy, Lana, Lola and Lisa, you may leave and think about what you've done. Tabby: [sad and disapointed] You're correct. They are playing basketball despite fact they can move only on wheels? You're ruining my celebration party! It's not about gender any more. Lincoln: Whatever I plan I do all wrong so comics and video games were my method of escaping from this cruel world so I could for at least a moment not think about it. I don't want you to suffer inferiority complex as I did. They all kept saying their lives lost sense and purpose. Feel good for inspiring us to write new poems and songs. Luna: That's the spirit. This can be interesting. Lincoln: Ok, did you consider my idea of expanding your performance with yo-yo tricks? He tried to read a comic but Leni entered his room. Lori: You have literally no reason to become a constantly grim sadness seeker complaining about everything. She is the Guardian. I began finding sense in my senseless life. This causes Lisa to realize in horror that the reason why Lori's scores were so low was because they were golf scores, and in golf, the main goal is to get the lowest score possible (meaning that Lori was really acing her classes this whole time). Maggie: You shall not come for our next meetings to fully embrace your new self. Lincoln: The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had. Lincoln: This is the real me. Here is your cake. * Luan: Come in! Elmo: Elmo getting tired of Lincoln's sadness! Maybe I'll be a mangaka one day, who knows? Luna: You're unbelievable! Lincoln: [furiously] But I hate my old self! When the siblings leave Lori's dorm hall, the end of Lana's hat and Lily's left ear are layered over Lola for one frame. (Many thanks to Parasomnico for the artwork.) I am the genius when you are just technologically impaired.". Lincoln: Ouch! Luna: We all do mistakes but they make us who we are especially if we learn from them. You wanted to be a detective or a video game tester or a comic book writer or an astronaut or a football playing king in space. Being unable to change this I can only express my pain through wearing proper clothes, drawing manga or simply speaking. Ah, yes. She approached him and sat next to him. Are you telling me this to have attention? It's pointless to be who I can't possibly become. Lincoln: [to the audience] I was just giving Lisa proper test tube. You sound like you don't know what you're talking about! Well, almost normal.) Lincoln: Margaret, wait! Lincoln: It's typical for Elmo to be not understood by anybody. You can be whoever you want if you trust your instincts. No matter what I do I always fail spectaculary and my sisters like reminding me this. Luan: Sorry but that yo-yo is for good street performers not for my serious business. He realized how close he was standing to her. One day, Lincoln Loud was one day watching Arggh on television. Lincoln: Colours would distract viewer from messeges put in the drawings. For this I'm sorry. Luna said you were going to meet more emo. Lori: I'll try at least to support you and not ridicule you. I deluded myself I am better than her and failed spectaculary. [she approached Lincoln and patted his arm] Hey! My 36th fanfiction. I tried to earn some recognition like them, I tried be like each of them, but I always failed. I feel so depressed because I live in shadows of my sisters and I express myself through drawings. They are polite and sensitive people. Lincoln: It's all because I just wanted to be special like my sisters, not an avarage boy oveshadowed by them. Get away Lincoln Loud!" He heard a girl scream. Due to his great sadness he was unable to be afraid of Lucy. Ronnie: How can you say your life is senseless? Luan: I won't rest till I make a joke that will put a smile on face on your face. Luan: I love this art but this isn't popular nowadays. Later Lincoln was going to his room when Luan called him to her room. Now. I do not own The Loud House. Lincoln: I deluded myself I'm a comedy expert better than you, it was my grave mistake. Why did you decide to become an emo? At the table his elder sisters were chatting and laughing when he simply ignored them and focused on his meal. Ronnie: So you're cheating me with first randonly met girl! Because he was standing next to Maggie she mistook it for a date and thought Lincoln is cheating on her. Lori barley cared about her broher and that really tickted Lincoln off. Lincoln: Why should I do this? It's better than cumulating this pain within. * Lincoln and Luna: Hi Luan! But right now, in this next "No Such Luck" fanfiction, Lincoln is still having thoughts about that one episode, so his sisters decide to all apologize together. All was decided by chromosomes. Maggie: I am inviting you to my world and I wish you to accept this. Lucy: How can you possibly suffer? Lincoln: Well, then, Margaret, I have lot of reasons to be emo. He barley remebers the last time, she treated him nicely and he felt allot of anger towards her sister. Maggie: This is a drawing of Lucky Star you're not an emo! I was always the worst sibling as I am good at nothing and that's why my life is pointless. It was cruel and litterally nothing justifies. All because I felt better having someone worse than me around. Wow! They try to find purpose in their suffering. Do you know how it is to be constantly compared to someone? Join us! I mean you compare yourself to us and belittle yourself. A perfect joke is one that makes a saddo, oh sorry, an emo smile. Ronnie: They are cried and don't want anybody to pity them. It reminded meeting of AA. Leni: I like your white hair, why would you change them? Maggie: If you wish to feel truly emo, then take this. In your position I would be happy and appreciate your sisters. A tiny missing leg caused I'm different and flawed for whole my life. Next day Lincoln and Luan returned to house after birthday party. Chapter One: The worst day. (8 Loud Sisters leave.) Luan was shown to be in the van when she, Leni, Luna, Lucy, Lola and Lily were taking Lori out for a power lunch, but she was with the other group of siblings when they were distracting Niblick. Look how you scared Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti! I have such bad luck to be me. After saying some jokes Luan was the only one laughing. Misunderstood, ostracized and sensitive outcasts. Lincoln: How can you know this even if I don't know myself? Hello everyone it's me, MuppetSpot. Tabby: I can't believe it. Where are you going? Ronnie Anne: It was all started at the cafeteria so Lincoln read a note when his friends saying! From now I won't be silent about problems. You are grounded for the next 2 weeks. Why did you change your style? Clyde: I can compare myself to you! It's true. Lincoln: Do I see correctly? Now I feel like I'm talking to a stranger. Lori: [facepalm] Ugh, I hoped you'll literally end with this nonsense after the walk. They don't laugh from me and listen what I'm telling unlike you and other sisters. LENI: You got knocked out by a baseball, Linky. [she hit Lincoln in stomach]. It's not easy to speak about what makes you feel inferior. There in a cosmetic shop where he purchased a paint to dye his hair black and make up to paint his eyes in black. She is six years old, but Lincoln never liked her . With no pleasure he began taking all plates, forks and knives. Clyde McBride. You must be new in the city. Lori: I literally don't get you at all. Lincoln: [sigh] I kept comparing myself to my sisters and tried to copy their achievements so long I stopped looking for my own strengths. What a lame excuse. I know fact I'm not meant to be special. Lincoln: I am not this kind of guy. No trying, no fails. I thought I will like the new Lincoln, I'm revoking this. I forgave you this already! You can't even dream about it! I doubt that. Lincoln and his elder sisters were eating their meals. [she ran away crying], Chapter 3 - Not Recognising the Best Friend. He painted green stripes on his hair, bought a white belt and a scarf in white and black checker. Luna: You are definitely right bro! After several times she told me, faithfully quoting, "You think you are smart enough to guess what I need but you only delude yourself. Oh, wait I do! They all were saying improvising sad haiku, listening to sad songs and drawing manga versions of themselves, one of them even played a sad melody on guitar. Lincoln may stay this as changing style will help him develop his character. Lincoln: [Disapointed] Ok what about ventriloquism? Luan: [annoyed] You didn't even hear my jokes. (crying) Lynn Sr.: Junior, We are so disappointed in you. Feeling overshadowed by his sisters, Lincoln goes through depression that causes him to question his future. Lincoln: I told you to shut up! Sid: Yeah! Back at Leni's group, they are informed about the mix-up and quickly attempt to get Lori back to campus. Lincoln: I don't know. I'll go there tomorrow. Melancholinc View source My 36th fanfiction. When Lori asked her siblings why they were wearing disguises, Lynn is still shown to be tall in her Lori disguise despite Lincoln, Lana, and Lisa not being in the trench coat holding her up. Lola: I can't remember the last time you were silent about your problems. Lori: But you gave us this idea. I can't help but keep comparing myself to you because you did all better than me. Maggie: You failed to be a clown and now you try to be an emo? [after some time] In this issue Ace Savvy's enemy said he committed suicide because he lived in shadow of his older brother. Take a walk and maybe you'll feel better. Tabby: More you change the less you feel. Those pictures were sad and presented how bad he feels. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Lucy: Hey, brother. You gave us all a nice safe place in your room to protect us from Luan at April Fools Day. All I see is how much nobody I am compare to you. Tabby: [in her head] Who is this guy? Maggie: [angry] Luan called me and told me everything, then I deleted her from my contacts! He was purposeless walking through the mall, when he suddenly decided to come into a music shop. This is not your style and we both know this. However, Leni poked a hole in their tire because she felt bad about lying that they blew one out, so they use a nearby golf cart instead. Lincoln: I accept you for who you are so why I don't get from you same in return? Just then, she hears a couple of knocks on her and Luna's bedroom door. Lincoln was walking to his room but was grabbed by Lisa. Lincoln: In your position I would give up just like I gave up trying to be better than you or any sister. I am a ridiculously regular guy, so regular I can be hardly noticed like I were invisible. Remind me if there is anything I didn't screw up. Using multiple disguises, the siblings proceed to divert Lori's attention long enough so they can get rid of her distractions, like deactivating her devices and discouraging her from visiting her friends when informed of a possum infestation. Besides I thought you already had enough of lessons to respect your siblings no matter what they are like. What she. Lincoln: Maybe for the first time I know. Lori: Let him be this way. Lynn: You're just jealous because you are no match for me. I don't know who you are, but surely not the Lincoln I remember. Rita: I do, I even met some when I was young. Lincoln: Then why did you never bother to tell me this? I feel better now. Luna: Me too! Lynn: Stop it! I've admired you for this. He detected a poster with an emo boy and decided to look more like him. Thank you for opening my eyes. Lincoln: It's pointless to try do an impossible thing. [she turns music on] Wait, AFI? Ronnie: Not so long ago I've known someone like them. I won't rest till I succeed. Lincoln: Then you know nothing about me and about emo even less. Ronnie: I prefer the old you. Clyde: Lincoln? Lincoln was so depressed he began drawing with pencil. [he came into Luan's room]. Lincoln: As usual the only child like you doesn't know how it is to be surrounded by those who overshadow you. Lincoln: For sure I am! But what made you to become an emo? Luan: These Shoes Are Made For Tappin'! Inspiration for the story came to my mind when I rewatched Polish animated tv series "Troo", where the titular character is a typical emo teen. Lincoln: Give me a reason why should I do this? You don't have siblings so you don't have to compete nor to be compared to anybody. Tabby: What's this fashion? He looks familiar. He's blasting "Welcome to the Black Parade" nonstop! Luan takes her shoes and socks off, and puts on her tap dancing shoes. Surprisingly for Lincoln Lori was driving the van and found him on street. Lincoln: Knowing that I am nobody compare to my 10 sisters I can only live with my inner pain and express it. [he took family photo from his wallet and showed this to Maggie] Here is the proof. Lincoln: You don't know even ten procent of the whole truth! I wanted Lincoln to make up with her after ruining her birthday. He looked nervous.) Lucy: Please don't return to this. Lori: Better than avoid the noidally depressed. This is my first fanfic where Maggie appears. Lincoln: Don't you think it was cruel or hypocritical? As an emo I have new emo companions who can at least partially understand me. Luan: Sigh, listen, brother. For now I have no more reasons to be depressed. Why only you can't feel it?! He ran away, embarrassed. Non-Loud Lincoln AU. What's black, white and green? Lincoln: I made so many epic fails I lost faith in myself. Christopher Cross - When Lana decides to begin her plan to retrieve Coach Niblick, she tells Anthony to "ride like the wind", referencing his 1979 song with this title. He can't keep any of his jobs for long but it doesn't stop him from trying to find a new one. Later he searched in internet for "sense of life" and suddenly found a certain article. I came to you for some rhymes for words borrow and fame. With this, he can change or avoid certain bad things from happening. We're back home. [giggle]. You all are born special so what can you know? Well, almost normal. Anyway, this deals with Lincoln being depressed to the point where he begins, and attempts to commit suicide. "Oh boy this new episode is a great episode," Lincoln said. You mastered this art, so you can add it to your performance. Be yourself again! Unbekownst to Lincoln in same shop was Tabby and noticed him. I told you that for 13 years I didn't know who I wanted to be until I met Mick Swagger. To stop thinking about it he rushed with the dishes to the kitchen. Lincoln Loud has a new power, the ability to see into the future and all the possible outcomes. Lori: We have a great event to celebrate and be happy. You all inherited talents from mom and dad and developed them when I am a talent less waste. Emo is who I really am. Elmo: Elmo could write better fanfiction! I don't expect you to understand me as well. 10 sisters, who care for you. So stop belittling yourself and be again the Lincoln we all know and love. Luna: I'm sorry that you have such low self-note, bro. Lincoln: Every second with my new friend Margaret couldn't be worse than every day of my miserable life because every day you remind me how far I am to you and others and how everything I do always ends with failure. Realizing their mistake, Lincoln proceeds to text the others to bring back Lori while Lynn fills in for Lori until the others come back. You unfaithful jerk! It's about being nobody compare to them. Crashed Course - The title of this episode is a pun of "crash course," a rapid and intense course of study. After the siblings (unsuccessfully) try to pass themselves off as Lori and after giving Niblick trouble while distracting him, Lori finally arrives, but to her disappointment, Niblick, bothered by everything that just happened to him, tells Lori that she failed the test. Only I have Pokemon XY instead of XXX. Lincoln: Save it! This episode reveals that Ronnie Anne has sent pranks in packages to Lincoln numerous times in the past. No matter what happened to you, surrender was never an option you picked. Luan: You were a very good assistant. You can't complain on anything except for the Internet. What you say is an oversimplification. Instead of speaking with you about it and trying to understand you I gave you more reasons to be sad. - Lynn Loud. You can make mistakes during tryings but you can also learn from them and go further. Lincoln: I was mistaken for a goth, now for a metal. Lincoln: I don't have to justify myself but I'll tell you. Lincoln: [to the audience] I suggested Leni some changes in her but she rejected them all and said Im not the fashion expert so I should stay quiet. She's a future rocker and I am nobody significant. I feel so purposeless. Peeking into the envelope, the siblings are shocked to discover her most recent score is 62, much lower than the last three scores. Feedback is Appreciated. You shall be happy from her successeseseseseseseseseseseseseseseseseseses. I am not seeking for new girlfriend, Margaret is 2 years older than me! Maggie: Don't put off breaking up when you know you want to. Sometime later, Niblick proceeds to give Lori a passing grade for her test (after being dragged to it against his will by Lana and an alligator she named Anthony). Even if I try something new and it doesn't work out, I can still learn something worthwhile from it. Mom, tell Lincoln to stop being an emo! Lincoln: All started from this. Requiem for a Loud is a very popular Loud House fanfic where Lincoln gets diagnosed with a terminal illness and is given only a few weeks to live. Being an outcast in school and in family is so painful. In Ash Ketchum, Ash gets verbally abused by Misty. Luna: Dude, Tabby called me. Lincoln: [sarcastically] I got used to this, come on, one laugh till you feel throatache. Lincolnloud Stories - Wattpad Read the most popular lincolnloud stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. Lincoln: Please don't be mad at me for that! Lucy: I can't believe what I've just heard. - Leni explained - Lynn was being reckless again. If words don't convince you then I'll show you something that will change your mind. Lincoln: We are fated for the coffin, so it matters little. [The episode begins with Lincoln at school sitting with his friends at the lunch table trying to get something out of his pants. I know what's the biggest joke. I wanted Lincoln to express his desire to become as special as his sisters so he no longer would feel overshadowed. Fluff and Humor. You have all I can't have to be happy. You just failed to distinguish a goth from an emo. Lincoln: I am done with pretending I'm fine with that! Luna told me many good things about you. You're so focused on us that you no longer think what you can. Thanks to Ronnie Anne I learned that I shall not give up or pity myself because she showed me that even cripled people can make their dreams real and the ones I saw were playing basketball. Just because we are misunderstood it doesn't mean we deserve to be tormented! *Luna then looks down on Luan's feet and notices she doesn't have her socks on. You don't match the description she gave me. She stopped next to him. Lincoln: That was an interesting experience. Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Epilogue Prologue It was a dinner time. Lincoln: [coldly] So I here I am and what's the difference? He compared clouds to various sad things. However somebody encouraged them the world hasn't ended for them and they still can play basketball. Because you're most certainly an iron! Lincoln went into Royal Woods Mall. If you want to find purpose of your life, keep seeking it. Lincoln: I knew you wouldn't understand. I can't be happy knowing this. Lincoln: I'm coming! One of the twins of the Loud sisters. Ronnie: Unlike them you have them healthy legs you can use. Its popularity has inspired several similar stories. And don't call my new style nonsense! Three hours later, the siblings arrive to Fairway and spot Lori in the distance. Maggie: So you feel eclipsed by your sister. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! "No matter what happens, you'll always be our brother" says Luna comfortingly. Lincoln: Life with no purpose is wasted. Ronnie: Because I like you for who you truly are, silly! Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Ronnie: Stop it! Lincoln: They don't reflect my true self. Compare to your reasons to become an emo mine are not such big deal. Lori: Why are you complaining instead of enjoying Lynn's victory with us? After dinner Lincoln quickly rushed to his room where he put headphones on his ears and turned on a sad song. It will be a change to listen to a fresh emo boy. Lucy: Thanks. The next day at the Loud House, Leni arrives with an envelope containing Lori's next report card. Lincoln: You had better one because you bought a bigger one and all was ok until I joined. How a cheerful and nice guy can be such a saddo? Once you also found a job for me. After that Lincoln was supposed to clean the table because he finished the last. Luna: I love you the way you are yourself, bro. Lincoln and his elder sisters were eating their meals. Nobody defines who I am but myself. Lincoln: Easy to say. I am emo! At that moment, Lori discovers that all of her siblings are present and asks what they're doing here. Lincoln ran by an open locker, which pulled the sleeve of his sweater. They express themselves through music, drawings, fashion and other kinds of art". After the party Lincoln yawned. Luna: How being emo is going to help you? Maggie: We all share this pain. He also drew some black and white manga pictures of himself. Luna: Did you fall on your head? This is my second fanfic, where Tabby appears. It will be better for everybody. Lincoln: Bit better. Wait, Lincoln, is that you?! Maybe he'll get tired of it. I've always heard of These Boots Are Made For Walkin, but I don't think I've heard of These Shoes Are Made For Tappin'. That's my girlfriend! Cursing Lincoln with bad luck. I just showed him a lifestyle of emo. Maggie: Wait, I remember you now. They can literally drive you to such deep depression you might literally stop wanting to live. have no right to bully us! Are you trying to be a metal? [she grabbed edges of broken heart on Lincoln's shirt and put it to make it look like not broken heart] Without hope and self-confidence there is no future. Lincoln Depressed in: The Loud House Movie By BlazetheCat185 Published: Aug 21, 2021 78 Favourites 15 Comments 23.1K Views house loud theloudhouse the_loud_house lincoln_loud theloudhousenickelodeon the_loud_house_nickelodeon the_loud_house_movie This is probably one of my favorite scenes in the movie and a depressing one. Ready to see me dance? [she slapped Lincoln]. Throughout scenes in the episode, Luan's bottom teeth aren't detailed. Lincoln: [to the audience] Now I'm not fit to be an emo after many important lessons in the recent days. Caught red-handed, the siblings confess that they looked at her report card and thought that because her scores were low, she was failing, so they attempted to pass themselves off as her so they could do the test for her. I can be only who I am, a boy fated to live in 10 shadows. Tabby: [shocked] You're kidding me. Negative as a joke tester I can't be sure my jokes are good enough. Luna: [very sadly] Do you really think this about yourself? The Loud siblings intervene when they think Lori is failing out of Fairway U.[sic]. Lori: Maybe we wouldn't if you did more often than just reading comics and playing video games. Lincoln: Why didn't you just call me? Now I feel bit better thanks to you, Margaret. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Lincoln: If only by one. Sequel to The Diary of Luan Loud: After Luan is put away for sexually assaulting Lincoln and physically attacking Lori, Lincoln spirals into depression and madness. A Dark House ( Inadequate) Edited By: DarthSidious04 Orignal credits go to Yaridovich23 ( Original Author) and Suom, the author of the edited version shown here. Clyde: I'm starting to be afraid of you. I feel so depressed like I was cursed to be always the worst at everything. Lynn: Yeah! I am tired of being overshadowed by my sisters. Ronnie: I don't but I am certain that if you want to become someone special, then you shall not surrender. He falls in deeper and deeper depression eventually becoming an emo. Fluff. Because of the gap between our positions she lost a clear sight of me. Lori: [she opened the front door] Girls! Lincoln won't be Mr Negative anymore. Ronnie: You keep saying your life is senseless. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Arriving back to Fairway, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lucy, Lola and Lily proceed to take Lori to a power lunch, while Lincoln, Lynn, Lana and Lisa disguise themselves as Lori so they can take the test for her. Lori: For example when we were banned in all community pools you had a brilliant idea to buy a private pool and make a surprise for us. I can't be happy knowing that I whatever I do I always screw up and make everything worse. Lincoln: I received an invitation to an emo club. During cleaning the table he saw the trophy case and it reminded him that compare to his sisters he has only one small trophy. Truth is I was like you and laughed from you to hide that you remind me my past self. When Lori questions how she could pass her test now, the siblings get an idea. Ronnie: That's the Lincoln I know and admire. [she grabbed Lincoln and put him next to other sisters]. Lincoln: But I'm giving up this time. Tabby: What pain?! All my sisters already perfected talents they inherited from my parents, when I am a talentless child with my parents' all flaws. I shall focus on my own strengths instead of ones of others. It also reminded me how bad I am. Ronnie Anne grabbed Lincoln's hand and took him with her to a basketball playground, where all players were on wheelchairs. Maggie: An abusive girlfriend. Only you can make me happy so you can't feel happiness then what chances I have? Since you're an emo, you make others unhappy! Come for dinner. I don't regret my efforts as I tasted of new kind of life. Evolution went wrong when decided to divide humanity on two genders, causing nothing but conflicts, differences, inequality and discrimination. It ripped, exposing his red cuts on his wrists! Rita has found a new husband in the form of Lynn Loud Sr. after a horrible marriage with her previous soulmate. Luan: Hey, I know some jokes that will improve your humor. Lori: Because it's too embarassing topic for me. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. It doesn't matter anymore. I realized I'm fated to live in Ethernet pain and all I can do is to express it. Some of the pranks she sent include: Lincoln's box of disguises, which previously appeared in ", The way Lori doesn't get too angry at her siblings for making her flunk her latest test is similar to how she doesn't get too angry at them for nearly ruining her date with Bobby in ". It was a dinner time. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Rita: No. Epilogue Maggie: I've never seen you before. Ronnie: If you don't want to be with me then you'll be with nobody! Lincoln: Didn't you think making laugh from me can hurt my feelings? After I gave up tryings to be like my sisters what else to lose I have? Lincoln, who had been trying to keep himself from crying for his sisters' sake, couldn't help but to let a few bitter tears escape his eyes. Suddenly, they discover an envelope stuck to the bottom of the box. Maggie: I know every emo boy in the city. You're the only child. And you Ronnie Anne shut up and listen! LYNN JR: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Besides not everything you did was an epic failure. Lynn: And I thought Lucy is the biggest complainer. [giggle]. (It was one day after the "No Such Luck" episode, Lincoln forgave his sisters for what they did to him, and everything was back to normal. LYNN: Reckless?! Lori: You give yourself too little credit. After that Lincoln was supposed to clean the table because he finished the last. I prefer the old Lincoln! Lincoln: You don't know what means to be emo. THE GUARDIAN! Oh boy. All thanks to Ronnie Anne. They all played basketball regularly and one day an accident took their health permanently. After this announcement, the siblings leave Fairway with the promise that they will never butt into Lori's school life again. At least thanks to changing scenery I learned that I can draw manga preety nice. Lori: I didn't know and I didn't bother to understand your feelings. When Lincoln remebers Lori, his face turned into a scowl. In the Loud House, Lincoln has received a package from Ronnie Anne and is carefully analyzing it in fear that it might be another of her prank packages like the ones she sent in the past. They lead you to hilarious hobbies. I met a new friend, another emo. Let's face it. Lincoln: Interesting. Lincoln: I finally found someone who could listen to me and at least partially understand me. Lincoln: For years I feel nothing, but pain caused by being generic compare to my sisters. Lola: I thought you were annoying because of reading comics in underwear. Maggie: [she was angry and grabbed Ronnie's collar, lifting her] You, Sum 41! I am talent less nobody. Lincoln and his elder sisters were eating their meals. Nobody gave us more depressing story than you. You think grass is always greener on the other side of Jim Henson. Maggie: You know what it means to be an emo. Lincoln: Emo express themselves, not expecting others to understand them. The envelope contains Lori's report card, and upon seeing her scores like 68, 67 and 65, they come to the conclusion that she is failing her classes. Ronnie: Sorry for my paranoid envy! Lincoln: Isn't it obvious? This is the last fanfiction I wrote before my 28th birthday. Compare to you and other sisters I am nobody. [to Lori pretending to be sad] Why do you suddenly care? It hurts! Leni: You need 4 wheels to become a limo. Maggie: We emo seek inspirations in sadness. It's really depressing to be the black sheep in the family, I am a talentless boy among talented girls. At least it's honest. It was cool way to celebrate my victory! Luan: But you learned from this to not be a narcistic jerk stealing spot light. Loud Visions By: Rack44. Lincoln: Tears For Fears, a emo club. Luan: Yeah. Explain me what did you say to her that you made her cry! If you don't like your current self then do your best to change for better. I am not at all! You must stop it. All because they are too cool to understand a ridiculously average guy like me. I would have known you too if you were Local H. Lincoln: [he looked in Maggie's eyes and gasped] Oh, no. Or that I have feelings after all? I feel so insignificant compare to them. My own sisters couldn't. Suddenly Lucy came into his room. !, ALBINO SLIME, SO GROSS!!!!! Adelaide: How did you put a note to Lincoln on a Sloppy Joe? How can I not feel like a genetic failure? Lincoln: [to the audience] I'll pretend I'm still an emo to see how what would she say. Lincoln Loud Son Goku (Dragon Ball) Broly (Dragon Ball) Bruce Wayne Clark Kent Diana Prince Multiple Crossovers Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Harem Living with 10 sisters, Lincoln was used to crazy things happening to him. Lincoln: What can you know? Maggie: It's not about feeling better but making other feel worse to inspire others. I just need you as a manequin. Lori: You're so lucky to have such girlfriend because she could help you when I couldn't. I realized if nothing I do changes anything there is no sense in trying. Some feel catharsis after this. How do I remind you? Today is a huge day for me it's the one year anniversary of me doing Loud House Fanfictions, so I decided to release this one-shot because of it. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. Lincoln starts burping out insults in the neighborhood but Lynn JR covered his mouth but countered by a lick and some spit. Strange that I can feel sympathy for him. [she punched Lincoln in arm] Your low self note makes me sick. [she left]. You already know what's your sense of life. Lincoln went on another walk. Sometimes I think that whenever I tap dance, I look cuter without my socks on. [she hugged him] Don't change like that again or you'll break my heart. Lynn: I can play with you only when you are optimist like always. Lincoln: I want you to know that I won't continue being an emo. I am alone with my pain as nobody can possibly understand me. Light Angst. Naturally, Lori is furious that her siblings interfered with her school life and caused her to fail her test, but she eases herself, acknowledging that they were only looking out for her. I am the closest to this subculture so I'll become an emo living in constant sadness. I'm going sockless while still wearing my tap shoes for this dance. Lincoln: Thanks, but I don't have appetite. Lincoln: [to the audience] "Many children become emo to find their sense of life. Lincoln: I learnt that it's pointless trying to be special because no matter what I try I always fail. Everyone gazed upon the drawings in shock and sorrow, with pensive looks at the depressing and detailed art. I am nowhere as good as Leni, Luna and Lucy in those first three so like most emo I simply express myself and don't expect anybody to understand me and my inner pain. Lincoln: Apologizing isn't enough. You also planned how to convience mom and dad to take us to the spa hotel. He heard his sisters are celebrating Lynn's victory in living room and he decided to sneak out to skip it but Leni detected him and began calling him. I wouldn't stand two pessimists. Browse Browse Paid Stories Editor's Picks The Wattys Adventure Contemporary Lit Diverse Lit Fanfiction Fantasy Historical Fiction Horror Humor LGBTQ+ Mystery New Adult Non-Fiction Paranormal Poetry Romance No sports or anything else. So she decides to comfort him. Lincoln sat next to Lori and she put the car in motion so they could return home. Clyde: Your new appearance is terrifying. Lori Loud: I'm sorry, Lincoln! Maggie: Emo meet and express their misery to each other. I also admired my brother. After scanning the package, Lincoln and Lisa learn that it's filled with expired ketchup. They are completelly different style and you don't bother to use colourful crayons. Luan: You didn't even giggle. [he slammed door to his room]. Lincoln: I told you they won't move me. Lincoln: That's my instincts what got me into becoming an emo. Inside. I accept who you all choosed to be. Lincoln: [crying] It doesn't but everything is better than another day of my life. So, when Rita decides to move to their home, will Lincoln be able to adjust to his new life. Luna doesn't know you at all. Lisa offers her help by scanning it with her x-ray machine in her room.
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