And then, thirdly, we shall look at Daniel's reward from God. Their motive is, therefore, one of jealousy; but we are told about this Daniel something of great importance. I want you to put yourself in Daniels place for a moment. Have you seen that He is worthy that you should give your entire life to Him? Dare to be different. And along came these Pharisees and they said: You have no business at all to be preaching. Well, some Covenanters were put in there, and they managed to get a letter to their dear friends, I think, in Edinburgh, and they said: Brethren, pray for us. The Christian accountant should not be willing to change the numbers. Our lives are something like that butterfly or like that pebble. We should not use flatterly and manipulation to achieve what we want like these officials did. We are told that he prayed. And this passage of Scripture is a reminder to us that whatever we have to face: of men or brutes, of men or beasts, of lions or lion-like enemies of the gospel, we must put our trust in the living God; and by faith we are able to stop the mouths of lions. Discussion questions to encourage interaction. A. It greatly effects King Darius. Your actions right or wrong will reflect back on to God and you can either honor Him or dishonor Him through your willingness to stand up for your convictions. Daniel was contemporary . We see a powerful statement about Daniels character in verses 4-5. He was, we're told, of an "excellent spirit" (Daniel 6,3). A righteous person will face opposition (4-9). Jerusalem was not next-door. He lived in a day when his people were in captivity, in Babylon. Choosing conviction over compromise. We saw this back in Daniel 1 when Daniel and his friends were tempted by the unlawful food. Daniel fit the bill. Notice in this passage that all of these other officals are united against Daniel. Oh that you and I, my friends, would be so described by God as people who are of an excellent spirit. Daniel was the real deal. In fact, Daniels adversaries themselves admitted that Daniel was blameless. Have any of you ever seen the movie Flywheel? It is made by the same people who produced Fireproof Courageous and Prayer room. Briefly share the story of the employee who was promoted because of his trustworthiness. PDF and EPUB versions for any device or for easy printing. Perhaps anti-smacking laws are of that nature. Know that if you live a godly life for the Lord, you will be opposed. Now, am I speaking to somebody here who has never professed their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? That was their one hope. It didn't even have even floors. It was the capital city of the theocracy - the people of God - that's where God had His temple. 3 Then this Daniel began distinguishing himself among the commissi. He miraculously gave Daniel the interpretation to Nebuchadnezzars two dreams in chapter 2 and 4. Prayer matters because it helps us to see God for who He is. Some pictures portray the lions den as a pretty little place with light streaming in and Daniel pleasantly conversing with the lions or using them as a pillow. Well now, secondly, let me come on to his courage. Go off into the country where no one can observe you; and into some quiet retreat you can pray to God there in secret and nobody will ever know what you're doing; but here in Shushan the palace someone may see. (2) and over these, three governors, of whom Daniel was one, that the satraps might What does Daniel do when he hears about the decree? Daniel was 15-16 years old when he was taken hostage and exiled to Babylon. Stradling. He did this, we're told, three times a day. Ready to destroy. He was one of the many hundreds of thousands of Jewish captives who were led away because of the judgment of God upon his nation. He says in verse 22 that God sent his angel to shut the mouth of the lions. Daniel does not sound the least surprised. Do you know who Satan wants to devour the most? Supplemental Passage: His faith carried him through the trial. 2. B. It's very clear what these evil men were about. And, then, after that they became missionaries as a family in the Middle East. Turn to your neighbor and say, You have a choice. Now say, No one can make you sin. Do you believe that? And the apostle Paul bowed his knees unto the father of our Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 3,14). A good testimony for the Lord is a powerful tool to draw others to himself. You can imagine the devil would whisper in his ear and say, Daniel, why not take a thirty-days holiday? I dont believe Daniel did this with the goal to make a statement. It is a preoccupation of every Christian and extends even to those elders who are "before the throne" in heaven. THANKSGIVING So, I say, it's remarkable that we find here in the figure of Daniel, a man against whom there is absolutely nothing said of a critical or an adverse kind. DEFINING MOMENTS This opposition may come from different sources. Listen to this. Notice in this passage that all of these other officals are united against Daniel. He did nothing but he put God first, and the cause of God first. Luke 9:51. He was known as a wise, faithful, and loyal leader. We don't mind watching them when they are caged up and at a Some of us are like that dog. His piety. Daniel's faith gave him the victory, and your faith will do the same for you, 1 John 5:4; 1 Cor. It's very clear, then, that God rewarded the faith of this man and his steadfastness to the truth. He knew, for one thing, that the price for worshipping God was that he would be thrown into a den of lions. Brethren. Notice that: "when Daniel knew that the writing was signed". And prayer matters because we honor God when we pray. Over Every Adversity - Daniel's faith in God allowed him to enjoy victory over the Den of Lions, the Danger, the Dark, King Darius, his Detractors, and even over Daniel. Amen. Daniel 1: 1-8. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. If they were to check out what kind of movies you watch, music you listen to, or books you read when no one else is around, what would they discover? If they had the ability to go even deeper, and record the thoughts you think when you are all alone, would you feel comfortable to play those in front of all of us? Recording it is not an endorsement. Every time in the past he took a leap of faith, God had caught him. From these verses we also learn two things which we should not do: A. Dan.6:10. He could have avoided the accusations of the other officials. read more, Denomination: Filled with bones of killed prisoners. Links to Bible chapters open in a new window. When you make a stand for God, it will also make a difference. He was very smart. Feel free to copy, print, or share them. The Dependency Test (Daniel 6:11) 1. He still intervenes on the behalf of His people. Not one disagrees with their, plan. It was not enough for Daniel that he was a man of immense importance and fame throughout the world of that day. We must live our lives in service and devotion to God, no matter the consequences. Download this sermon now - to download please right click and select "save target as" or "save link target as". He was not content to be in king's palaces, or to be passing huge sums of money from hand to hand. Why or why not? They surely listened not only because they feared the king, but because the king could speak with gods! You know what I mean when I say that it's so easy for people to grumble. Those three things this evening: Daniel's devotion, Daniel's courage, and Daniel's reward from God. "The fear of man brings a snare;" and Daniel is an example to us of how we must gird up the loins of our mind and be sober, and courteous - but firm, when it comes to the worship of God. read more, Scripture: There's none of us half so busy as Daniel was. Daniel's Faithfulness ( 1:8-16 ) 3. Even after all those years the Bible still says he had an extraordinary spirit. An employee who follows Jesus should be trustworthy. Satan prowls like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. always conscientious? The call to live faithfully in an alien culture. In several ways: first of all: by miraculously sending His angel and shutting the mouths of these lions. Discussion Question: Would it have been right for Daniel to change his routine and pray secretly for 30 days until the decree expired? And the brethren who were out of the prison sent a letter back: Take heed, dear friends; and they said: Be of good cheer, dear friends! It was meant to be a place of torture and death. Applying principles to help us. Dan 6:1-9 It seemed good to Darius to appoint 120 satraps over the kingdom, that they would be in charge of And when the morning light came he hurried to this dungeon with the den of lions, and he cried out: Oh, Daniel, Daniel, is your God in whom you trust able to deliver you? If you live for God, you will be opposed. Not only was the king himself convinced of this. Theme: To show that God has a plan even in our persecution. Daniel's Wisdom ( 1:17-21 ) ii. read more, Scripture: And you remember what they said: "We must obey God, rather than men" (Acts 5,29). He also had their families killed. Dare to Be a Daniel 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, Help your church understand God's plan in pain, Call your people to experience a higher freedom, Proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth. We can three things about Daniel from his actions here: A. This is written for our learning. Noah was a great man of God and a great man; but after the flood, on one sad occasion, and perhaps as the result of accident on his part, he got drunk and a rather unfortunate event occurred in the family; The answer is because he knew that the glory of God is the most important thing of all; and that God must have His glory whatever may happen to us as a consequence. And thus he served as a top official in at least three adminstrations spanning 6 decades. Make no mistake. Text: Daniel 6:1 - 28 Well, the answer was: in order to keep up his communion with God - in order to keep his soul alive. You can find rest if you rest in God. THE TRAP IS SPRUNG (vs 10-17) He knew that. He was a righteous person who lived like it no matter where he was or who was watching. He said: Can such a man as I am be afraid? You should be showing him the positive side. Here's the king. Since Daniel prayed, anyone will expect God to rescue Daniel at once. It may not be our favorite one, but it is there to prepare us so that we will be ready when that moment comes. It was likely dark. Let us not be like such people but learn to trust God for protection. Satan wants to destroy God's people. God's Faithful Servants Must Remain Loyal in the Face of Danger. The negative is that the Christian employee will not blindly obey everything, even sinful things he his asked to do. He had a mission and set His path forward to accomplish it. He did this in God's very presence. The text describes a stone rolled over and placed on the top. He did this in front of an open window without letting fear of the consequences stop him. And he miraculously wrote on the wall and prophesied the downfall of the Babylonian kingdom in chapter 5. GOD'S FAITHFUL SERVANTS TESTIFY TO GOD'S DELIVERANCE. This morning we are going to talking about Daniel and the Lions Den. He was the most wealthy, and prosperous, and influential man in the whole of this huge empire of the Persians. Dan 6:10 3. Now this is very rare in this world. Let me refer to something that happened in Scottish history some years ago at the covenanting time. 2:14.) Can the people in our communities tell the same about us today? Everything he did, everything he said, every decision he took, it was prayed over and it was matched by the teaching of the Scriptures. Bob, as you may know, was a psychologist on the show, and in this scene a woman comes into his office But then we're told something further. Daniel, I say, was a man of devotion, and a man of piety; and all of this was reflected in his character. Some pictures portray the lions den as a pretty little place with light streaming in and Daniel pleasantly conversing with the lions or using them as a pillow. Yet they didnt open their mouths to kill Daniel. All we see are teeth. And God goes on, and He says this: "and neither was their any error or fault found in him" (verse 4). 4 On the twenty-fourth day of the first month, as I was standing on the bank of the great river (that is, the Tigris) 5 I lifted up my eyes and looked, and behold, a man . While other officials served their own interests and selfishly pursued personal gain, Daniel would not be corrupted and would be honest to his superiors. These free inductive notes are intended as supplement to your own study, not a replacement. Although they tried as hard as they could, they could find nothing even remotely shady in Daniels personal or professional life. The Christian accountant should not be willing to change the numbers. 1. You can find peace if you depend on the Lord. Darius now is speaking and making a decree. And then we're told: "he kneeled upon his knees". They couldnt and by a strange coincidence, the leader of that gang drowned at the same spot the following week. Single Sermons: A God in heaven. "When Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime", or previously. A person can pray with his eyes open. It could be hostile people who argue with you in the group when you try to share the gospel. Older people, and young ones; boys and girls, let me urge you every day to pray to God more than once. Now that is to say his very house and home were a kind of church. Peter, too, in the New Testament: a wonderful man, and yet a man who had a blemish in so far as he denied his Lord three times on oath. Now, that brings me to say something, finally, and thirdly, about Daniel's reward. (Daniel 6:24). God's Faithful Servants Come under Attack. What are a few lions to God? If You Mix The Matters, Your Preaching Won't Matter, Still Preaching, But Running From The Ministry. This passage has five important Christian principles for us tonight. Numbers 23:19. Not just the pit but also the people. Lions are loud. Here are a few. Once again it looks like Daniel had no choice. All Rights Reserved. He would be what today would be called 'a millionaire'. They will be tested and opposed. Rank and disgusting. Just as he will not cheat the customer, he will not cheat the company either. From a worldly perspective (your bosses perspective), a Christian employee has both some negative and positive sides. But Daniel was not. The Trap Is Sprung (10-17) a. Daniel Continues To Pray (10) i. And he knew that God would be with him again. But Daniel was a man of conviction. Please note: It is strongly advised that you use this link to download a sermon, rather than simply saving the current page. God our teacher will definitely reward us if we remain faithful to him evenin times of test. Look at this wonderful final verse of the chapter: "So, this Daniel prospered in the reign of Darius, and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian" (verse 28). It consisted of 127 provinces and stretched from part of the Middle East to part of the West; a huge empire - many, many languages, nations, cultures, and religions; and he was the supreme Prime Minister under King Darius over all these provinces, and their governors, and their princes and petty kings; a man who had abundance of work to do - a very busy life indeed. Under King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon ( 1:1-4:37 ) i. Exile to Babylon ( 1:1-21 ) 1. He makes this new decree: that in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: for He is the living God, and steadfast forever, and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall be even unto the end" (verse 26). The New International Version uses 10-13 sentences to describe the murderous plot against Daniel (Daniel 6:5-9). Times, they are a changing Also we should not let ourselves be manipulated by flattery. A believer with a strong testimony will attract opposition from many sides. In todays sermon, I want to consider yet another famous passage in the Bible. In Daniel's case: 1. They want to prove that you are a different person during the week than on Sundays. Toward that end, I request you use your full name when commenting. He could have kept his job and ability to infuence people in the future. Three times a day: no doubt he did it about breakfast time, about mid-day, and sometime in the afternoon or evening. They are not friends, not in normal circumstances. Pastor Colton Wickramaratne in his biography, mentions an incident in which he was thrown into the river by a gang that wanted to kill him. A lot of believers like to claim Gods promises. He didnt let the fads or opinions of the day sway him. He had been praying like this way for decades. Their true colors are exposed only when they have to deal with an adversary. It is an example to us of faith. Certain lessons of life we can only learn in specific moments Some people may not know that they are being used by a roaring lion. 1. Let no one say he is too busy to attend to his family and personal devotions. Intro It was meant to be a place of torture and death. One of those big cats - a tiger or a lion or something - got free from a zoo somewhere, in some country; and it was reported like this: a huge Alsatian dog in its kennel sniffed, and it sniffed this huge wild cat going some yards away along through the garden before it was caught and shot. WHAT TO DO WHEN YOURE ON THE MENU! Daniel was always a man of prayer. Daniel had a clear sense of right and wrong. Then he served in a high position in Belshazzars kingdom. 3. Then, I suppose, there was still a third temptation of the devil. IV. God is in the business of doing miracles. The faith of Daniel has been an inspiration to many young people. This text sermon can be downloaded in HTML format so that it can be viewed off-line using an internet browser, and many other programs. Slide When you live for God, your actions affect others. Of course, it was aimed at destroying Daniel. They were preaching Christ, and telling the people how to be saved; and they were baptizing the penitent, and drawing them into the church, and having fellowship, and the Lord's Supper, and preaching and all the rest of it. Satan wants to put out the light. The power and the privileges Daniel enjoyed as an official in the kings courtroom all these years could not corrupt him, (Daniel 6:1-2; 3). I don't pretend it's easy. Daniel prayed anyway. B. No prayer. (b). Some scientists believe in the so-called butterfly effect. The text describes a stone rolled over and placed on the top. A lot of believers like to claim Gods promises. In the midst of the Persian Empire, diasporic Judeans struggle to maintain their fidelity to God. When God tests you dont cheat. And that's why we are bidden in the gospel to repent of our sin! That's the center of God's worship: it was from Jerusalem that the gospel went out to the whole world, on the Day of Pentecost. (view less). 2. The moral and spiritual collapse of Judah. Rank and disgusting. 6. And if you never face this, then it is possible you are too much like the world. How often do you meet a man or a woman who in their public and private life is faultless? A boy told her mother he was kicked out of the exam hall for cheating. As each day he opened his windows, during the period of this thirty days, he knew full well that if any spies were to be spying on him he would be reported to the king and the king would be obliged to put him into the den of lions. As the apostle, Paul said neither death nor life or anything else for that matter can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39). Some houses and homes are like a church, or a place of worship, because that is the prevailing spirit within them; and it was so with this man. If they were to check your credit card bills and banking account history, what will they find you spend money on? There was a way of dragging Daniel down. read more, Scripture: Daniel's Prayer Life. He served as a statesman, a counselor to kings, and a prophet of God 4. THE TRAP IS SET (vs 1-9) Learning to Trust 15:57; 2 Cor. Not one speaks up in his defense. Not one disagrees with their plan. The Integrity Test (Daniel 6:3-4) 2. And then we are told here that he went into his house. Because of one mans conviction and refusal to compromise, a beacon of light is shown for the entire kingdom to see. read more. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Powered by WordPress & Theme by Anders Norn 2023 The Virtual Preacher. For you too, when you take a leap of faith, God will show Himself faithful and your faith will be increased for the next time. He could have avoided the wrath of the king. It's a place where all the wicked will be cast forever! They say, if I do this then that will follow, and then this will go on after that, and so on; and they're looking ahead and looking ahead. But he did not compromise, fought back, or ran awaybecauseGod was the source of Daniels security. Among his strategies was the habit of volunteering. If they were to look in your internet browsing history, what would they see there? Many of them surely hate each others guts. There are houses like that; and you associated them with godliness, and with the Bible, and with prayer, and with the meeting of God's people. v. 2 4. Beyond that, it will be a light to the people around you. We don't know the date of Christ's return; but this spirit of expectancy should be in us desiring that God would open the windows of heaven and pour a blessing down, and that rivers of spiritual blessing would flood our land and our churches. Like Daniel did, we work for bosses who are often not believers. The beginning of the advent season takes us to Daniel 6. She spent the rest of that morning returning the papers to their owners. Copyright 2012 -2022|Study and ObeyAll Rights Reserved|. Daniel could have justified changing his routine, just for this thirty days. How often do you meet a man like Daniel? What does the Bible say about using pirated software? He ascribes miracles to God. Well, Daniel became one of these, because these wicked counselors went into the presence of king Darius, as we saw, and with cunning craftiness they flattered him, and they induced him, and encouraged him to bring in a new law. Teeth bared. The negative is that the Christian employee will not blindly obey everything, even sinful things he his asked to do. Now when I mention Lions, you either think about the Lions you have seen at the zoo or at a circus Tendency of Inwardness We are told that he went to his house to pray. If your boss only sees the negative side, you will not last long in your job. As always God was the source of Daniels security (Daniel 1:8-16). Sermon Notes: Doubts and how to eliminate Them? Daniel had a shining testimony. The Pharisees and the Jewish council did this to the apostles, Peter and John. They want to expose you. read more, Scripture: But why? He was a man who thanked the Lord for everything he had; and that's a great example to us. Note: I have some simple, not fancy textual slides I used with this sermon. Both of these were Baylonian kings. And so these evil conspirators saw there was only one possible way of bringing Daniel down; and they don't hesitate to say it. Home > Sermons > Text Sermons >Daniel's Courage, Daniel ch.6 v.10. The scene makes us recall the words of David hundreds of years before in Psalm 23:4, Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.. Daniel should also be an . And yet Darius chose to have Daniel be one of three rulers he set over the entire kingdom. Later Peter would discourage him from this mission and Jesus would rebuke him. Here we read that the king intended to promote Daniel further (Daniel 6:4). And be aware that like for Daniel, it could be your testimony on the line. Sermon Notes: Lessons from Daniel and his Friends, Sermon notes: Abraham intercedes for Sodom and Gomorrah, Contemporary Christian Cults and their Teachings. Small actions of obedience to God can make a great difference in His kingdom. There were a total of 120 satraps and 3 adminstrators. Daniel does not change at all. Now, the next thing we're told about him, he not only prayed, but you notice he gave thanks. They are not friends, not in normal circumstances. We are the prey he wants to destroy. Daniels life was in great danger. If we are not prepared and are caught by surprise we might not have the resolve or perseverance to face that persecution and endure. He was known as a person full of integrity. It's very clear, therefore, that the stopping of the lions' mouths was supernatural; and it was in answer to God's power in hearing the prayer of Daniel, because as soon as these evil men, and their families, were put into the same situation they were ground to powder. If we do these things in the right spirit they will have a transforming power upon our lives. And that truth is to be seen in the lives of all the men and women of God who come before us as heroes and heroines throughout Scripture. Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK He sought for some loophole in the law whereby he might rescind the order, but according to the law of the Medes and Persians, once such a law had been sealed it was irreversible. This is the work of the enemy. No singing. Share example of building a fence and Mom being a homemaker. No one can make you sin. He was known as a wise, faithful, and loyal leader. Jesus set His face steadfastly to Jerusalem. You should be showing him the positive side. We are in the darkness; we are in the darkness of Blackness, they said. It could have reflected badly on God had this man in his position sneaked away. Isnt that amazing? The thought must have struck Daniel: Now, I'm a very useful man in this kingdom; and my influence is so great I can help thousands of Jews in all the provinces of Medo-Persia. No Bibles in most schools Daniel 6:1-28 One of the top attractions at zoos and circuses! But a conviction is a strong belief in your heart that you should not compromise no matter what others say. Claws sharpened. So here, in chapter six and verse ten, we are told something about him which I wish to draw your attention to this evening. It was not so! A righteous person is a good testimony (1-5). The Christian salesman should not be willing to exaggerate how good the product is. He knew that Solomon before him had prayed that when the people of God would enter into exile and captivity, that God would hear from heaven and that He would hear the prayer of His people and return His children from their captivity. ILLUS: A 1st-grader stood in front of his classroom to make a speech about "What he wanted to be when he grew up." Daniel, who opened his windows. Anyone reading the book of Daniel for the first time would be surprised to know that God actually pushed Daniel over the cliff, before answering Daniels prayer. Daniel 6:1-22 No one could have accused him. At last, the wicked administrators and the satraps got rid of Daniel forever. When the breakfast is over, in a Dutch reformed family, out comes the Bible, and the reading, and the singing, and the prayer; after lunch - the same; and after the evening meal, the same. How can we live a life that is pleasing to God when we encounter circumstances and real problems that will come solely as a result of following God? This is the work of the enemy. Focus Passage: Daniel 6 Daniel 6:1-28 Let's place ourselves in Daniel's position. They are scary. Their goal is to dig out your secret sins. The Mosaic law specifically forbid children being punished for their parents sins and vice-versa. It's better to be in the darkness of Blackness, than in the blackness of darkness! The devil was behind it, and the devil's servants were behind it. No one could have possibly known. Daniel 6:10 Sermons: When Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house (now his windows were open in his chamber toward Jerusalem) and he kneeled on his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did before. There was a way of killing him; there was a way of destroying him; there was a way of getting rid of him and that was if they could bring in some law which they knew his conscience could not agree to. We need to carefully study the Scriptures and build up a foundation of principles which we will stand on no matter what. And in his upper room, with his windows . There were a total of 120 satraps and 3 adminstrators. He also had studied the book of Jeremiah in which Jeremiah tells the people that their captivity would last for seventy years; and Daniel was calculating the time and he saw the time was coming when God would carry His people home again. In 1 Peter 5:8 we learn that the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. He wouldnt and couldnt change his very nature. Later Peter would discourage him from this mission and Jesus would rebuke him. They would have done things like checking his projects and paperwork. And though the king realized he was tricked and did not want to have Daniel killed, accordng to the law he had no chocie. And he opened his windows, and he looked towards, and faced towards, Jerusalem; because that was the capital of the kingdom of God at that time. The worship of God had to be suspended for one whole month. And in his thoughtlessness, and in his foolishness, he agreed and signed this iniquitous law. It is none other than the 6th chapter of the Book of Daniel or better known as the chapter in which he was thrown into the Den of Lions. It waslike God had finally taken a break and couldnt come to Daniels rescue on time. Daniel, who refused to close his windows. Good Morning. (1). Daniel In The Lions' Den (Daniel 6:1-28) Outline By: Mark Knowles 09/29/13 PM Introduction 1. Have Faith In God's Placement In Foreign Arenas Before Freighting Adversaries II. Loud. That means he will be honest to his boss and company. A righteous person is never abandoned by God (17-25). Also, any comments with profanity, name-calling, and/or a nasty tone will be deleted. V. A righteous person makes a difference for the Lord (26-28). Not his position or wealth. Many of these convictions will be very different from the worlds opinions. His faith in Christ fueled his sense of humor and gave him a basis for daily living. And then, secondly, we see here, Daniel's courage. I. Well now, he had to overcome certain tempting thoughts. (b). God's Faithful Servants Can Find Themselves in the Lions' Den. No prayer in school We have an account of his prayer life in Dan. He rose to great heights in the kingdoms of Babylon and Persia - Dan 2:48; 6:1-3 b. If your boss only sees the negative side, you will not last long in your job. But this passage shows us that He was never abandoned by God. James 1:2-4 even tells us that we should "count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. They all had the same spirit - more or less - that they saw that the glory of God, and the worship of God, and the truth of God, and the acknowledgment of the being of God is the most important thing of all. That's what this dear man did. 2 In those days I, Daniel, was mourning for three weeks. Did you ever claim the promise of persecution? Daniel is now probably a little over 80 years old. They are all jockeying for position. We refer to these sometimes as defining moments. Sermons Search Results: Daniel 6 10 Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : Sermons on daniel 6 10: showing 1-15 of 159 Sort By Scripture Clear Scripture Filters Rating 5 stars 4 stars or more 3 stars or more Any Rating Date Last Week Last Month Last 3 Months Last 6 Months Last Year Any Time Denominations *other (9) Assembly Of God (6) If ever there was a busy man, here was the one; and yet we're told in the midst of this busy and prosperous life, he took time to pray to God. Proverbs 22:29- The one skilled in his work will serve before kings. He doesnt compromise his faith. We have an idiom in English, everyone has a skeleton in their closet. It means that everyone is hiding something they dont want others to know about them. First of all, Daniel's piety, that is to say, his devotion to God. Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus, will suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). Last week you learned about the overthrow of Babylon. Each one wants to move higher up the chain. Sermon notes: The necessity for Faith and Works in the Salvation of Man, Fathers Day Sermon: Qualities of a Godly Father, Sermon: Faithfulness is the Key to God's Blessings, Sermon Notes: A Three-Fold Response to the Great Commission. Thus his faith grew stronger and stronger. Sermon Series: How to discern Gods will. A follower of Jesus makes a good employee. If anyone is interested, I'll send them directly by email if you'll send an email to me at with the subject: Thanksgiving slides. That means he will be honest to his boss and company. Sermon 6 -Daniel: God's Extraordinary Man in a Decadent World; JAMES NISBET. (:20) Inquiry. What will they find? As a child, my brother was used to collecting coins issued in different countries. Persia almost miraculously conquered this powerful capital in one night. I. No Matter What, Praise God - Acts 16:16-25 (25) A. Daniel gave thanks (end of verse 10), as was his custom, despite the danger involved. But in our own private devotions; if health and strength permit; we should place our bodies in such a position that our very posture indicates our reverence and awe of God. Are you a good employee like Daniel was? If anything were to happen to me, Daniel could say, all these Jews would be exposed to who knows what dangers. Daniel maintained his standards 122 of them stand against Daniel. Title: God is in Control I. A purposed heart. Ironically the decrees of a Persian king were unchangeable because he was thought to speak for the gods, who could never be wrong and thus never needed to change their minds! They investigated him. Daniel 6 Church Pulpit Commentary; NET BIBLE NOTES. Remember what Nehemiah said when he was similarly tempted. And I remember this person coming back from this Middle Eastern country with all its squalor, and poverty, and idolatry, and saying to me: 'I'm so thankful to be back in London; or anywhere else in a country like this.'. What about his private life? His fury burned against all of them. So likely there were no windows either. These people tried every method for finding out Daniels secrets. He spent the night fasting; he put away all pleasurable music, which is the delight of kings; he refused all entertainment. (:19) Investigation. According to historians Babylon was a city with a population of 200,000 people. Outlines by a London Minister: Daniel 6:21-22: Daniel's Marvellous Deliverances: Geo. Is this same spirit yours? Daniel is envied and targeted (vs 4-9) Let me ask you if that's your practice? and blameless? On the other hand, where men refuse to glorify God, in the end of life - what is hell, after all, but a kind of lion's den multiplied by a million. Jesus also showed great conviction. In closing, remember thatGod is always with us and for us. This is why Daniel kept being promoted. How then could Daniel who knew this still continue his life-long practice of opening the windows toward Jerusalem and worshipping God? read more, Scripture: The Importance of Preparation in the Ministry of Preaching. Daniels story is compelling, not because of the supernatural but because of the persistent connection he has with God in the face of conflict. He did it because it was who he was. New Year Sermon: An old Challenge for a New Year. Jesus set His face steadfastly to Jerusalem. Dont worry about the Lions But there is a positive side too. Let us give thanks for all we have. This last week, I came across a five minute clip from an episode of The Bob Newhart Show on YouTube. So, they induced the king to bring in this law that there must be no religious prayer or worship to any god - except to the king, for thirty days, one whole month. October 24, 1929. In fact, the only thing they could find to accuse him about, is that he was too zealous for serving God! Evidently, Daniel had a very good reputation. We refer to these sometimes as defining moments. read more, Scripture: My friends, let us thank the Lord! "Thou shalt have no other gods before meThou shalt not make a graven imageThou shalt not take my name in vain" (Exodus 20, 3-4; Exodus 20,7). Not many of us will be able to defy death like John. The employee who loves Jesus most may not be a slave of his work and work as much overtime as others. Jeremiah 25:1 7 2. Faith in the face of danger. My friends, let me remind you what Daniel knew. 2. And what a transformation this was in the world. The Priority Test (Daniel 6:10) 3. So what would the final report be? Message Point: We must live our lives in service and devotion to God, no matter the consequences. But a conviction is a strong belief in your heart that you should not compromise no matter what others say. III. We don't, indeed, know the date when God will revive His work again. My dear friends, here was a man, if ever there was, who, by the world's standards, did not need to pray - he had everything. But he didn't do so - for this reason: that he knew that we must never act by 'expediency'; we must always act by 'principle'. Daniel Removed to Babylon ( 1:1-7 ) 2. March 1, 2009 Morning Service And yet, against this Daniel nothing is said in Scripture which is of a critical or an adverse kind. Sermon on Daniel 6 - Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley from Daniel 6 where we find Daniel in the Lion's Den. You may not all know this, but not too far from Linlithgow, near Edinburgh, stands a bleak and dreadful dungeon. Certainly, the evil schemers who conspired to destroy Daniel were really doing Satan's work. Hundreds of relevant easy to understand verse by verse commentary. We should not make promises without thinking through it very carefully. Lions. I have used it in some way as an illustration but not directly from these scriptures. Certainly it was good for the kingdom to get these officials out of leadership who so opposed God. A person can pray with the door shut. It had very awkward floors to walk on. "Then the king arose with the dawn, at the break of day, and went in haste to the lions' den.". Wow! We call it today the Medo-Persian Empire. I seek to foster thoughtful and respectful dialogue. It's not that we must always on all occasions kneel. Share. He knew how to study divine wisdom, and he became wise. 1. Sermon Outlines By Pastor Gary L. Hall Psalm 45:1 "My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer." (Click Title to View) The Song of Solomon The Book of Psalms The Book of Daniel The Book of the Revelation The Book of I Thessalonians So you see, Daniel's courage and faithfulness did more to glorify God than anything he could ever have possibly done in his life. Maybe Daniel also felt disappointed for a short while. I hope that every day you live you remember them and pray for them, these honourable men and women whose feet we are not worthy to wash in many countries of the world, who are suffering for the love they bear to God. We have therefore created a library of almost one thousand (and growing) inductive Bible studies, which are available for free. A righteous person boldly stands on his convictions (10-16). Many of these convictions will be very different from the worlds opinions. They're known to be associated with these things. That would be superstitious. Daniel is watched (vs 9-11) He stood up in front of the class and said, "Im going to be a lion tamer and have lots of fierce lions. What we must do is not to look to consequence, but to do what God has commanded. read more. But there is a positive side too. These were lions which were purposefully starved in order to make them as ravenous as possible. Now, there are people who do present their laws like that. They saw that this man had been promoted above themselves; and anyone who's ever been in a position of responsibility or promotion knows that all those, or many of those anyway, who are underneath him are longing to pull him down! And each time God did. 6:16). The population of the entire kingdom would have been ten times more. No. And the apostles had to decide whether they would obey this authority, or obey God. (:10-15) Catching Daniel in Violation of the Decree -. He will choose which one of his children will live and which ones will perish for his glory. We must learn how to survive the attack when Satan seeks to devour us. And why should he be? God blessed Daniel because of his faith a. And yet if you are a good employee and work hard and behave with integrity, it is very likely that you will be successful. Now, Jerusalem was the capital city of his own people; and it lay hundreds and hundreds of miles away. An employee who follows Jesus should be trustworthy. Let's take a look at these persecuting princes. The Integrity Test (Daniel 6:3-4) "Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. It is not. Each believer faces attacks. Evidently, Daniel had a very good reputation. The Psalmist said, "seven times a day" will I give thanks to thee (Psalm 119,164). INTRODUCTION He knew God is in control and will always have His way. First be clear in your mind about right and wrong. Not only were many lives changed then, lives are still being changed now almost 2600 years later. And yet here they are all united. Dont attemptto figure out how God thinks. The world appears to be tolerant of God's people then moves to tolerance with some compromise; and finally to intolerance. The destruction of Jerusalem, temple and religious structures. We live in a world that can be a scary place sometimes. Nebuchadnezzar's Dream of a Statue ( 2:1-49 ) 1. (3). It is not. He wasnt one person at the office and another person at home. And if you never face this, then it is possible you are too much like the world. I guess that this was maybe the most tempting of them all. While other officials served their own interests and selfishly pursued personal gain, Daniel would not be corrupted and would be honest to his superiors. Just knowwhether good or bad, God has a higher purpose in everything thathappens to us. Did you know that persecution is promised? A sign that God continued to reward Daniel for his faithfulness. Daniel 6:1 "It seemed good to Darius to appoint 120 satraps over the kingdom, that they would be in charge of the whole kingdom, 2 and over them three commissioners (of whom Daniel was one), that these satraps might be accountable to them, and that the king might not suffer loss. In the Bible, giving of thanks goes far beyond an annual American celebration on a day we remember to thank God for a multitude of blessings. Title: Daniel in the Den of Lions The reaction of the Lord. I dont think the lions den was such a pleasant place. Hehad lived in a community of unclean people and served under fourpagan kings for approximately 67 years. Were going to take a look at some reasons why this morning and allow Daniel to show us why prayer was such an important part of his life. And when you read the New Testament epistles you come across this phrase: "the church in thy house" (Romans 16, 5; 1 1 Corinthians 16, 19; Colossians 4, 15; Philemon 1, 2). Text: Daniel 6 He opened up his windows (the windows of his chamber or bedroom, I suppose) toward Jerusalem. read more. No one but our blessed Saviour in this world was ever sinlessly perfect; but it does mean that his life was carefully watched over by himself. This man was in Persia, and that was, as I say, probably well over a thousand miles away from Jerusalem. (a). Remember, the teacher is always silent during the test. How can we serve God while still being a good employee? And the king, himself, having signed the law couldn't undo it, as we see in the reading. Now, isn't that a great commendation of this man. Daniel 6:1-28, Daniel 6:1. Baptist. So did Daniel. I'm going to read it to you, verse 5: "Then said these men, We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God." The king wanted to find rulers who would protect his interests that he "might not suffer loss" (verse 2.) Christian/Church Of Christ. If they were to observe how you treated your family members and recorded a video of it, would you want to play it here? He had a mission and set His path forward to accomplish it. Each one wants to move higher up the chain. We need to carefully study the Scriptures and build up a foundation of principles which we will stand on no matter what. No matter how lonely and abandoned you feel, God will never leave you or forsake you. This passage has five important Christian principles for us tonight. What Is The Power Behind Every Great Preacher's Effort? He refused to act in any unworthy way. Here are a few. You can get rid of all your worries if you commit your life to the Lord and pray every day. In his fury, he ordered not only the conspirators but their wives and children also to be thrown into the Den of Lions. When Daniel was taken out of the lion's den, at verse 24 we read this: "and the king commanded, and they brought those men which had accused Daniel, and they cast them into the den of lions, them, their children, and their wives; and the lions had the mastery of them, and brake all their bones in pieces or ever they came at the bottom of the den.". Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). He was a very devout, religious, pious man. They perished in the same trap they set for Daniel. We are told here that he "gave thanks before his God". History will not speak about the thousands of Christians fed to wild beasts during the Roman persecution of Christians if it was not so. I knew somebody who used to do a lot of grumbling when they lived in London. They will make us the kind of men and women who can be trusted to do the work of the Lord faithfully in this life; and for that reason, and similar reasons, the Word of God tells us about Daniel's piety. My beloved friends, we are called upon in this life to act courageously in the light of all that God has promised, to take God's promise of comfort and strength and help and protection seriously. Every day he worshipped God, he sought God; he put God first and foremost in his mind. Prayer mattered to Daniel. 3. 1. v. 2, Jeremiah 25:8 12; 2 Chronicles 36:15 23 3. Well, it's all in this verse. I learned Psalms 23, 100 and the Lords Prayer in public school we recited these along with the Pledge of Allegiance. Now friends, there is much for us to learn from the practice of this man. (2). How terrifying to be put in that position. How many lives were touched and changed because of Daniels firm faith? Now, he didn't yield to that temptation because it was inspired by 'fear of man'; and "the fear of man, my friends, bringeth a snare" (Proverbs 29,25). Daniel in the Lions' Den has been called the "one of the best loved stories in the Bible." Many of them surely hate each others guts. I want to make that point; and to say to you: here is the way to live your life - to order each day so that you pray to God. Together they go the king and request a new law, a law forbidding prayer to anyone except for him for 30 days. It is none other than the 6th chapter of the Book of Daniel or better known as the chapter in which hewas thrown into the Den of Lions. Brothers and sisters, if you could think of anything, then today take it the Lord. Infinitely powerful. Sermon outlines based on the book Of Daniel Introduction To Daniel The Faith Of A Fifteen Year Old (1:1-21) The Kingdom That Shall Never Be Destroyed (2:1-49) Faith In The Face Of Fire (3:1-30) The Most High Rules In The Kingdom Of Men (4:1-37) The Hand Writing On The Wall (5:1-31) Daniel In The Lions' Den (6:1-28) A follower of Jesus makes a good employee. There are events that are etched into our minds and hearts that live there forever. Do you have integrity like he did? Daniel 6:4-23, Denomination: It wasnt faked. You can think of many examples of this: Noah was a great man of God and a great man; but after the flood, on one sad occasion, and perhaps as the result of accident on his part, he got drunk and a rather unfortunate event occurred in the family; Now, Abraham, too, was a very eminent man of God; but, again, on a certain occasion, we are informed by the Scriptures that he told a half-truth: he said that his wife was his sister; Then, you can think of Jacob, who was, again, an eminent man; and received the title of Israel. It was the practice of all the good people who ever lived, and also of this Daniel. Ready to pounce. Finally, the enemy had their wildest dreams come true. A big part of my Consequently, he holds a place of responsibility in the imperial court. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request email:, SERMON OUTLINE: Because there was a moment in time when everything seemed to change. It's not every country in the world whose shops are as full of food as our shops are. See James 4:17. I would want for people who are looking to accuse me to say, We can find no corruption in Jason. We see that Daniel was accused. You make a positive difference for God every time. 1. They are all jockeying for position. A good Presbyterian minister of Old Scotland, of the staid and orthodox type, had a poor old woman in his congregation who was in the habit of saying, "Praise the Lord," "Amen," when anything . Sermon Outline. Think for a moment about what you would be most afraid of them finding. He had faith. I don't know whether we have ever seen a lion, probably not, and certainly only, I suppose, in a zoo. Outline 1. And yet here they are all u. nited. God. always truth-telling, always scrupulous about what they do? It would be a great encouragement to me and a contribution to the edification of the Church. Daniel fit the bill. As Christians, we are to follow the Lord Jesus command to love our enemies and pray for our persecutors and leave vengeance on God. Daniel Sermon Outlines This material is from, a web site containing sermon outlines . He was such a great man of prayer that he was arrested for praying. A message from Daniel in the lions den about what happens when things seem to get out of control in our lives. It's called Blackness Castle; and some of the Covenanters were put in this terrible dungeon. I think it's still there; you could probably go into it still - a miserable, depressing, wretched, dark place - Blackness Castle: it's very name is depressing. They may look innocent enough on the surface but there might be an awful lot behind them which will leave trouble for the people of God. He had to sign the document, or, at least he did sign the document, and having signed it he had to stand to it; and he was obliged in the consequence of this to put Daniel into the lion's den. Daniel was a good employee with a good testimony. Firstly, it will help you to grow in your own spiritual journey. Lion Tamers It is the same idea in that a small pebble can cause ripples which expand far away from the original source. Not one speaks up in his defense. TOMMY NELSON - audio messages on Daniel. They were watching Daniel with the green or yellow eye of jealousy. We should be very watchful about the new laws that come in. We meet them at verse 4: "Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault;" because "he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him." And God honoured this man still more. Asking questions of his co-workers, examining his house and possessions. If they were to write a short biography of my life would they have the same things to say? We still to this very day use that phrase, that when a law is unalterable we say it is like the laws of the Medes and Persians - it cannot be altered. Daniel 6 Notes; . It's very touching that king Darius was very troubled by this plot. Daniel doesnt have to run to God because hes already walking with God. A believer with a good testimony is like a lighthouse bringing ships in through a storm to a safe harbor. And in the event, of course, we see, God honours him and rewards him for it; but that's a very hard thing to do. It could be a parent who is opposed to the gospel. Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : What To Do When You Find Yourself On The Menu! They live in nations where there are laws which they cannot keep because of their duty and conscientious service of God, and so they are in prison and suffering; and who knows how greatly they're suffering in countries of the world. He caused the God of heaven to be known throughout all the dominions; and everybody heard - in all their languages! It's not every country that provides medical services for its citizens as our does. Filled with bones of killed prisoners. Daniel 6:6-13. Three times a day (Psalm 55:17), toward Jerusalem (1 Kings 8:27-30), on his knees (1 So he was praying that God would bring the exile to an end. Checking your balance. It was designed to be frightening. In his 2nd letter to the Corinthian church, Paul told We must do what is right, regardless of imagined consequences. Why did he do it this frequently? Let us not permit time, blessings, or the world to drive us away from the author of ourblessings. One of the great men of prayer in the Bible was Daniel. What will they find out about your truthfulness in paying taxes? Know that if you live a godly life for the Lord, you will be opposed. Verse 10: "Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day", and so on. Would You Make The Cut On John Wesley's Preaching Team? (Nehemiah 6,11) So he refused all these temptations of the devil. The following morning she was horrified to see the same dog sitting in front of her door, wagging its tail surrounded by eight newspapers. Evangelical/Non-Denominational. The key verse is v.10. And, yet, this Jacob, who was so great, was a man who could deceive his own father; And we move on to David, who was a man after God's own heart; and yet even David fell into gross sin, and scandal, on one occasion of his life; So, we could go on. So we know that Daniel publicly was a good and faithful employee with a good testimony. We're not living in a paradise - of course not; but we are living in a land where there are great blessings even still, and great freedoms, and in which we have many provisions and mercies. The employee who loves Jesus most may not be a slave of his work and work as much overtime as others. The king was happy that Daniel was miraculously rescued. Application: Are you a person of conviction? But we do know that the situation because Daniels adversaries caught him in the act and not even the king himself, who gave the order could rescue Daniel from the Lions, (Daniel 6:11; 12-18). Introduction In today's sermon, I want to consider yet another famous passage in the Bible. Lions that look like this and are Are you a person of conviction? Much of the battle takes place before the actual moment of persecution. The words of King Darius echoed through Daniel's mind as servants lowered him into the lion's den. I remember reading some years ago of a very serious incident. (:16-18) Confining Daniel in the Lions' Den -. Well, it doesn't matter how often we do it; but we should do it as a matter of regular practice. He is the one who has delivered Daniel, and He can deliver you - through all life's trials - if you will trust in Him. There are events that are etched into our minds and hearts that live there forever. Very often it is tempting to try to take on the role of God and seek to punish those who we feel deserve it. He doesnt hide. He was 81-83 years old when he was thrown into the Den of Lions.
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