I strongly agree with you. There are times when bugs stump people and can take days to resolve, but those are few and far between. The lengthy save dialog happens after a few tries. }. //"editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.typescript-language-features" //Not worked? I do web dev for a living, 16 years of it, 99% of what we do is easy, once you get good enough at it. Sign in Not sure what exactly causes that but in my case it happens when i: Prettier hangs up exactly when saving file.ts. To use the builtin formatters, you can add the following settings to your Settings.json: This is using the multi-language syntax that was added in v1.63.2, in November 2021. Has anyone encountered this? I can say it resolves the problem, but couldn't figure out why it happens. All-round good guy. What maths knowledge is required for a lab-based (molecular and cell biology) PhD? I dont think theres an option to configure this. VS Code Integration The Prettier -JavaScript Formatter plugin for VS Code simply shells out to Prettier. Prettier is an open source project (originally started by James Long) that is an opinionated JavaScript formatter. I was working in a Workspace with multiple folder paths (3). Just use Rome, if prettier is not to your liking . I try to work smarter not harder :) Once I lay the config file properly, it was all fixed. Be sure to enable the formatonsave option so that the code in each file is automatically formatted when you save that file. api. This is probably an issue with VS Code itself and not the VS Code prettier plugin. Had the same problem and solved it by cleaning up my settings.json. In my case, the bug also freezes other functionalities (typescript and ESLint linting, VSCode IntelliSense) even before the format/save occurs (it can happen just while typing inside the given file). Evidently, Prettier formatting is only being applied during save. If I select black as default then prettier won't work on js files. This may or may not to your taste, but it does a solid job. You signed in with another tab or window. You can increase that to the VS Code default of 4 if you want extremely easily. Take a look at the output (down-right part of the screen) as shown below to see which line is causing Prettier to fail. to your account. Built on Forem the open source software that powers DEV and other inclusive communities. This is going to be the result: You can also format HTML markup from the command line. I do personally like Rust, which Rome uses under the hood, and I definitely like the simplicity of the configuration and the performance of both linting and formatting. , Seems it formats when calling the formatter command. I have to quit VS Code and restart. .prettierignore uses gitignore syntax. When I save a document, the loading indicator from prettier shows up as as Saving your document and it loads for indefinite time. Selecting it will add this snippet to your Settings.json: Running the command "Format document" from the command palette should format your code then. double check "Editor: Format On Save" is checked while in settings, it should be per your settings.json. Now, game dev, phooey, that's nothing BUT complex tasks lol. All my coworkers and I are on VS Code 1.50.1 and Prettier extension 5.7.1, but some are seeing the issue and some not, so something else is at play here. And yeah, it just stops formatting. adjust "Editor: Format On Save Mode" -- some have reported it only works properly when set to "file". @dlsso for those of your colleagues facing issues, you may want to check if the default formatter setting in workspace is being overriden somewhere else. See: https://github.com/prettier/prettier-vscode/wiki/Writing-a-Good-Issue, "LongValueLongValueLongValueLongValueLongValue", "TestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTest", "AnotherTestAnotherTestAnotherTestAnotherTestAnotherTestAnotherTestAnotherTest", "LongerTestLongerTestLongerTestLongerTestLongerTestLongerTestLongerTestLongerTestLongerTest". Any of you using Copilot? ==> Do you know which option it is ? @jrieken it's not related to editor.formatOnSave, the problem is prettier stopped working, even manual formatting (SHIFT + ALT + F) wasn't working, and it worked again after setting editor.defaultFormatter to prettier. Readers like you help support MUO. If robole is not suspended, they can still re-publish their posts from their dashboard. I'm frontend dev using React js looking for first job. "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1". 2 of which were Go projects and the third being a general data folder which has one html file in it. But again, that's a discussion for another time. Verify that the code file is auto formatted on save. Is that possible? If I create a really long one-liner it still breaks. After a while, the issue re-appears. Usually .prettierrc and/or .eslintrc files take care of that. Add a .prettierrc file, for example: { "printWidth": 80 } Open a .js file from the project, make changes, hit Save. Whatever floats your boats guys. Is it OK to pray any five decades of the Rosary or do they have to be in the specific set of mysteries? Of course there is vscode and other extensions which may do other things. Is it bigamy to marry someone to whom you are already married? If you're using Prettier, you probably wouldn't want to use ESLint for formatting as well. I notice that code hint (CTRL-SPACE) will just display loading and code formating (ALT-SHIFT-F) will not do formatting. }. If you want to use Prettier as the default formatter in all new projects, go to File | New Projects Settings | Preferences/Settings for New Projects from the main menu and select the On Code Reformat option there, and update the default list of file types if needed. . This file will allow you to do all sorts of customizations. Will investigate further, but it definitely happens when there are long lines in play. I'm on Linux. . Impossible to use prettier, it does weird shit to arrays and style selectors. or can you send me the configuration of your prettier configuration file please ? Im waiting for my US passport (am a dual citizen). This was a problem that lasted for over three months. I'm experiencing this same issue as well. Im sorry: That's like saying there is a benefit for not using snippets for the things you already know pretty well. I don't use Prettier and I still experienced this. That's the best solution I could find even after consulting associates and friends for help. VS Code - You don't need a formatting extension (Prettier and friends), Migrating from VS Code to VS Codium on Linux painlessly, VS Code - Catch errors in your markdown files, How to perform a global find and replace of text (replace all occurences in all files) in VS Code, VS Code Profiles - Manage configurations easily for different environments and workflows, VS Code - Auto rename HTML tags in React, Vue, Svelte, Nunjucks, and others, VS Code Profiles - Know what profile you are using, no doubt, "[javascript][javascriptreact][typescript]", the multi-language syntax that was added in v1.63.2. Everyone was stumped. If file saving completes before than "prettier" completes working, file doesn't format. Therefore, in my case, even though I uninstalled Prettier, I could notice slowdowns when saving. My Default Formatter was null. For me, when coding, especially javascript, it helps to do the formatting myself because it also helps me "see" the "scope" of my methods and classes, so my brain can quickly spot where a scope starts and ends, also helps me make less mistakes when creating new objects, or modifying existing stuff. The default tab width used by Prettier is 2. Sorry I not have time to check this sentence but for now I just disabling prettier and setting the default typescript formatter was my solution. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. It is good to have simple and clear standards. Sure, a junior student shouldn't use snippets in Visual Studio for for loops but learn how to write them, but if you're seasoned developer you get absolutely nothing by doing such trivial tasks by hand. Check settings and check default formatting tool. Go into your VS Code settings by navigating to File > Preferences > Settings. { "editor.formatOnSave": true } Share Improve this answer Follow answered Dec 28, 2022 at 12:46 Prokie 56 7 to your account, Format on Save (prettier) stopped working with the latest update. It's a private repo with an NDA type of situation so I can't really share that. Increasing system parameters seems to be a better win. They can be more investigative, such as debugging a complex pipeline build issue with Webpack. I dont know what exactly you did but people deal with complex tasks on the web too so I wouldnt underestimate the job of web developers. In the search box, search for Prettier. Unflagging robole will restore default visibility to their posts. unless you only work in one language, whatever you set this to will be wrong in some files and cause confusion. So Vetur is the formatter. This is a decent basis for frontend developers and JavaScript-oriented backend developers. When prettier started working again I felt like I could breath again . EDIT2: never mind it's slow again. In order for Neoformat to use a project-local version of Prettier (i.e. It also respects the Format on Save option I mentioned in my last blog post. It seems VSCode discards formatOnSave if it takes more than ~1 sec. How to show errors in nested JSON in a REST API? I bring the solution to my case. This has been rectified in v1.66 (March 2022). I think it's worse when I have my dev server running (which watches files). He writes for several tech-based publications and agencies, including FreeCodeCamp, Tutsplus, ContentLab, and MakeUseOf. My workspaces are pretty much Go files though. How to make a HUE colour node with cycling colours. I end up with consistent formatting across my entire project instead of just doing whatever I felt was best at the time. Add the following property in settings.json. We will need a new actions and mostly some new settings . Maybe it help, this plugin wrote in Microsoft. However, this intention is not enforced by the .prettierrc and the .prettierignore *.component.html how can I solve that ? I was experiencing this on 1.14. Run the "Format Document" task, it will take a long time to finish, The file is saved instantly in it's correct format. While I only mentioned JavaScript so far, technically Prettier can do more than just JavaScript. Before proceeding, ensure that you have Node.js installed on your computer. I was thinking maybe there is a correlation between the two events (vscode taking about 2 seconds to save my code and when prettier stop formatting my code). this is called out in "Format on Save" setting description and some plugin readmes. Just make sure to disable the automatic updates. If you are only working on your code and that is all that ever will be - go for whatever you want. I've tried every solution posted here that I could apply in my case (Next.js 13 + TS + ESLint + Tailwind, VSCode running on W10). To start, let's explore using the Format Document command. Restarting VS Code doesn't solve it as well. For us, its a pre-commit hook to format with pretty-quick on all staged files. Default one is prettier. Once that folder was excluded from typescript's config and after restarting VSCode and nextjs, saving files is under 100ms again. Configure Prettier in JetBrains Rider In the Settings/Preferences dialog ( Ctrl+Alt+S ), go to Languages & Frameworks | JavaScript | Prettier. Well occasionally send you account related emails. I experienced this last week on a Typescript React project, however, I also got this problem while working on a Go project just now. This worked for me also but there's some scenarios where I just want prettier for a specific project and not globally . Even if I try to format explicitly without saving, it's not working. The formatter works with CSS, LESS, and SCSS. Keeping my finger crossed. Step 1 Using the Format Document Command With the Prettier extension installed, you can now leverage it to format your code. The second option for me is: "TypeScript and JavaScript Features". "tail -20 /var/log/apache2/error.log" and fix whatever pops up in there. then I can check it ! ***> wrote: It depends on the project. Writing clean and readable code is essential, whether you're working alone or with a team of developers. In a previous post, VS Code: You don't need that extension part 2, I discussed how you may not need an extension for (prettily) formatting your code (see item 5). I already have node_modules and other generated files in the ignore list for all my projects. Hey guys! Complex tasks come in all shapes and sizes. 576), AI/ML Tool examples part 3 - Title-Drafting Assistant, We are graduating the updated button styling for vote arrows. What is not clear to me is if new VS Code just accidentally removed editor.defaultFormatter (updated it to null), or if editor.defaultFormatter has always been null but previous VS Code versions were able to handle it properly and still make prettier work. I've worked out that disabling the 'Tailwind CSS IntelliSense' plugin helps a bit, meaning that the bug persists albeit less infuriating: freezes are less frequent, and they take less time. These are the only extension I have, so no additional formatters and still it happens for me: Although I should say it happens for some files only, mainly those that weren't prettified yet (at least by me) and are especially messy. As for VSCode extensions, i'd recommend checking out "indent-rainbow" , "power mode" for fun, and "indented block hightlighting". By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and Open any code file. That certainly isnt something you should do. I noticed slowness and there were times when VSCode even crashed with error: 5 when saving larger files I noticed that the notification we received accuses Prettier, but what causes Prettier to stop its functionality is the slowness in saving time. Once unpublished, all posts by robole will become hidden and only accessible to themselves. I bring the solution to my case. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. After setting it to 4, the file is now saved with 4 spaces. Does the Fool say "There is no God" or "No to God" in Psalm 14:1. Note: you can configure these settings directly in VS Code as well without a config file, but I think its better to use a .prettierrc file, especially when youre on a team. When you're working with the microservice architecture for example you can run into serious issues pretty quickly because of the complexity involved (like race conditions). Same for me, selecting prettier as default formatter for VSCode works, but this prevents from working with other languages. And just to be sure, does it stop or does it take time formatting? I'm starting to use vscode and liking it so far except for the fact that vscode doesn't format my code when I use the keyboard shortcut, so I set up the editor.formatOnSave: true and that's not working as well??? So, check if, in your case, it @anthonybrown try with "semi": true I struggled with this issue as well when formatting on save with Prettier for JS and Black for Python. Or is it that the setting for format on save (which is off by default) (editor.formatOnSave) isn't set? This seems weird to me. If you were to run the prettier --write command on your entire folder, it would go through every single one of your node modules. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge that you have read and understand our privacy policy and code of conduct. with *React*. That worked just perfect for me. Unfortunately not supporting HTML and CSS yet so I still have prettier for those. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Hi @jrieken , can you try using the above settings only at workspace level ( default formatter in user setting should be null) and then see what happens ? Things it's never really needed. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. .prettierignore uses gitignore syntax. Its shocking how liberating this is. Once I started reinstalling extensions, it became apparent that I have really customized my editor to my liking over the past several months and I thought that I would be able to remember all of the settings that I was using but I couldn't even come close. DEV Community A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. As I said, I'm not sure what exactly you're doing but I was not thinking just about messed up code. Prettier will help you enforce good code formatting standards, so why not pair it with VS Code for a better programming experience all round? if you go this route, you'll need a small amount of config for each tool + appropriate project dependencies installed. However, when saving the formatting of the code does not happen, I have to activate the format manually. Disgusting bug. Set the options to Only format if a Prettier config is found: Open a project without (!) That will show a quickpick in the command palette with the available formatters, you can select the option "Configure default formatter.." to set the default formatter. Since VS Code uses the JS Beautify library under the hood, which is also used by the Beautify extension, you can expect similar results to that extension. Add a couple of newlines and save to confirm format on save is working as expected, Saving, you should see eslint give you 70 odd errors, Save again, you should find that the preceding errors were not cleared and the format will no longer run, instead it "hangs" and uses 100% cpu (well on one thread anyway), extensions: Github Copilot, Prettier - Code formatter, Tailwind CSS IntelliSense, Framework: Nextjs 13.4, react, typescript. "[css][scss][less]": { Thanks @mgutz ! Configure Prettier in IntelliJ IDEA In the Settings dialog ( Ctrl+Alt+S ), go to Languages & Frameworks | JavaScript | Prettier. :-(. made several attempts according to the testimony of the people here. Yep, I'm also having this issue as of today. If it does not work for you, something else is probably up! What happens if you've already found the item an old map leads to? Gaming nerd. Do we decide the output of a sequental circuit based on its present state or next state? TLDR: Try disabling the 'Tailwind CSS IntelliSense' plugin and/or other heavy code completion/assist plugins. Only when I disable the integration with Eslint solves. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. You could hit "tab" when typing and also the "," and "enter".and get pretty much the same results. echo $HOME/.config/Code/Cache/* echo $HOME/.config/Code/CachedData/*. Today are saving/formatting times unbearable again. Web Dev full-stack [LAMP] since 2005, but much heavier on the JS stuff these days. Just a reminder: If after setting the defaultFormatter to esbenp.prettier-vscode it still doesn't work. You can use the built-in formatters for a number of languages. Semantics of the `:` (colon) function in Bash when used in a pipe? Seenms to me problems started when I added it. The issue, in my project, seems related to running typescript w/ nextjs. In some directories it does format, in others just don't. Start by creating a script.js file and populating it with the following code: To format the code in this script.js file via the command line, run the following command: The command reformats the JavaScript code in script.js to Prettier's default standard. Dana. Go for a fresh install and try to make sure that you don't have too many things which could effect formatting. It provides a ton of features and customization options that go beyond basic formatting. @CiGit that was a good fix for now 'After a while' means after some time saving alot. You can install the latest version from the official Node.js downloads page. I suspect this is hard to repro because it probably has more to do with the large number of cascading errors that stems from removing one fragment closure line than removal of the line itself. Use .prettierignore to ignore (i.e. How to determine whether symbols are meaningful. @BorisSavage there is an open issue about it: #2999, UPDATE OF THIS COMENTARY : The modal is displayed again and the problem persists but I have another solution in the next comment. Note: Make sure you have prettier installed in the project youre working in or globally via npm install prettier -g. By default Prettier uses 2 spaces for your tab width for indenting your code. Use whatever IDE you want (although I recommend VScode for the team), but our code will be formatted the same regardless. "editor.formatOnSaveTimeout": 3000. It is advisable to keep the formatting of code in the files uniform. I have this issue also in a fresh VS Codium instance with a bare minimum config, so it has to be either a VS Code- or a Prettier-related bug. notification we received accuses Prettier, but what causes Prettier to There are times when it is always good to have it done for you. Now I don't have the issue anymore but I was never able to get to the bottom of it and I tried hard. Once you start splitting projects and switching between teams and other products you'll quickly find the code doesn't keep the same formatting, even if you enforce the hell out of it, in the long term it won't stay that way, someone will mess it up along the way and you'll spend more time arguing about how to fix the formatting than it's even worth doing. Same error for a few weeks now, It is so annoying any solution? Press Ctrl+shift+p and type Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON). I am experiencing same behavior as @nicolasrouanne . The above solution by @j-francisco and @AlissonRS fixes the prettier issue but for me, but all other language settings have been messed up too. If eslint-integration is on, auto format on save drops down with timeout. I'm about to roll back to the working vscode. You signed in with another tab or window. I've been writing code for too damn long to be manually formatting it these days. Prettier integrated into ESLint and automatically executed on File Save and Git Commit . Step 1 Setting Up the Project First, you'll want to install prettier globally from NPM, if you haven't already. I was using Nuxt with Prettier Eslint for my first project and I actually had to uncheck the formatOnSave option to make it work if it helps someone. Step 2: Enable format on save Navigate to Settings menu. To ignore a part of a YAML file, # prettier-ignore should be placed on the line immediately above the ignored node: For one-off commands, when you want to exclude some files without adding them to .prettierignore, negative patterns can come in handy: See fast-glob to learn more about advanced glob syntax. local null_ls = require (" null-ls ") local group = vim. Learn how to use ESLint with JavaScript if you want to be a more productive developer. It doesn't happen all the time, but these kind of files seem to be the culprit from what I could gather of my own experience with this bug. Can somebody else verify that this fixes the issue for them? Kingsley is a freelance web developer from Nigeria. Prettier is also extremely slow for me recently (last few weeks). no manual labor and thinking involved). Input "Prettier" in the search bar and hit the magnifying glass icon. Instead you followed the conventions set by the other thousands of posts to Dev.to. We've been using nx.dev/ for our mono repo for all of our front-end work. Without eslint-integration everything is OK. Updated on Jun 2, 2022 Thank you so much for this! "[javascript]": { During this time, he has worked with clients from all across the globe. They can be laborious and intensive, such as refactoring a legacy component for use in a newer framework. Perhaps open files, file locks. Always glad to help out, just ask. Format on Save (prettier) stopped working with latest update, Add explicit default formatters by language. Restarting VS Code doesn't solve it as well. Is it possible for rockets to exist in a world that is only in the early stages of developing jet aircraft? Auto format code in Visual Studio Code on save using Prettier. You dont copy and paste snippets. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. should i create a .prettierrc file at the root of my project and set some of the properties suggested ?? I dont use React, so I cant comment how well React code is formatted. I use auto import extensions. Otherwise, everything is set to default, but you can change it however you want. which one to use in this conversation? To compare, quickly profiling vscode when calling Format takes around 20ms on a 200 loc tsx file. So really, personal preference always wins and we end up in lots of pointless arguments. So, why are there any options at all? It might be related to another extension. Your mileage may vary for the formating of JSONC, it is asking the JSON Language Features extension to deal with illegal comments, but it appears to manage without issues. to make sure that everything is formatted (without mangling files you dont want, or choking on generated files). My biggest problem is after setting a defaultFormatter, anything not formatted with Prettier (Go, Terraform, etc) throws "prettier can't format this file". I tested as below settings. Look in Preferences: Open Workspace Settings (JSON), i did not have warkspace settings defined, i was testing the extencion in a js file located in a new empty folder, i just try creating a workspace json and add the previos meting line to the json to si if it work, but no, same problem, problems with code formatting on save in vscode, Building a safer community: Announcing our new Code of Conduct, Balancing a PhD program with a startup career (Ep. In this article well see how to format the file once we save the changes. 576), AI/ML Tool examples part 3 - Title-Drafting Assistant, We are graduating the updated button styling for vote arrows. But when I cancel and resave the file, it works. I also have this problem. If you are unable to find setting.json, you can look for Edit in settings.json link in Settings menu. Thats what happened in my case. In settings I select the option format on save. Something to think about before you install that next helpful tool. I've tried to disable and didn't solve the issue. Senior Performance Engineer at platformOS. If youd like to opt-out of Prettier, you can use // prettier-ignore comment right above the code block you want to ignore and format it however youd like. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Does the policy change for AI-generated content affect users who (want to) Toggle Auto Format On Save with Prettier in VSCode, VSCode's format-on-save setting conflicts with prettier, VS-Code Prettier Format On Save doesn't work, VSCode Prettier Format on Save messes up formatting, Prettier extension not formatting code on file save, Prettier VSCODE reformat on save has stopped working, VSCode Prettier not respecting Require Config option for Format on Save, Prettier format on save not working in CSS or HTML files. I eventually realized that I was wasting an absurd amount of time on this one problem and I uninstalled every version of VS Code that I had on my computer. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Note how VS Code gives autocompletion for the different settings within Prettier. @harleyguru I had Beautify and Prettier installed at the same time and did what you recommended and Prettier is still unformatting the code once I save my file. When I tried to back everything up before taking the nuclear option, the problem just persisted so I realize I had to wipe everything out if I was going to truly fix this. It also respects the Format on Save option I mentioned in my last blog post. Finally got rid of the issue. a .prettierrc file. Developer by day, music producer by night. Afterabout 5 to 10 minutes of heavy editing. }. You can configure how you want Prettier to work with different options. I also notice that "Format Selection", Ctrl-K Ctrl-F, is not using Prettier tab spacing either. seeing it as well. The issue you referenced was closed because I cant reproduce the bug. Did an AI-enabled drone attack the human operator in a simulation environment? For python, we use black formatter and now that's not working because I have selected prettier as the default formatter. The dialog remains open for about 45 seconds. #181 (comment). Do some changes and save the file. Next, cd into that directory using a command line, then run the following command to initialize a Node.js project: This command generates a package.json file containing the default settings. Ok there are other things we can try but be careful. I have other extensions installed/enabled. It should work. Posted on May 18, 2022 If it is not visible, you can show it by using View > Extensions. Open VS Code and press the Extensions icon. My father is ill and booked a flight to see him - can I travel on my other passport? I'm not sure where the failure is really happening, probably on the first save after line delete and then isn't recovering on the second. Would the presence of superhumans necessarily lead to giving them authority? My frontend code requires no build tools, to deploy i use github actions, to debug i run the web pages, use browser dev tools, check the network tab and look at the console log. https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensionAPI/vscode-api#_workspace, https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-go/blob/master/src/goFormat.ts, https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_22#_configurable-format-on-save-timeout, https://github.com/prettier/prettier-vscode/wiki/Writing-a-Good-Issue, Then, remove all the linebreaks between the props so that it looks like this (. Hey @CiGit , I think this is the issue related with Prettier itself. Thank you for sharing @mddilley -- this will save my sanity, but also find the need for so much more configuration just to maintain prior behavior infuriating. On the contrary, you lose the time you could have spent solving the problem. "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode", // worked! Then paste the following poorly-formatted HTML into the file: This command reformats the HTML to Prettier's default standard, which results in the following code: You can also use the --check flag to check if the code conforms to Prettier's standards. In that json file add the following line and save. Ive noticed that when it happens there is a process in the activity manager called Code Helper that is taking up a significant percentage of cpu. Prettier seems to be the most used, at least in a lot of languages. @lsl Thanks for the repo, i will investigate when time allows. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and The following example checks script.js: This is useful if you want a pre-commit hook to ensure people are using Prettier and formatting the files before pushing them to Git. But it is different with an array because when I format, it shortens my array into a single line whereas I really would like to format my array multi-lines (just like in your gif !) To enable it, just search for formatonsave and tick the box. in settings.json, make sure files.autoSave is off. By default these options are only used if prettier config file is not found. Should convert 'k' and 't' sounds to 'g' and 'd' sounds when they follow 's' in a word for pronunciation? With some practice you'll get it all right automatically and you'll also understand your code better because it wasn't a tool that organized it for you. It can be done during development manually. These settings used to coexist great but something changed. @ntotten I'm able to mostly consistently repro this. Thank you very much ! Well use Prettier extension to format code in file once the file is saved. https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensionAPI/vscode-api#_workspace, This may be a work around. Is there a reason beyond protection from potential corruption to restrict a minister's ability to personally relieve and appoint civil servants? The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Same thing happened to me just now. But if being a jerk about it makes you feel better, carry on, you don't need to listen to me, i don't need to listen to you. With Vue I rarely see this issue and not on such scale. It's always personal preference in the end. This same issue happens when I try to save .md files on VSCode sometimes. Seems like auto detect language and formatter is not working. I may be wrong, but if it takes time to save, it should let us more time to return from format call. I am going to uninstall and re-install. Ya when it comes to a team project, there are these considerations. EDIT: it seems this path doesn't work (it's a script, not a module folder), but that makes the extension use the bundled version which potentially is a solution? I agree with @716green , but the truth is that I have done a clean installation and it continues to happen, with only the Prettier extension. Thank you. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. By default prettier ignores files in version control systems directories (".git", ".svn" and ".hg") and node_modules (if --with-node-modules CLI option not specified), if --with-node-modules CLI option provided. Try disabling it, Just want to say disable this integration solve my prettier~performance issue. This was my experience when I had an old computer and just wrote code in a basic text editor. I fixed it and now it broke again from alone, this has no effect #108447 (comment) Edit Fixed it again by directly searching Format on Save and activate it. Let's say you don't like semicolons. I ended up having to play with a lot of settings and extensions to get everything to feel normal for me again since I work largely with VueJS. Git commit hooks are used to remedy this also. Therefore, in my Someone thought it was good DevEx? How to configure backspace to delete 1 char with ts,sw,sts & et configured in vim. trust byt verify. You can also ignore files with a specific extension. How can an accidental cat scratch break skin but not damage clothes? I'm using ruby as well, and I've got the same problem with rubocop formatter: it stopped working as of 1.50.0. rev2023.6.2.43474. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. In the end, good devs are always better/faster than not-as-good devs, regardless of the tools used. :/, In settings type formatter in the search bar, to see the default formatters. Also, note that the setting can be configured per language - something the UI doesn't support and that needs the JSON-based editor. Code -> Preferences -> Settings (for Mac). What is not clear to me is if new VS Code just accidentally removed editor.defaultFormatter (updated it to null), or if editor.defaultFormatter has always been null but previous VS Code versions were able to handle it properly and still make prettier work. I tried to use (enable/disable/uninstall) several tagged template literal plugins - the result is same. At least for a React/Remix project, Rome is a great alternative to Prettier and ESLint. VS Code - What's the deal with telemetry? Seeing this myself today - wasn't seeing it yesterday. Whenever I open a compiled version of main js file from Webpack I start to have these issues and its been pretty consistent to the point where I now start to look for the large file that is open a tab somewhere. I work with Nextjs, Tailwind and the problem happens mostly in projects with React. (sigh) Guess that's the beauty of open source.. @CiGit , it didn't do anything? My fans start running as well. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Hit the "Install . I'm having the same issues, I suspect it might have something to do with the latest VS Code update. Frequently, when I save a file with FormatOnSave option on, it takes forever to finish saving. I literally explained how it helps you write better code because you spend more time writing it and understanding it. Is there a "missing" feature or extension that you would like to see in VS Code? It would be nice if I could set the Prettier tab width to match the editor setting, so that I only have to change this in one place. I'm getting a similar delay with "prettier.eslintIntegration": true, in the settings, but it seems to work fine if eslint integration is disabled. Note: Make sure you have prettier installed in the project you're working in or globally via npm install prettier -g Format on Save in VS Code stop its functionality is the slowness in saving time. I was talking more about code. Hey guys! After my first solution, I was working with a big data object with javascript, after saving, the default formatter went slow again. I use other tools such as Headwind, which now does not work. To configure File Watchers to reformat with Prettier on save, just select Prettier. Right, this is a warning, it appears only in dev console. , , . A JavaScript comment of // prettier-ignore will exclude the next node in the abstract syntax tree from formatting. Due to this reason, files in the project could have different formatting. So there is no need to manually format the code. The reason to use a standard formatter is that it helps others in reading code. In my case it was a conflict with the extension Auto import: ES6, TS, JSX, TSX. And your editor will know which files not to format! It comes with the node package manager (npm) built-in, which youll use to manage your Node.js packages. What helped is switching over to Rome for supported languages. @harleyguru Identified other code formatters in my plugins and it works! How can I tell what syntax and indentation rules Vim is using on a particular line? If I set prettier as formatter in user settings, then only it works. And that works well too. In JS you can say arrays and loops are hard when you start, but a few years in and you don't even think twice when using the various looping methods and you've realized everything is an object. Is there a reason beyond protection from potential corruption to restrict a minister's ability to personally relieve and appoint civil servants? When it's enabled, prettier didn't work. https://gyazo.com/f07a3bfd0733edeed2a8d213fc3d21ac. A big omission in my opinion! Any idea how I could fix this? Code action on Save took a while and failed to auto format and auto import packages. uninstall Beautify and other formatter extensions you might have installed and restart VS code. After reading @robertjbass comment, I renamed the setting.json file and created a new one then I started moving settings that I am sure are irrelevant. I work with *Nextjs, Tailwind* and the problem happens mostly in projects First of all you have to install ESLint plugin in VS Code. When creating multiple new lines, Sublime only leaves indented the final the line I end up on, and not those above it, Visual Studio Code always converting to Spaces, Auto-indent with the same spaces and tabs as on previous line, VisualStudio: Automatically turn tabs into spaces. Respects editor.formatOnSave setting. I was dumb. ? But I can agree that on average, web development is easier than other branches (which still doesn't make doing everything manually justified if you ask me). Ways to find a safe route on flooded roads. Colour composition of Bromine during diffusion? All of these things have something in commonthey take up previous cognitive load and focus. With you every step of your journey. DEV Community 2016 - 2023. I tried: The funny thing is: In my node project any "format on save" work. The first line in the logs takes a long time to arrive after hitting the save button. Format On Save. otherwise things like terraform, go, etc. @ap00rv I have tried that and I cannot reproduce. in Biochemistry 2004, M.S. I believe Prettier has a default rule where it will keep arrays that have 3 or less values on the same line, and anything more it will move to multiple lines. So, what's the issue here? The easy way to find the perfect font and theme combination, How to set VS Code as your Git editor, difftool, and mergetool, Customise VS Code for a project, or per language, How to run a command automatically in VS Code when you open a project. Sign in It hangs up. Most upvoted and relevant comments will be first. Worse, some clients enforce their own rules like "standards js" or some other configurationg for formatting that i have to follow. Something like Matt. <, , tailwindlabs/tailwindcss-intellisense#755. Now it's just buggy. This is by far the single most commented-on issue in this repo. GitHub Chiamaka commented on Jul 26, 2017 Create the following file test.jsx inside an empty folder, open it in VS Code: > > > Then, remove all the linebreaks between the props so that it looks like this ( End -> Ctrl+Del -> Space helps with this): ["ERROR" - 9:15:48 PM] Error formatting document. i'm not alone - thought i was the only one getting this. nvim_create_augroup (" lsp_format_on_save ", { clear = false}) . This works well when contributing to open source. (DOM update excluded, cold ~160ms). Comic enthusiast. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and Just enabled the extension back, and the bug is almost instantly much worse again. I'm facing a similar issue in JS files. This may be relevant to this issue : prettier/prettier#3263 (just fixed not yet released). This issue is absolutely destroying me. This type of ignore is only allowed to be used in top-level and aimed to disable formatting for auto-generated content, e.g. A tool like Prettier just makes it easier for us all to follow the conventions that thousands of others are using as well. You can see it especially often when you work with large files or on a slow computer. Or disable eslintIntegration which does a lot more work (prettier -> eslint --fix). saving. E.g. Now that you have it installed, you can start exploring how Prettier works by using it on the command line. However, at that time, the advice I gave came with some caveats. I'm essentially a firefighter versus a builder. Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use. How can I shave a sheet of plywood into a wedge shim? What I also notice is that doing the format on save takes some time and the file isn't saved correctly, but triggering the formatting manually seems to be a bit faster, although not as fast as when eslint integration is disabled. Made with love and Ruby on Rails. Is that possible? And the editor must not be shutting down. Getting yelled at by "avoiding insulting people here" because my formatting didn't match their is low on my list of things i like, so i look at the code i'm editing and make my changes match as best i can. I find when using Prettier, along with the Format On Save option in VS Code, I dont think about how to format my code anymore. Type one of the following commands: npm install --save-dev --save-exact prettier npm install --global prettier Learn more about installation modes from the Prettier official website. Centering a div is a nightmare for newbies, but a year or two in, you copy paste a solution you've used fifty times before and don't even think about it. To exclude files from formatting, create a .prettierignore file in the root of your project. after some time saving a lot? You'll find a ton of options to help you configure the Prettier extension. [image: auto-import-extensions] To get around this problem, create a .prettierignore file and include the term node_modules in the file. In the search box, search for Prettier. This is weird, I have it working in Vim just fine and Atom editor works too. When I save a document, the loading indicator from prettier shows up as as Saving your document and it loads for indefinite time. I also notice that "Format Selection", Ctrl-K Ctrl-F, is not using Prettier tab spacing either. Go into your VS Code settings by navigating to File > Preferences > Settings. I agree it is not cool to force someone to use a particular IDE in a team. I love that. https://bobbyhadz.com/blog/vscode-clear-cache#clearing-the-cache-in-visual-studio-code, https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/41245525/238108221-d229f524-d3d1-41bf-8104-5dc63c879fd4.png, https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ACEN4J4Q6XQN74R7U757OK3XF33GXANCNFSM4MJTBD3Q, Prettier code format take a long time to format, VSCode Hangs indefinitely while Formatting on save since version 0.9.8. Example: # Ignore artifacts: build coverage # Ignore all HTML files: *.html It's recommended to have a .prettierignore in your project! ok, my apologies. Instead of manually running a command each time you want to format code, you can set it up to format automatically when you change a file. but which ? However, every developer has her style of writing code. Saving, you should see eslint give you 70 odd errors }. Commenting on this one does not provide me with any info I can use to debug this. Do you also have eslint integration enabled? Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Prettier is an ideal tool to clean up your code and enforce consistent formatting within a project. Please provide repro step and Ill investigate. crashed with error: 5 when saving larger files I noticed that the if it still doesn't work after all that, consider having vscode run eslint, and eslint in turn call prettierthis gets the best of both tools and has ran w/o problems for years (minus the default formatter changes that broke the whole chain). file with json extension. The value will be an object containing all the configuration options: The second option (which we recommend) is to create a .prettierrc file. I haven't had any issues with the identical setup until today when I updated the VS Code. Im on a MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012) with 2.6ghz i7 and 8gb ram. Is it a breaking change from VS Code or is it prettier which changed its namespace/code name? Earlier this year vscode added multi-lang definitions, you can significantly shorten the config required in settings.json, instead of the above do the following: "[javascript][javascriptreact][typescript]": { While people might disagree on how much to indent, where to break lines, etc the fact is that a general format allows us all to recogize what we are looking at better. Running standalone Prettier on the file finishes in 67ms, so the dramatic slowdown does indeed seem to come from the plugin, rather than from Prettier itself. No avail. I had set the prettier as the default formatter using the following setting: A .prettierrc.js, .prettierrc.cjs, prettier.config.js, or prettier.config.cjs file that exports an object using module.exports. Im not talking about copy and pasting random code from the Internet. This is usually the last option by default in the menu. Have a question about this project? This plugin must be loaded last, so if you want to use the Tailwind plugin, disable Prettier auto-loading and place prettier-plugin-tailwindcss in the end of the plugins array. Then add the following: " [typescript]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode" }, " [typescriptreact]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode" } Make sure you have set "editor.formatOnSave": true I have to restart Visual Code to get it working again. lol, @timsully This is not the issue of prettier itself actually. When it occurs in my production code, it does not finish in a reasonable amount of time, causing the CPU hogging. To disable coc-prettier for specific files, you can create .prettierignore file. Hey, guys. I have added the prettier-eslint in package.json. Is linked content still subject to the CC-BY-SA license? This was a problem that lasted for *over three months*. "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode" to use node_modules/.bin/prettier instead of looking for prettier on $PATH ), you must set the neoformat_try_node_exe option: let g:neoformat_try_node_exe = 1 Run :Neoformat or :Neoformat prettier in a supported file to run Prettier. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. For example, if you want to ignore all HTML files, simply add *.html to .prettierignore. It is working for me now after setting the following in workspace setting only . It only takes a minute to sign up. Type one of the following commands: npm install --save-dev --save-exact prettier npm install --global prettier Learn more about installation modes from the Prettier official website. Once unsuspended, robole will be able to comment and publish posts again. Every other fix lasts minutes while this one a couple hours so far. Click on Prettier - Code formatter, install it, then enable it. But in my PHP project all format on all files works normaly. How to write great snippets that anyone can use, VS Code - Quickly increment and decrement numeric values with keyboard shortcuts, VS Code: You don't need that extension part 2, VS Code keyboard-fu: custom keyboard shortcuts that will boost your productivity. I should have done that first! This command will make your code more consistent with formatted spacing, line wrapping, and quotes. I also had to turn Auto-Save to 'off' <=== this is what made it happen for me. Recently, I started noticing that prettier doesn't format my code. The more people who interact with your code - the more reason to use a very standarized code-formatter. If youd like to learn more about how to enforce Prettier via git commit hooks, checkout my blog post on Husky and Lint Staged with Prettier that even works with nested folders. Evidently, Prettier formatting is only being applied during save. It makes the developer experience so much worse it's insane. Help anyone? npm install --global prettier @2.3.2 Then, start a new Vue project using @vue/cli with default configurations: In my case it was a conflict with the could be an *extension that helps with the import of external files*. It's odd to me that this all worked great for years, but now breaksand even the workarounds are fragilebut this isn't a regression. VS-Code Prettier Format On Save doesn't work Ask Question Asked 3 years, 5 months ago Modified 1 month ago Viewed 115k times 83 For about a month now, my Prettier extension has stopped working as it normally does. In another post in this series, I spoke about project-specific settings. B.S. 2 Answers Sorted by: 0 Press Ctrl+shift+p and type Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON). I always say: i dont care whats the code style, as long as its standarized and everyone has a software that does it for us (ie. Whenever I get to code from scratch i write it as simple as possible with the goal being "Me or anyone else has to understand this 6 months or a year from now". The Prettier -JavaScript Formatter plugin for VS Code simply shells out to Prettier. ESlint linting should be configured using different option as given here, Thank you!! I take that back. I use auto import extensions. It's the worst kind of bug because you don't get any logs to reference regarding what's happening behind the scenes, other people can't reproduce it because I think it has something to do with your settings (ESLint, Prettier, Vetur, etc). eg. This should enable so vscode formats the code each time you save. Sure, I can do it without one, but having it allows me to free up my mental state for more complex tasks. I need to spend the weekend going through settings with a fine toothed comb. Typically, you can get by with the default settings. "editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.typescript-language-features" Same here. @appyofficial that will work great, until you try to work in a file prettier doesn't handle keeping default null and having per-language settings is required if you work in languages not supported by prettier. While many factors contribute to code readability, one of the most important is consistent code formatting. You used paragraphs, bulleted lists, headers, etc You could have formatted things in your own special way I suppose. Nothing By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge that you have read and understand our privacy policy and code of conduct. Code formatting is, obviously, strongly opinionated. Question to everyone experiencing this bug: What is your printWidth configuration set to? Already on GitHub? Is there a place where adultery is a crime? not reformat) certain files and folders completely. This runs the command to format the code anytime you change the file. Question: "vscode.typescript-language-features" formatter *.js files? Our code should be properly formatted as this makes code more readable. This kind of "light touch" formatting is more akin to autocorrecting typo's with more granular control, and it's a welcome addition . Funny thing, in some cases i make my formatting absolutely different on purpose because I want to come back later and go "This is my code, that is not my code" especially in really old applications that i have to still support, or when clients get to be a pain and nitpick every bug as "you made a change last week, this is your fault". will get errors on each save about unsupported formatter. Your code gets fixed before it ever leaves your machine, so you [], Director of Engineering at Lean TECHniques Inc, Exploring the Environment Tag Helper exclude and include attributes in ASP.NET Core 2, Formatting is something I never worry about anymore, Prettier + Format On Save = Never worry about formatting JavaScript again, The Prettier -JavaScript Formatter plugin for VS Code, https://gist.github.com/scottsauber/54a5676dae8775768553dec36049ab4c, Using Husky Git Hooks and Lint-Staged With Nested Folders Scott Sauber, Using Husky Git Hooks and Lint-Staged With Nested Folders - News WWC, SciFiDevCon 2023 Check your Thermal Exhaust Port 10 Vulnerabilities Your Web Application Probably Has Right Now, Avoid the Dark Side: Creating Healthy, High Performing Engineering Organizations SciFiDevCon, Docker for Databases Iowa Data Professionals, JetBrains .NET Days The Background on Background Tasks in .NET 6. We don't have the cost of a node start + prettier load. Have a question about this project? I have already made several attempts according to the testimony of the people here. I usually have format on save set as true as well as require config. . :-). VS Code - Get type checking in JavaScript easily, VS Code - Snippets are not bash aliases. Once in a while they catch a bug i missed that costs me a little time, but i don't see "tool using devs" being better/faster than "non tool using devs" in my day to day work.
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