Thus, alongside the first plague (Exodus 7:15-25), they put the fact that Ehrenberg in 1823 saw the inlet of the Red Sea, near Sinai, stained a blood-red colour by cryptogamic plants. 4. In the last days the Bible says, "Scoffers will come saying, Where is the promise of the coming of Jesus Christ? And I will bring you in unto the land, concerning the which I did swear to give it to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; and I will give it to you for a heritage: for I am the Lord ( Exodus 6:6-8 ). But if the heads of the people were convinced of his divine mission, the people groaning under their burdens would be ready to follow them. We come to greater precision here. p. 189. It's glorious to have a close, intimate relationship with God, to know Him by that name Jehovah where He becomes to me all that I need.Now they had not really appropriated that fullness of God that He wants to be to His people. They were sort of-God was sort of a far off, great, powerful almighty force, creative; yet, He was known in a personal sense, but yet, always in that vast distance that exists between the infinite and the finite. Aurea Pythagor. Note, Man's extremity is God's opportunity of helping and saving. In fact she at last was obliged to do what she most hated, as she said herself in her son's case. Never do we meet with language like this in the New Testament. Sometimes because of time delays, we feel that God has forgotten His promises. In a note he adds "From a return to Congress in 1782, the population appeared to be 2,389,300, and in the census of 1790, 4,000,000; increase in nine years, 1,610,700; from which deduct ten thousand per annum for European settlers, 6 per cent. ". (w) Cornelius Labeo de oraculo Apoll. Nevertheless God is faithful, and the very efforts to destroy are met by His good hand, who produces faithfulness even in those that might have been supposed most of all subservient to the cruel designs of the king. Free 30 Page eBook to help you Hear and Heed the Bible: Because You haven't delivered them, and things are just worse. For the believer it is not prowess or wisdom that secures the victory. Exodus 6:3 is not saying that the patriarchs were totally ignorant of the name Yahweh." Hence it was in no casual sort or merely arresting attention by its wonders that Jehovah here appears in the burning bush. "I know that he can speak well. He is bought with a price, as we are often told in scripture, and we know it. The time was coming when they should no longer be a family but a nation; and if God was about to reveal Himself after a special sort, He at the same time particularly brings before them His association with their fathers. Pharaoh had no fear of Yahweh and no concern for Yahwehs people. What does Exodus 6:3-6 mean? All who hav. Rushing is the period of time in which students check out the fraternities and sororities on campus. Their proud will was broken, although their hearts were by no means with God. This occurs in one of Scripture's most memorable scenes: the burning bush. Hardening is a judgment which comes when man persists in unbelief in the face of distinct and repeated testimony from God. Moses was the responsible person; and God held to His order. Exodus 3:1-8 describes the initial contact between Moses and God. 4. It is clear that God must be the best judge. But the question which was decided that paschal night affected the Jew not less than the Egyptian. Consequently for this various development of the truth there is no book in scripture so remarkable as the very first of the Pentateuch: In fact, in a general way we may say that all the other books take up special truths, which are at any rate in the germ presented there. Else we find either no water whatever, or the water brackish and undrinkable. On this enterprise then we behold him going forth, when he was come to years of discretion. At the same time it is never God who makes man an unbeliever. Bishop Colenso (part 1, chap. Undoubtedly the affections were there; but this calls them out, and he acts accordingly, looking, it is said, this way and that way by no means an evidence of singleness of eye. Pharaoh, his host and his chariots, all the flower of Egypt were there drawn up and ready to devour the poor children of Israel. Log in for more information. *The remarks of Dr. D. (Introd. Consequently in perfect harmony with this all things are known (and no testimony needed by Him), what God is no less than man, with as absolute a comprehension of the future as of the past or present. It is not true that there are different documents inNumbers 20:1-13; Numbers 20:1-13 any more than in Exodus 17:2-7: "Jehovah" characterises both as any one can ascertain. And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, All this evinces the absolute command of all circumstances by God, but in His servant's hands, and in favour of His people. The tamarix manifera or tarafa shrub yields the substance in question by the puncture of an insect, the coccus maniparus, Exodus 16:9-26; Exodus 16:9-26 is Elohistic; Numbers 11:1-35 is Jehovistic. Of course by many this will scarce be understood. but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them; which he had in the preceding verse called himself by. Their effort is to strip and reduce them to the uttermost by exalting circumstances, which bear a somewhat similar appearance either ordinarily or occasionally, to a measure of correspondence. 47% Off in December! Note the repetition of the phrase "I will" seven times in these verses, emphasizing the fact that God would certainly do this for Israel. And He shall be fling over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Jehovah, and His name one. And because the history of the children of Israel is typical history, and it typifies the child of God coming out of bondage through the Red Sea, baptism, into a new relationship of faith with God in the wilderness and on in through the death of the old life, and the old self into the land of promise, a life of richness and fullness; we can take these "I wills" of God to Israel and we can apply them to our own lives as God is promising. He's gonna challenge the work of God within your life, especially if that ministry has to do with some of the gifts of the Spirit. Moses was told by Jehovah to put his hand in his bosom. And what a proof is this of never-failing goodness in God! think, feel, speak, and act unworthily of such a habitation; and yet in the face of all He here deigns to dwell in us. It wants but little thought and reflection for a person to understand that each of them is not only quite just, but that they are both thoroughly compatible and harmonious. Its family character appears in the New Testament also. We are bought with a price. Moses said, "Hey, God now look. The others are Yahweh and El Shaddai (God almighty). The rod is the symbol of authority; it may also represent chastening. Here too there is no excuse for a different author or document, as the codicil ofExodus 13:1-22; Exodus 13:1-22 is Jehovistic equally withExodus 12:1-51; Exodus 12:1-51, and adds the fresh thought of the sanctification to Jehovah of all the first-born in Israel, whether of man or of beast. The Gentile will unfeignedly rejoice for all the goodness Jehovah will have done to Israel, delivering them from the hand of all enemies from first to last. Speaking of America, he remarks (ib. Moses had been expecting what God would do; but now he shall see what he will do, shall see his day at length, Job 24:1. - The meaning seems to be this: "I am Jehovah (Yahweh), and I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as El Shaddai, but as to my name Jehovah, I was not made known to them." In other words, the full import of that name was not disclosed to them. There is nothing therefore that can hinder a soul from being the object of the most real love to God except the persistent rejection of Himself. Moses, I am the Lord." God silences Moses's complaints with the assurance of success in this negotiation, repeating the promise made him in Exodus 3:20; Exodus 3:20, After that, he will let you go. The actual wreck of Israelitish hopes is the result both of their assuming legal condition in the first place, and next of their rejection of the grace of God that came in by Jesus Christ our Lord, and was proclaimed by the Spirit sent down from heaven. Psalms 105:40; Psalms 106:14; Psalms 106:16, might be profitably compared by friends or enemies of the Bible. We shall find this set out in express terms in a later chapter; but the substance of it seems conveyed on this first occasion when He directs attention to His being the God of promise, coupling consequently the names of the fathers with Himself. 2 and god spake unto moses, and said unto him, i am the lord: 3and i appeared unto abraham, unto isaac, and unto jacob, by the name of god almighty, but by my name May the Lord then grant us unfeigned and growing confidence in all that which He is! for 4.5 years, which will be 20,250; the remaining increase during the nine years, from procreation only will be 1,500,450, which is nearly 7 per cent. This is what describes Him in His being at least. And take care that, not only knowing and enjoying it, we walk suitably to grace: else it loses its character. But by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them. For scripture savours of God's own infinity, however He may come down to us, and adopt the language of men, as we know He has done. "But during the Mosaic period the characteristic name of God was to be the LORD, the meaning of which was first revealed to Moses himself (Exodus 3:13-15). is the same with (iaw) in Israel must leave now. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment. He looked at me very sternly and he said, "Now, son don't smoke. Exodus 6:4. In due time the unforgetting heart of God shows His remembrance of Israel. "It is interesting how that many times when we launch out into what we feel is the will of God for our lives, that things don't work out exactly like we thought they were gonna work out. The one will find the amplest confirmation of Exodus 16:1-36 and Numbers 11:1-35 as distinct accounts illustrating sovereign grace and creature-responsibility; the other can hardly avoid seeing a further and independent proof of his ruinous unbelief. What name does He take then? The writer, giving expression to his own moral consciousness, represents the Deity as directly enjoining the people to do a thing dishonest in itself. When the king haughtily refused, and increased their oppression, God gave His servant a still fuller revelation of Himself for the people, now utterly cast down, and a commission in Egypt more peremptory armed not with signs only but judgments on their oppressors and the demand now was for an absolute departure of Israel. What meaning of the exodus 6:3-6 in the Bible? What Christ has done is the right thing as well for us as for the glory of God; but then there is another result which should be noticed as the consequence of redemption, and so, beginning to appear in this chapter, it is brought out more fully elsewhere. InExodus 16:1-36; Exodus 16:1-36 the people murmured before the law was given and God gave them freely quails in the evening as well as manna in the morning. Carefully remember that this does not imply that the word " Jehovah" was not known. It's time to announce the winner of the LEGO Ideas X Target- What Does Family Mean To You? How Satan loves to challenge any exercise of the gifts of the Spirit. But yet people sometimes have that sort of, "Oh Chuck", like, something, though it really isn't. There might be unreadiness on their part, but He at any rate was able to make good all He had promised. How good the Lord that speaks to us about the things not of grace only but of nature! Chapter five of the book of Exodus, we left Moses in great despair. It happens to be traveling at about nineteen miles a second. Bible > Exodus > Chapter 6 > Verse 3 Library Free Downloads eBibles Exodus 6:3 Context Crossref Comm Hebrew Verse (Click for Chapter) New International Version Whether it would come to a result or not depended on altogether different circumstances not on any failure in Him. When the salvation of the saints is completed in eternal life, then he will be known by his name Jehovah (Revelation 22:13); in the mean time they shall find him, for their strength and support, El-shaddai, a God all-sufficient, a God that is enough and will be so, Micah 7:20. (x) Bibliothoc. God comforts Moses. On either side Aaron and Hur support his arms when heavy, and thus victory is secured for the people of God. He would adopt Israel as His nation (Exodus 6:7). The mother of all living in the gates of Paradise itself said, regarding the birth of Cain, "I have gotten a man with the help of Jehovah" (Genesis 4:1). And I appeared unto Abraham, and unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, [El Shadai] but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them ( Exodus 6:3 ). So still more solemnly in the preternatural darkness of the ninth plague. It is a two-way evaluation process for students to decide which fraternities or sororities they like and for the fraternities and sororities to determine which students they would like to join their group. Let us depend on God to bring out the truth for our intelligence in the measure which fits His glory, and as He pleases to accomplish more fully the purpose for which He has revealed it. the oracle of Apollo F23; and Diodorus Siculus F24 says, "On one hand, we are focused on space companies and we can help people explore new worlds which is pretty exciting. He went to the Pharaoh and demanded the release of the children of Israel. So with Moses, Jehovah seems to be speaking according to the grace, as far as this could be unfolded then, which afterwards shone in the blessed Lord here below. And they said, The God of the Hebrews hath met with us: let us go, we pray thee, three days' journey into the desert, and sacrifice unto Jehovah our God, lest he fall upon us with pestilence, or with the sword." Elsewhere we see Christ, not humbled, but heavenly and in heaven the food for the people viewed as in heavenly places. But besides this complete devotedness we see also the ordinance of the unleavened bread in this connection, that is, unfeigned purity of heart by faith. The two things are here put together as flowing from the sense of a divinely wrought deliverance. "[12] Regarding the conjunction here (but in the ASV and and in Clark's rendition), it is not in the Hebrew at all either way and is merely supplied by the translator. No one could be expected to believe this (if he did not look into the Bible and bow to the truth), that God could have written a whole book and never once have spoken of holiness before this. First it is not the fact on the ground of rationalistic theory that one is a whit more Elohistic than the other: Jehovah is the term used in Exodus 16:1-36 as certainly and exclusively as in Numbers 11:1-35. They were prepared and appointed by him to carry out his work of delivering Israel from Egypt. The last of these chapters that I would now notice is the typical picture of the scene of glory; and there too is seen the Gentile in singular prominence Jethro eating bread with the elders of Israel. For this the text not only gives no ground but furnishes its unequivocal disproof. Thus, although we have sacrifice as such, covenant and other kindred dealings of God, redemption in its full import at least is never brought before us in that book. However, even if this obvious meaning of the place is ignored, there are other explanations that will be noted. Abraham said, "Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord will provide"( Genesis 22:8 ). The chapter begins with the second of Matthew's five summary statements that conclude the five focussed sections of Jesus' teaching: When Jesus had finished instructing his twelve . Solemn but infinite favour! Praepar. 1 Then the LORD said unto Moses, Now shalt thou see what I will do to Pharaoh: for with a strong hand shall he let them go, and with a strong hand shall he drive them out of his land. The name occurs 30 times in Job. "[17] Thus, knowing God, as indicated by the Scriptures themselves, certainly means more than merely knowing how to pronounce God's name. Arminianism naturally resists it, as its doctrine causes salvation to turn largely on man's deserts; while Calvinism would consent to salvation in "the purpose of God" or some jargon of the kind, while meanwhile the object of it may have no comfort, nor solid footing whatever for his soul. Genesis 17:1. Now first of all God establishing Himself to Moses, "I've made My covenant with them. * It is a matter, perhaps, too well known to need many words, that every woman was simply to ask of her neighbour, etc., vessels of silver and of gold, with raiment, which were to be put on Israel's sons and daughters. Man, they come storming into the office. They cannot deny that there is all possible difference between the reddish tint of the Nile for some weeks in June, without one of these consequences as compared with so severe a blow in or about January on the river of their pride and idolatry, which had seen the cruel death of Israel's male children. Exodus 3: 2325, Song of Solomon 4:14, Isaiah 43: 24, Jeremiah 6:2, and Ezekiel 27:19 are the only references to an unusual plant translated as "sweet cane", "calamus", "sweet myrtle" and in other ways indicative of the confusion over which plant is intended. We may say then, as a prophet did later, that they groaned; but they did not groan to God. Examples could be multiplied, but these are sufficient to show that the patriarchs did indeed know the name Jehovah. I feel sort of funny, because I'm nobody, and I know I'm nobody. ), by which Pharaoh would be compelled to let Israel go, and even to drive them out of his land. But more than that, it endangered Moses; for God had the controversy with him not with his wife. . Note, As some are brought to their duty by the strong hand of God's grace, who are made willing in the day of his power, so others by the strong hand of his justice, breaking those that would not bend. I am the Lord. (Compare Deuteronomy 26:5). The Israelites would learn not just the name of their God, but the character indicated by that name. How this was arrested is a most instructive lesson, but it will be found later on in this book. The period immediately succeeding war was likely to be a period of very rapid increase." It may have been, and probably was, after the sons of Israel left Egypt, as it throughout supposes the feast already instituted. But God was working not only for a design according to His own heart, but so that the manner in which that design was to be accomplished should bring Him glory. It is certain that the name Jehovah was in use long before the days of Abraham, see Genesis 2:4, where the words Jehovah Elohim occur, as they do frequently afterwards; and see Genesis 15:2, where Abraham expressly addresses him by the name Adonai JEHOVAH; and see Genesis 15:7, where God reveals himself to Abraham by this very name: And he said unto him, I am JEHOVAH, that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees. The principal Hebrew word in the clause means, "I-made-myself-known. It has been ascertained that Exodus 17:2-7 is Jehovistic; while Numbers 20:1-13 contains portions of different documents." But when we begin to be subject to the truth, instead of getting up technical theology, when we look into that which is divine, not the mere science that man has made of it to the utter havoc of its bloom and beauty, when we search into the word of God, we then see and enjoy its perfection. As He never loses sight of its need, so we never can make light of it without loss to our souls. This is exactly what he dreaded. (Exodus 6:9; Exodus 6:12) But in Exodus 4:31 they believed and rejoiced when he announced deliverance to them. 1 / 5. So Amram [Verse twenty] took him Jochebed his father's sister to wife; and she bare him Aaron and Moses: and these are the years of the life of Amram he was a hundred and thirty seven years old ( Exodus 6:20 ). l. 1. c. 9. p. 31. z Carmin. If they didn't listen to me, what do you think the Pharaoh's gonna do? However, this seems to us impossible of acceptance. - . Jehovah however meets all at first with quietness, and at the same time breathes comfort into the ear of His anxious and hesitating servant. They were to have no other gods but Him and were not to carve or construct any images of God nor were they to fashion or form any sort of idols or icons. Just so is it in the New Testament. The controversy was with their opposition to the true God, as well as with their oppression of His people. How slow we are to learn the perfectness of the word of God! From his compassions (Exodus 6:5; Exodus 6:5): I have heard the groaning of the children of Israel; he means their groaning on occasion of the late hardships put upon them. He knew how they would depart from all that was before His own mind, seeking in self-confidence that which would give an apparent momentary importance, but be sure to bring a blot for ages on His character as well as ruin to themselves, for so lies the Jew now. Have you ever wondered what kind of a force or thrust it took to get Betelgeuse into orbit; something that huge moving that fast? I arrant you that to the Christian both these truths are made good. If this furnish the direct reason why there could be no such fulfilment, the moral hindrances from the state of Israel from man fallen were quite as real, though necessarily indirect. 6 Wherefore say unto the children of Israel, I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bondage, and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments: 7 And I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you a God: and ye shall know that I am the LORD your God, which bringeth you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. However Jehovah does declare in full His deep interest in the people. God could not pass over that. Confident as we may be that we are taught of God, it does not necessarily follow that there may not be another side of truth which we have yet to learn more fully. God makes both true in Christ of the believer; but purchase is unlimited, as an examination of the Greek Testament will convince any soul who reads the word of God with a subject spirit; while redemption has its defined objects. He omits to notice the true cause of diversity in the description difference of authorship. The fifth plague (Exodus 9:1-7) was a very heavy pestilence which at Moses' word fell the next day on the cattle of Egypt, not on those of Israel. A most astonishing thing it might seem at first sight, that after having been thus blessed, the first thing the people find is a wilderness where there is no water; and that, when they do come to water, it is so bitter that they cannot drink it. I am not now speaking of His grace, but of His own essential being "I AM. Porphyr. But then no chastening is right unless it flow from just authority; and hence the connection between the two ideas in this emblem. It is an equal error to suppose that God hardens a person when He first sends a testimony as to deny that He does harden after His testimony has been refused. By my name Jehovah was I not known to them. This is the way in which the Lord gives us simplicity, and at the same time a depth entirely beyond ourselves. It is indeed a most important truth to hold fast, and no less full of consolation and blessing for our souls. And I have also established my covenant with them, [That is with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.] Grace is then no more grace, but only a vain pretension the flippant use of words without power. 29-40.]. We have apostolic authority for believing that the rock is Christ. When we forget that He is the Lord, then we fall into that category that Paul was referring to in Romans chapter one. He might have been the simple and happy instrument of God in the mighty work; but Aaron is brought forward to share it. In the next part of the book of Exodus is a change of the greatest magnitude; but we shall find also that God never forgets His own people. [Note: Gianotti, p. 46. If the firstborn of an animal could not be sacrificed, it must like man's firstborn be redeemed. In the former it is said that it fell from the air, was white like coriander seed, and melted if the sun shone upon it; in the latter, that it could be pound (sic) in mills, or beaten in mortars, or baken in pans, and prepared in cakes. de Vita Pythagor. the vowel points of these words to it, which is a false and made known to them by the one name as the other; though it may be the other; wherefore others think, as Saadiah Gaon, that the word The soul must enter into what is beyond, if we are to have real rest and enjoyment and communion. It chronicles the story of their deliverance from four hundred years of bondage and how God sent Moses as an instrument of deliverance. They never were in greater alarm than after they had partaken of the paschal feast; but that alarm was used of God to show the total inability of Israel to cope with the difficulty. Why did You ask me to do it Lord? There is another important point to note in the chapter. We all know what the Egyptians thought of the Nile. "And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM. The effect of the one is that the enemy has no longer the slightest claim to us, or power over us; the effect of the other is that the Lord has a perfect right to us in every particular. The point of both histories is absolutely lost for those who fail to see a contrast in them, instead of both having grown out of one. Was it to be in view of His grace or their desert? But at length comes the last plague inflicted, the slaying of the first-born in the land, and with it the line of demarcation still more evident between the friends and foes of Jehovah. By indulging ourselves in discontent and fretfulness, we deprive ourselves of the comfort we might have both from God's word and from his providence, and must thank ourselves if we go comfortless. I do believe that any time we enter into any kind of ministry for the Lord that Satan is going to challenge our commitment of faith. "Papa, your child's in trouble. of May we delight in all He has given us! It is evident that there is an addition of consequence in Exodus 13:1-22 to what Jehovah had prescribed inExodus 12:1-51; Exodus 12:1-51. The apostle says, "God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us: much more then, being now justified by his blood" (it is evidently the same grand truth as the Passover), "we shall be saved from wrath through him." The two men belonged to the tribe of Levi (14-27). I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. This is what He is from everlasting to everlasting. As ever, man is quick to put the two things in opposition. How then can it be said that by his name JEHOVAH he was not known unto them? This is not to be understood absolutely; for it is certain that he had made himself known by this name, and this name was known unto Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. O. T. i. Moses soon brings forward his difficulties and objections. #rishisunak #sunak #ukpolitics #liztruss #brexit #ukmedia #ukroyals #britain #unitedkingdom #uk #news . Clarii apud Macrob. It was not merely what God was going to perform. It exposed him necessarily to the reproach of folly from his brethren. The tenor of Dr. D.'s statement is the more remarkable, because the reference to Succoth occurs in a distinct clause that follows where is only Elohim, after which we have Jehovah once more as before. He is still more explicit. He did what he thought God was calling him to do. JFB "though the name was ancient, and known to the patriarchs, its full meaning was not known to them, and so God was not manifested to them by it.". I will only add, that in Exodus 13:1-22 we find another thing a character stamped on the firstborn brought into connection with the Passover. "They came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.". l. 47. I'll tell you my grandkids aren't that way. This is inExodus 16:1-36; Exodus 16:1-36. Further, not only the consequences of redemption, but that which may be the result when man, insensible to the grace which has wrought redemption, turns back on himself, and attempts to gain a footing by his own resources and faithfulness before God. For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son" (this was the beginning), "much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life." His main point seems to be that "in one single day, the whole immense population of Israel, as large as that of London, was instructed to keep the Passover, and actually did keep it." The die is cast for the remainder of the events narrated in the Pentateuch." "He that prophesieth", Paul said, "let him prophesy according to his portion of faith"( Romans 12:6 ). The latter statement is perfectly fictitious. The former represents them as a boon given by God to satisfy the people's hunger, and convince them of their dependence on the covenant God. We are never to suppose that the manner of the revelation of God is an unimportant consideration. Yet here was just the situation. Now that God was vindicated in the household of Moses, his mission could begin. Elohim in both reveals Himself or is spoken of as Jehovah. If they would not hearken to these two signs, there was a third which would affect the river. He would bring Israel into the Promised Land (Exodus 6:8). You don't need to be that way, don't need to feel that way at all. ", Accordingly, as a message to Israel, surrounded by the vanities of the heathen those imaginary objects of adoration whose rle really was that of demons taking advantage of man's superstition and folly, it was a fine and an admirable name for those who might ask it: "I AM hath sent me.". So many times we look at our problems and they seem so big, overwhelming. 5. laws of nature are sufficient to effect whatever he intended to bring about in the history of redemption." Several answers have been given to this question; the following are the chief: -, 1. A case of dispute between certain litigious neighbours being heard in court before a weekly sitting of the magistrates, a woman who came as an evidence in behalf of her bad neighbour, finding the magistrates inclining to give judgment against her mischievous companion, took her by the arm and said, "Come away! All rights reserved. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary, Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, BY MY NAME JEHOVAH WAS I NOT MADE KNOWN UNTO THEM, BY MY NAME JEHOVAH WAS I NOT KNOWN UNTO THEM, Palestine (Recent Exploration, I.e. It may be said that the elders were the persons spoken to in the latter case, not the people; and that they were induced to believe in him by the signs he wrought. Thus we find the junction of Aaron with Moses, which has many important consequences, and some of them of a serious character, as this book records. But it is well to note at the end of the chapter the omer of manna laid up before Jehovah for the generations of Israel, which Aaron laid up before the Testimony. Also see: Top community service ideas. Hence it is to be observed that first God draws particular attention to His being the God of the fathers. called Jevo; and both are no other than a corruption of Jah or Question. "And Jehovah said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua; for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven." This is what the Lord will do in the life of Moses. & Hierocles in ib. No; they were sheltered, but in the true sense not yet "saved." Salvation always means a great deal more than that my sins are judged in the death of Christ. We need to be reminded that He is the Lord, and not only that He is the Lord, but of the greatness of His power and His wisdom and of His glory. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. 788. It was not first received in Midian and afterwards repeated in Egypt, because the former call is followed by Moses and Aaron going in to Pharaoh and asking him to let the Israelites go for the purpose of holding a feast in the wilderness. It is so precisely with the term "Jehovah." Use this table to get a word-for-word translation of the original Hebrew Scripture. Next, the seventh plague (Exodus 9:13-35), hail with thunder and consuming fire, drew from Pharaoh the confession of his sin and a promise to let the people go, broken by him as soon as Jehovah heard the intercession of Moses. (2.) 15:6-8 ) ( Genesis 26:2 [Note: Sailhamer, The Pentateuch . Is it not probable then that the writer in Exodus puts two different facts together which were separate in time; viz., the sending of quails and manna? It is sad to hear a so-called orthodox antagonist of rationalism weaken the tenth infliction (Exodus 11:1-10) by the remark that "it must not be inferred that none of the first-born remained alive in the land, or that none besides the first-born died." It was no doubt thus that God was about to work in the midst of Israel. Of this people often lose the true force by an unscriptural phraseology. The force of this is made still more manifest by what follows. "I have been a stranger in a strange land," is the word of comment that is made upon him. I was shocked for a moment, and I thought, "My that's sacrilegious." He would deliver the Israelites from their Egyptian bondage (Exodus 6:6). In such a position he had the finest opportunities for assuaging the hard lot of the Israelites, and it might be for accomplishing that which was so dear to his heart, their deliverance from thraldom. But I've never seen him again. Observe, as to the hardening of Pharaoh's heart, that this was in no-wise the case before the pronounced infidelity of Pharaoh. promise, as he now would be by delivering the children of Israel 8 And I will bring you in unto the land, concerning the which I did swear to give it to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; and I will give it you for an heritage: I am the LORD. Exodus 6:3, ESV: I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by my name the LORD I did not make myself known to them. Robert Jamieson also gave as the preferred rendition here: "By my name Jehovah was I not known to them? "And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovah-nissi: For he said, Because Jah hath sworn that Jehovah will have war with Amalek from generation to generation. Thus, even supposing with Ussher, Clinton, and others that the 430 years date from the call of Abram, and that just half this period, or 215 years, can strictly apply to the stay in Egypt, the objection is utterly irrational. But what else is there that we have not? I will rid you. He remembered his covenant when he heard the cry of the Israelites in Egyptian bondage (Exodus 6:5). 4. w Cornelius Labeo de oraculo Apoll. It emphasizes Gods power at work for His people, as He was about to demonstrate it. . El-Shaddai, God All-sufficient, they knew well by the continual provision he made for them, and the constant protection he afforded them: but the name JEHOVAH is particularly to be referred to the accomplishment of promises already made; to the giving them a being, and thus bringing them into existence, which could not have been done in the order of his providence sooner than here specified: this name therefore in its power and significancy was not known unto them; nor fully known unto their descendants till the deliverance from Egypt and the settlement in the promised land. ", "According toExodus 6:2; Exodus 6:2, etc., Moses received his divine commission to deliver the people out of bondage in Egypt. Then came the sixth judgment (Exodus 9:8-12), a boil breaking forth with brains on man and beast in all Egypt, and notably on the magicians who could not stand before Moses. (Exodus 5:1-23) Public work can only rightly follow when all is well at home. No date or place is named. In Exodus 7:1-25 begins the great struggle, and wonders upon wonders awfully fall on the devoted land of Egypt. I've got it." Exodus 6:2 I am the Lord . de Vita Pythagor. In Him is concentrated the full power of the change that will follow in due time, as He is the firstfruits of that glorious harvest. Secondly, Strong passions oppose strong consolations. That's a good thing to remind yourself of before you pray. It was to spoil their oppressors by divine authority, and no question whatever of deceit or dishonesty. The expression "Eternal" is perhaps the best rendering in the English language to convey the correct meaning]. It is simply inconceivable that Moses, the author of Exodus, could have stated what is recorded here, unless some meaning beyond what seems to be said is intended. And yet because of what God has done through my life, people respect that work that God has done through me, though it doesn't make me anything. And so He does. II. And this is the more striking, because God employed the same inspired writer to give us both, as well as others. After incorporating in June 2021, Fortius Metals raised its first pre-seed round of $1.4 million by the end of August 2021. questioned whether the one was more used in speaking to them than O. T. i. Yesterday I had to say goodbye to my best friend. *To argue against the increase of Israel in Egypt from the data of the Pentateuch is the more unreasonable as the record does not give it as an ordinary ratio, but from the direct blessing of God according to His appearance to the fathers, and the more striking, because He kept them comparatively few till the descent into the house of bondage, and there multiplied them in the face of the hottest persecution long before they were led out in triumph. They began to live as though God was their servant, rather than they were God's servants. What does calamus mean in Hebrew? And I've also heard the groaning of the children of Israel, whom the Egyptians keep in bondage; and I have remembered my covenant ( Exodus 6:4-5 ). After the triumph the children of Israel are led by Moses into the wilderness where there was no water. But there is more than this in the work of Christ which broke the power of Satan, "that by death he might destroy him that had the power of death." Hence it will be found that in the doctrine of the New Testament there is never the allowance of such a thought as that salvation is only the beginning of the blessing. ], "Thus though the name YHWH existed well before the time of Moses, the meaning of that name was not revealed until the time of Moses." It was not enough to be the almighty shield of the children as of the fathers: no matter what their weakness and exposure in the midst of jealous and hostile and wicked Canaanites, He had been the protector of the wandering patriarchs. Now it was undeniable. Commentary, explanation and study verse by verse. What does He Himself delight in? It was under the name Jehovah that God visited Abraham (Genesis 18:13,17). Had one and the same author described this extraordinary food of the Israelites, he would not have presented such varying accounts. . In the former case it would mean "God the Nourisher," and in the latter "God of the Mountain." Exodus 3:3-4. 2. and but comparatively, as some think; that is, he was not so much Josephus F21 says, How many victims fell now! If it is a great thing to enjoy the profit of good company, there is no company or converse like that of God. He begins with this, I am Jehovah, the same with, I am that I am, the fountain of being, and blessedness, and infinite perfection. What does the exodus of Tory MPs mean for Rishi Sunak? But inExodus 3:1; Exodus 3:1, etc., he received it in Midian. In this connection, it should also be noted that the Cross-Reference Bible of 1910 also gave the proper rendition of the key words here (except for the question mark): "Did I not make myself known?"[14]. And I will stretch out my hand, and smite Egypt with all my wonders which I will do in the midst thereof: and after that he will let you go. "Whatever the situation or need (in particular, the redemption from Egypt, but also future needs), God will become the solution to that need." Otherwise, there could have been no point at all in mentioning the names of those patriarchs ten times upon those occasions when Moses was using the name. It does not at once approve itself to our minds as consistent with fact to say that the fathers of the Hebrew people were not acquainted with the divine name Jehovah. Noldium, No. When revealing Himself as Jehovah their God then, He delighted to take a name which in some way linked Himself with His people. Then the LORD said to Moses, "Now you shall see what I will do to Pharaoh. God is content to speak of things as they are without a word on His side to explain or account for it, or in anywise to soften matters for man. Along the sea coast, which would naturally be first inhabited, the period of doubling was about thirty-five years, and in some of the maritime towns the population was absolutely at a stand. Thus, as it is an axiom with these men, that there can be no prediction of events which God alone could foresee, and as this song clearly anticipates what was not realised till the reign of David's son, it must be as late as his days at least; and Exodus 14:1-31 is pronounced to be later still, because the hand of the Jehovist appears in it, not in the fifteenth! Thus in Romans 5:1-21 salvation is very clearly referred to, and put in full contradistinction to what God has wrought for us by the blood of Christ. A God perfecting what he had begun, and finishing his own work. Moses had been trying what he could do, and could effect nothing. Though there can be no stable foundation without the sacrifice of Christ, in itself it does not give, but only lays the basis for, the full blessing of grace in redemption. Jehovah shall reign for ever and ever."*. Dr. D. says (Introd. (1.) It is not merely a good hope of being delivered, but that the person himself by grace has no doubt about it. "So this passage effectively paves the way for the transition from the simple covenant with Abraham to the complex new (Mosaic) covenant with the people as a whole." I feel, "My, they've got a real neat working relationship with the Father".I was with some Italians once in a prayer meeting, and they started saying, "Oh Papa." He gives him further instructions, that both he and the people of Israel might be encouraged to hope for a glorious issue of this affair. What shall man do to us? Thus and thus only was the Israelite to eat of the lamb, sanctified by and to this holy feast, eating of its roast flesh that night and leaving none till the morning, or, if aught remained, burning it with fire. That you might relate to God in the closest kind of intimate relationship as a Father with His child; that you might boldly come into His presence, that you might receive mercy in your time of need.It's funny sometimes when people come into the office to see me. and I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name, Lord , I did not make Myself known to them. Another plague might, if not must, be the destruction of the nation. And thus fittingly He, as Jehovah their God, pledges before them His own unchangeable character to accomplish His promises. If God sent him, what had that to do with the matter? They do not own it themselves; they treat the Master's claims and rights with indifference and contempt, as every unbeliever does. Why? Rest assured, therefore, that I shall bring it to pass. Whenever I hear a person beginning his prayer, "O thou mighty God, creator of the universe," I think, "Well, they really don't have a very close relationship with Him. Is not this literally, Because the (or a) hand (is) on the throne of Jah, war (is) from Jehovah with Amalek from generation to generation? For with a strong hand he will let them go, and with a strong hand he will drive them out of his land." a. This was the more touching, because He knew right well how these very men were about to disgrace Him. No doubt He is sovereign; but for that very reason He is sovereignly wise, and displays Himself invariably in such a sort as is most appropriate to the object in hand. He was surprised by nothing. Great humiliation! 1. It was for the purpose of having the full power of Satan brought out against His people that He might demolish it for ever. So that's just sort of a little throwback to verses twelve and thirteen. 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