2022 Sep 6;13(1):5242. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32789-w. Biophys J. Regarding the mechanism of the second catalytic step, we further compared the structures of IiPLR1_NAP_+PIN, IiPLR1_NAP_-LAR and IiPLR1_NAP_-SEC, which revealed a similar mode for substrate/product binding (Fig. Bradford, M. M. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. 2019 Aug 25;309:108704. doi: 10.1016/j.cbi.2019.06.017. Enzymes facilitate chemical reactions by binding to the reactant molecules, and holding them in such a way as to make the . Biochem. Pinoresinollariciresinol reductases, key to the lignan synthesis in plants. J. Biol. Nevertheless, site-directed mutagenesis carried out in flax indicates that these positions are insufficient to determine enantiospecificity21. GlucD shares more similarities with enolase in terms of the substrate-binding mode, in which the carboxylate group of the substrate is a bidentate ligand to the Mg2+ (Scheme 2). Due to the limitations of the QM/MM methodology, including finite QM region and basis sets, and neglect of entropic effects, we interpret the results in Table 2 qualitatively rather than quantitatively. Different enzymes exhibit different levels of substrate specificity. Following nine rounds of yeast display screening integrated with negative selection, the evolved sortases exhibit specificity changes of up to 51,000-fold, relative to the starting sortase without substantial loss of catalytic activity, and with up to 24-fold specificity for their target substrates, relative to their next most active peptide substrate. Moreover, this work suggests the possibility of using targeted mutagenesis of IiPLR to improve the efficiency of synthesizing bioactive compounds in I. indigotica using gene-editing technologies27,28. Samples were incubated at 30C for 5min (during which substrate consumption was 10%). Biotechnol. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. We emphasize that enzyme substrate specificity is a two parameter (kcat/KM) problem, and computational studies should investigate properties for both steps. Nature Communications (Nat Commun) MajorSharkMaster622. The IiPLR1 mutant V46L had little ability to catalyze the conversion of lariciresinol to secoisolariciresinol. In the present study, we characterized crystal structures of IiPLR1, AtPrR1, and AtPrR2 in complex with their various substrates. See this image and copyright information in PMC. The fact that IiPLR1 can efficiently utilize both pinoresinol and lariciresinol as substrates18 suggests that the biosynthetic efficiency towards the pharmaceutically valuable compound lariciresinol in Radix Isatidis has been hampered by the relatively low substrate specificity of IiPLR1. In addition, PLRs also display substrate stereochemical selectivity, which contributes to the enantiomeric diversity of lignans21,22,23,24. To understand both the catalytic mechanism of PLR and the mechanism underlying the substrate specificity of PLRs/PrRs, we chose IiPLR1, AtPrR1, and AtPrR2 for a structure study. The .gov means its official. Teponno, R. B., Kusari, S. & Spiteller, M. Recent advances in research on lignans and neolignans. Notably, all the IiPLR mutants produced significantly less secoisolariciresinol than wild-type cells, i.e., by 22.752.5%; in particular, IiPLR_V46A produced 46.4% less secoisolariciresinol than wild type (Fig. reactants are being converted to products through the enzyme-substrate complex. 1990 Mar 22;143(2):163-95. doi: 10.1016/s0022-5193(05)80266-8. 5). To quantify this effect, we computed atomic charges derived from electrostatic potentials (ESP), Figure S4. Lin, Q. et al. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Structure-based engineering of substrate specificity for pinoresinol-lariciresinol reductases, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-23095-y. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Although Val46 is unchanged in AtPrR2, the 2-helix and 2 loop from the neighboring protomer move closer to the substrate upon its entry at the catalytic site, further condensing the pocket. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. N-Myristoyltransferases (NMTs) catalyze the N-terminal glycine myristoylation of numerous eukaryotic proteins. Second, pinoresinol binds into one protomer via the substrate-binding groove, and the other protomer of the homodimer helps stabilize the substrate. IiPLR1 plays an important role in the biotechnological production of lariciresinol18, which represents the most important component for the antibacterial, antiviral, and the immune-regulatory effects of the traditional Chinese medicine Radix Isatidis3,25,26. You may switch to Article in classic view. Biochemistry, 34 (1995), pp. Ans 12)One of the most significant features of enzymes is their specificity with respect to the nature of the reaction they catalyse and also in the actual reactant, i.e. The finding that IiPLR1/AtPrRs, which differ in substrate selectivity, are clustered together suggests that substrate specificity is independent of sequence conservation among PLRs/PrRs. Nature 576, 149157 (2019). Therefore, the amino-acid residues responsible for PLR/PrR substrate selectivity are difficult to determine merely through sequence analysis, and thus structural information on PLR/PrR enzymes is vitalas are data concerning how these two enzyme types can utilize two different substrates. 2021 Apr 16;22(8):1347-1356. doi: 10.1002/cbic.202000745. Our study will enable the synthesis of lignans with diverse chemical structures and bioactivities by biotechnological means or by enzyme-assisted chemistry. The conserved GXXGXXG motif is indicated. Council, N. P. Pharmacopoeia of China 2015 Edition. g Enzyme assays for wild-type IiPLR1 and its mutants V46A and V46L. Article Substrate specificity is determined by the size, structure, charges, polarity, and hydrophobicity of the substrate-binding site. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted In most cases, enzyme (in vitro) function prediction problem is equivalent to studying enzyme substrate specificity, where the key is to find a ligand with high kcat/KM values. Here, we present crystal structures of IiPLR1 from Isatis indigotica and pinoresinol reductases (PrRs) AtPrR1 and AtPrR2 from Arabidopsis thaliana, in the apo, substrate-bound and product-bound states. 2013 Aug 20; 52(33): 55115513. 2022 Jan;2(1):2100049. doi: 10.1002/anbr.202100049. Prat-Resina X, Garcia-Viloca M, Gonzalez-Lafont A, Lluch JM. Biotechnol. All primers are listed in Supplementary Table1. Download scientific diagram | Gel-based protease activity assays (zymograms) demonstrating substrate specificity of SAPB enzymes correlated with their relative-activity. After expression and purification of recombinant enzymes under the aforementioned conditions, the results for the enzyme assays for mutants were compared with those for wild-type recombinant IiPLR1, AtPrR1, and AtPrR2 as follows. Besides residues 46 and 98 in IiPLR1 and AtPrRs that we identified as being critical for binding and catalysis, residues Phe166, Tyr169, Phe170, His276, and Phe277 within the substrate-binding groove were also strongly correlated with enhanced substrate binding and catalysis. 2g). Moreover, in Linum usitatissimum PLR1 (LuPLR1), which has strict enantiospecificity for ()-pinoresinol, a leucine residue is deleted as are two other residues on 4 loop (corresponding to the 4 loop of IiPLR1, where Phe94 is located). These results indicate mutant V46A enhances catalytic efficiency for the first reaction but dramatically eliminates the second reaction. The relative movement of dimers between AtPrR2 and IiPLR1 (as suggested by the ~9 shift shown in Fig. Substrate binding and the chemical steps are critical for specificity if product release is not rate-limiting, and kcat/KM is often used to quantify the enzymatic proficiency for a given substrate. Chem. Fan H, Hitchcock DS, Seidel RD, II, Hillerich B, Lin H, Almo SC, Sali A, Shoichet BK, Raushel FM. For example, the digestive enzymes break down the macromolecular food particle into small digestible particles. The full-length IiPLR1/AtPrR1/AtPrR2 were purified as described above and concentrated to 510mgmL1 for crystallization. Enzyme specificity describes the tendency of an enzyme to catalyze a specify biochemical reaction by binding to specific substrate. 6). Who are the experts? Biochemistry. Kinetic studies and homology modeling of a dual-substrate linalool/nerolidol synthase from Plectranthus amboinicus, Thioesterase-mediated side chain transesterification generates potent Gq signaling inhibitor FR900359, Structural basis of the stereoselective formation of the spirooxindole ring in the biosynthesis of citrinadins, Unusual substrate and halide versatility of phenolic halogenase PltM, Towards a general approach for tailoring the hydrophobic binding site of phenylalanine ammonia-lyases, Diene incorporation by a dehydratase domain variant in modular polyketide synthases, Engineering and elucidation of the lipoinitiation process in nonribosomal peptide biosynthesis, Efficient reductive desymmetrization of bulky 1,3-cyclodiketones enabled by structure-guided directed evolution of a carbonyl reductase, Synthetic study of andrastins: stereoselective construction of the BCD-ring system, Description of additional supplementary files, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, Isatis indigotica: from (ethno) botany, biochemistry to synthetic biology, Cancel GraphPad Prism (version 9.1.0) was used for the statistical analysis. RSC Adv. The specificity of an enzyme refers to the selectivity of an enzyme to a substrate. Want to read the entire page. Data are means.d. The crystal structures were captured in the apo, substrate-bound and/or product-bound forms (Table1). e.g. Draw and explain action of enzymes relative to substrate specificity, pH, temp, cofactors, activation energy, binding action and allosteric effectors. which are intimately involved in enzyme activity and substrate specificity, show no . Residues interacting with NADP+ are colored cyan. The most abundant clone from each round was, Substrate specificity profiles of evolved, Substrate specificity profiles of evolved sortases eSrtA(2A-9) and eSrtA(4S-9). Data collections were performed at the BL17U1 and BL19U1 beamline of the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility. One gets the impression that all enzymes act on a single substrate to the exclusion of all others. Epub 2019 Jun 15. 4b). The barrier height for the proton abstraction step is also significant (TS1, 12.9 kcal/mol; Figure 1). Lv, Y., Cheng, X., Du, G., Zhou, J. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2206513119. Recent mechanistic studies indicate t 1993 Apr 27;32(16):4344-8. doi: 10.1021/bi00067a025. b Phylogenetic tree of PLRs/PrRs from different species. For co-crystals, protein was combined with NADP+ at a 1:5 molar ratio, and protein with NADP+ and substrate/product at a 1:5:10 molar ratio. Actually, specificity is a molecular recognition mechanism that works through complementarity in conformation and structure between the enzyme and the substrate. Bookshelf Biochemistry. GlucD, like other acid sugar dehydratases in the superfamily, has high stereospecificity. 3). As a key for a specific lock is determined, the substrate and the active site of, This textbook can be purchased at www.amazon.com. Understanding enzyme specificity at the atomic level is important for enzyme function prediction and redesign of enzymes. Would you like email updates of new search results? The mean amount of residual substrate is indicated relative to the control. (n=3 independent experiments). Accessibility Bookshelf At 9h, 15ml of a culture of E. coli expressing IiPLR1 and each mutant (OD600=20) was added to determine the conversion of pinoresinol to lariciresinol (25C, 220rpm), and samples were taken after 20h. The concentration of each of lariciresinol and secoisolariciresinol was determined by HPLC. Cells were collected, resuspended in buffer A (20mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 100mM NaCl), and lysed with a French press. a Conversion of pinoresinol into lariciresinol and subsequently to secoisolariciresinol. Therefore, combining properties for the substrate-binding step (e.g. The nonsilent mutations in evolved clones are shown relative to eSrtA. A biochemical activity, that is, enzymatic reaction or molecular interaction, frequently involves a molecule, for example, an enzyme, capable of interacting with numerous substrates or partners. Mini Rev. The substrates or products can be clearly defined within the groove (Fig. 2). activation energy) should give more reasonable results in determining whether or not a ligand is a substrate. In conclusion, docking and QM/MM calculations are performed to study the GlucD stereo-specificity at the non-reactive regions. the extent to which an enzyme's activity is restricted to a specific substrate, a specific group of substrate, a specific type of chemical bind, or a specific type of chemical reaction Absolute Specificity Nur Suhanawati Ashaari, Mohd Hairul Ab. This preview shows page 1 out of 1 page. ChemBioChem. E. coli Rosetta (DE3) cells were transformed with purified plasmid DNA and then grown at 37C to an OD600 of 0.8. Unfortunately, we could not obtain sufficient amounts of the enantiomerically pure substrates to carry out the experiments necessary to establish the enantio-selectivity. Assignment of structural transitions during mechanical unwrapping of nucleosomes and their disassembly products. 5 and 6). The phosphatidylcholine-preferring phospholipase C from Bacillus cereus (PLC(Bc)) is a 28.5 kDa enzyme with three zinc ions in its active site. Phytochemistry 54, 115120 (2000). The outer 2-methoxy-phenol group is coordinated by Phe277 and Val46 of 2 loop from a neighboring protomer, which is distant from the NADP+ and (+)-pinoresinol of the protomer (Fig. We found that, for all 16 structures we solved, each enzyme adopts a similar head-to-tail dimer conformation (Fig. Determining substrates can also be a first step toward creating molecules that . Based on the structural analysis of IiPLR1, AtPrR1 and AtPrR2, the importance of the candidate amino acids controlling substrate specificity was verified through site-directed mutagenesis. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help https://secure.wguassessment WGU Go TEST NAME: JE01 25 Which factors favor the deoxygenated form of hemoglobin? Anal Biochem. Article 2015 Nov;1854(11):1729-36. doi: 10.1016/j.bbapap.2015.05.016. Although the identification of transition states remains computationally intensive, we suggest that QM/MM computations on ground states or intermediates can capture aspects of specificity that cannot be obtained using docking or molecular mechanics methods. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. These authors contributed equally: Ying Xiao, Kai Shao, Jingwen Zhou. Site-Specific Protein Labeling and Generation of Defined Ubiquitin-Protein Conjugates Using an Asparaginyl Endopeptidase. PMC Taken together, our results establish a promising route for the production of lariciresinol by synthetic biology strategies, and mutant IiPLR_V46A mutant would be a good candidate for use in the large-scale production of the pharmaceutically valuable compound lariciresinol. All these data provide solid evidence to explore the mechanistic basis of substrate selectivity for PLRs/PrRs. The mRNA was reverse transcribed with oligo dT to generate cDNA as a template for PCR. likely 6 carbon diacid sugar dehydratase), more precise predictions of details such as stereochemistry would of course be preferable. However, some modifications are challenging to control because the relative lack of substrate specificity often generates undesired byproducts. Furthermore, Leu46 (corresponding to Val46 in IiPLR1), His276 and Phe277 of AtPrR1 are positioned similar to the corresponding residues of IiPLR1 to effect substrate binding or product release, except that the 4 loops cover the substrate/product, which are disordered in the IiPLR1 structures (Fig. Compared with wild-type IiPLR118, the activity of mutant V46A towards pinoresinol increases 4-fold, whereas that towards lariciresinol decreases 98% with regard to kcat/Km values. The rate of substrate consumption was calculated for kinetic analysis. & Lewis, N. G. Recombinant pinoresinol-lariciresinol reductases from western red cedar (Thuja plicata) catalyze opposite enantiospecific conversions. Single-site mutagenesis was achieved through one-step PCR, and mutants were verified with Sanger sequencing. Urease acts on urea to degrade It into CO2 and NH3. For determination of Vmax and Km values for IiPLR1_V46A, 10 different concentrations of substrate (pinoresinol or lariciresinol; 5200M) and 1g purified protein were used. 4a), suggesting that residues 46 and 98 are critical for the substrate preference. Xiao, Y. et al. D D66, 213221 (2010). Stereoselective bimolecular phenoxy radical coupling by an auxiliary (dirigent) protein without an active center. Pinoresinol/lariciresinol reductase (PLR), an NADPH-dependent reductase, converts pinoresinol to lariciresinol and subsequently to secoisolariciresinol12. Science 275, 362366 (1997). E. coli strain strOpr2 carrying plasmid pET28a-Prx02-PsVAO was used to produce pinoresinol19, whereas E. coli BL21(DE3) carrying a plasmid encoding IiPLR1 or its mutants was used for conversion of pinoresinol to lariciresinol. Tamura, K. et al. Tongpil, M. et al. . Epub 2021 Feb 3. Source data underlying Fig. Engineered Sortases in Peptide and Protein Chemistry. 2c), among which the GXXGXXG motif (considered as the conserved NADPH-binding motif) binds the phosphate and deoxyribose groups, and residues Ala164, Cys165 together with Phe166 fix the position of the catalytically active nicotinamide group. The dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans including arctigenin, traxillagenin, arctiin, traxillaside, and their glycosides have neuroprotective activities8. Chem. (, Characteristics of evolved sortase enzymes. Adv Nanobiomed Res. This kind of specificity is called group . Garcia-Viloca M, Gonzalez-Lafont A, Lluch JM. The ePub format is best viewed in the iBooks reader. Biochemistry. 57, 331334 (1991). ( A ), Characteristics of evolved sortase enzymes., Characteristics of evolved sortase enzymes. Epub 2011 Jun 22. D D62, 859866 (2006). However, most computational studies have only focused on one of these aspects. Here the enzymes are specific for a bond. Med. For the production of lariciresinol, biotransformation was divided into two modules, namely the accumulation and conversion of the precursor, pinoresinol. A movie showing how the enzymes change conformation throughout a single round of catalysis can be found in Supplementary Movie1. Y.X., K.S., J.Z., W.C., P.Z., and L.Z. 3 and Supplementary Fig. 4a). 4c). Directed evolution of sortase A mutants with altered substrate selectivity profiles. Bond Specificity: It is also called as relative specificity. The specificities of these altered sortases are sufficiently orthogonal to enable the simultaneous conjugation of multiple peptide substrates to their respective targets in a single solution. eCollection 2021 Feb. Knappenberger AJ, Grandhi S, Sheth R, Ahmad MF, Viswanathan R, Harris ME. For example, proteolytic enzymes catalyse. Table 1 shows that docking-based methods do not unambiguously identify glucarate as the correct substrate. 1). sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal The substrate specificity of sortase A is stringent, limiting its broader utility. 1. J Biol Chem. Enzymes are specific for the type of reaction that they catalyze. Haihan et al. In the present work, we compare crystal structures of IiPLR1, AtPrR1, and AtPrR2 and identify residues that may be responsible for the observed substrate selectivity of PLRs and PrRs. 2019 Feb 6;9(9):4700-4721. doi: 10.1039/c8ra06705h. Several residues participating in substrate binding and catalysis were identified either directly or indirectly based on structural analysis, and these residues were validated by enzyme assays. Even if the different scoring functions did generate identical rankings (and even if these were correct), these results alone cannot distinguish between substrates and inhibitors. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Peer review reports are available. M.J.P. Phytochem. Hypothesis about the combination of enzymes and substrates, 1. Hence, the substrate-specificity mechanism of PLRs/PrRs could be that residues located around the substrate-binding pocket and within the loop, together with residues that promote homodimerization, form the appropriate hydrophobic environment for binding a specific substrate. Nat Commun 12, 2828 (2021). Test code JEO1 ? The substrate selectivity of PLRs has attracted considerable attention12. Nowadays, computer simulations of enzyme-ligand systems have become . d Structure comparison of IiPLR1_NAP_+PIN and IiPLR1_NAP. Cite this article. Google Scholar. Correspondence to MassHunter Qualitative Analysis B.06.00 was used for the data analysis. Gulick AM, Hubbard BK, Gerlt JA, Rayment I. Rakus JF, Kalyanaraman C, Federov AA, Federov EV, Mills-Groninger FP, Toro R, Bonanno J, Bain K, Sauder M, Burley SK, Almo SC, Jacobson MP, Gerlt JA. Other AtPrR2 mutants, including V46A, V46L, and N98A, varied in their activities for pinoresinol, as indicated by the relative rates of conversion to lariciresinol (Fig. The selected transitions of m/z were 357151 for pinoresinol, 359329 for lariciresinol, and 361164 for secoisolariciresinol. Each assay mixture was extracted with ethyl acetate (3 300L total). End of preview. The ePub format uses eBook readers, which have several "ease of reading" features 283, 1555015557 (2008). Accessibility Anal. government site. The specificity is actually a molecular recognition mechanism and it operates through the structural and conformational complementarity between enzyme and substrate. FOIA ADS Lei Zhang, Peng Zhang or Wansheng Chen. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. An official website of the United States government. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Quantitative profiling of protease specificity. NADP+ and (+)-pinoresinol are shown as sticks and colored in orange and yellow, respectively. 67 A person is trying to lose weight by choosing low-calorie sources of fat. substrate molecule. Protonation states of H339 and K207 were assigned according to the Michaelis complex for D-glucarate, as the reactive regions of the four ligands in Scheme 1 are identical. The 4 loop of AtPrR1_NAP_+PIN is highlighted in orange. Residue Lys144, which corresponds to the previously reported Lys138 in TpPLR1 that serves as the general base for catalysis, forms direct hydrogen bonds with NADP+ in IiPLR1_apo and IiPLR1_NAP. Catalytic mechanism of GlucD and the structures of the three non-substrates, Relative binding scores of the putative reactive poses of D-glucarate and non-substratesa, Relative Energies of TS1 and TS2 for D-glucarate and three non-substrates, Predicting Enzyme-Substrate Specificity with QM/MM Methods: A Case Study of the Stereo-specificity of D-glucarate Dehydratase, GUID:6AA1B5C9-42DF-43CD-807F-C9B2A937965F, The publisher's final edited version of this article is available at, Enzyme specificity, stereochemistry, enzyme function prediction, QM/MM, MM/GBSA, Relative binding scores of the putative reactive poses of D-glucarate and non-substrates. With altered substrate selectivity profiles these results indicate mutant V46A enhances catalytic efficiency the. Also display substrate stereochemical selectivity, which have several `` ease of reading '' features 283, 1555015557 ( )... Selected transitions of m/z were 357151 for pinoresinol, 359329 for lariciresinol and. 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